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Has anyone switched languages for LC?

  • 22-08-2020 1:22pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23

    Or have I officially gone insane for even considering it?

    I decided to do German after first year instead of French, big mistake because I absolutely hate it. My teacher treats me like ‘“‘Scheisse’”’, I’ve no interest in Germany or it’s culture even after visiting or attempting to watch German shows, all in all worst decision of my life.

    Last year for TY I learned some Italian and it was the opposite, I love it’s culture, history, architecture etc etc and I planned on studying it myself and catching up to Leaving Cert level so I could do it instead of German for LC. The thing is, I was teaching myself and it got too difficult so I eventually gave up. I still love the language, and I’d love to continue learning it in my own time..

    But I’m already doing 8 subjects so it’s stupid to focus time on learning a language when I could be studying an actual LC subject with that time. I could just not do German and do Italian instead despite knowing way less.. but idk if that’s too much of a risk.

    It’s ridiculous to even think of switching, but the thought of going back to school and learning German, and seeing my German teacher makes me want to crawl into a hole and die. It’s genuinely that bad.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,401 ✭✭✭✭rainbowtrout

    Is this 8 subjects including German?

    Do you need the language for points or are you just doing it for entry requirements? Do you need a language at all or is it compulsory in your school to take a language for LC? A lot of courses don't have a language entry requirement.

    The problem with Italian is that only a couple of hundred students do it for LC each year, so even if you were to take it up you might find it difficult to get a teacher to give you grinds.

    I also remember your thread from here recently, and you were on about taking up Art for LC and also Physics or Economics outside school. Taking up lots of new subjects might mean you stretch yourself too thinly.

    If you need a language and don't need it for points you could always take German at OL, or if you get your Italian to a sufficient standard take it at OL, if you can get grinds.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23 tiktoktoegirl

    Is this 8 subjects including German?

    Do you need the language for points or are you just doing it for entry requirements? Do you need a language at all or is it compulsory in your school to take a language for LC? A lot of courses don't have a language entry requirement.

    The problem with Italian is that only a couple of hundred students do it for LC each year, so even if you were to take it up you might find it difficult to get a teacher to give you grinds.

    I also remember your thread from here recently, and you were on about taking up Art for LC and also Physics or Economics outside school. Taking up lots of new subjects might mean you stretch yourself too thinly.

    If you need a language and don't need it for points you could always take German at OL, or if you get your Italian to a sufficient standard take it at OL, if you can get grinds.

    Yes it’s including German. I’m doing Irish at OL, so that leaves me with 7 HL subjects. My plan was continuing doing all those in HL and if I’m struggling with a subject (probably German) I’ll drop down in 6th year and focus on the 6 HL subjects.

    I’m probably not going to switch, it’s just an idea. I honestly can’t stand the thought of doing German for another two years, and it hits harder that during TY I grew to love Italian so much more but unfortunately did not put enough effort to catch up to JC standard. I found it much easier in general, and I didn’t get any grinds and I only got help from my mom (fluent Italian speaker) when I needed it. Even my accent was close to native standard speaking, which is definitely not the case with German. I find German pronunciation so difficult with all their ‘ch’, ‘ig’ and weird r sounds!!

    If I’m actually insane enough to go along with it, if I can switch my German class to Physics (I’ll be doing Physics outside school) and instead get Italian grinds???
