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Extension & Homebond Certificate

  • 23-09-2020 9:36am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4

    Hi All,

    I have recently purchased a 3 bed semidetached which comes with 10 years Homebond Certificate. I'm planning for a small extension to the rear to add an sunroom and a utility room. But I was informed that when any alteration is done to the building the Homebond Certificate is void and doesn't qualify for any claims. Can anyone shed some lights on this...??? Thanks in advance


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 41,104 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gumbo

    Hi All,

    I have recently purchased a 3 bed semidetached which comes with 10 years Homebond Certificate. I'm planning for a small extension to the rear to add an sunroom and a utility room. But I was informed that when any alteration is done to the building the Homebond Certificate is void and doesn't qualify for any claims. Can anyone shed some lights on this...??? Thanks in advance

    Contact home one and ask under what conditions you can extend while
    Keeping the guarantee in place.

    Any advice here will be useless as homebonds clarification is the only thing that matters.
