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Please I need advice !!

  • 21-10-2020 3:50pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    Hi guys, I would love to hear some advice from you as I don’t know where to turn to.
    Ok so I’m 23 and have a 1 year old baby boy, Iv just lost my mum to cancer she was 42 and she was my whole life I quit my job to care for her for the past year and a half all while becoming a new mum! I’m also so glad I did as tough as it was. In the past 6 and a half years iv lost my daughter(to a previous relationship) at birth, my grandmother who was also my everything and a big loss to me, my little 2 year old cousin and now my mother. It’s been pretty ****. I’m now in a unhappy and unhealthy relationship. Iv been with him for the past 5 years, (we had a break for 6 months) The reason we had a break 3 years ago was after the death of my grandmother, he wasn’t supportive, never asked how I was, very selfish, didn’t speak nice to me. Now I feel the same way again, it’s been like this since my mum got sick a year and a half ago. But it’s really getting to me now, I feel like he should be there for me, ask me how I am, make sure I’m ok etc but he doesn’t , all he does is shout at me for stupid things, put me down, gives out about house work not being done and house being a mess, gives out about my parenting, Iv just lost my mother and it hard for me to even get out of bed some mornings. I feeling like this is just too much for me, I have told him how I felt 1000 times he keeps saying things will change and when it comes around to the weekend when he is home nothing ever does. I am a lot happier during the week when he is away at work. But I’m also so so scared to end the relationship. I don’t know if I could handle a break up and loosing my mum all at once, I don’t have a great support system as it is. ? And also just to add when we previously broke up after the death of my grandmother(I ended it) I was deveatated and so heartbroken and really wanted him back, he went back to his ex girlfriend and this just ripped my heart apart. I’m scared to feel like this again. I’m scared I won’t be able to deal with it all again. Especially now after loosing my beautiful mum. But I also can’t listen to the constant putting me down and negativity towards me. My self esteem has gotten so low in the last few years. I’m just feeling very low . Anyone have any advice for me ??? I would love to hear it . Thank you
    Post edited by Shield on


  • Employee Posts: 5,461 ✭✭✭✭✭ Mark Employee

    Hi there,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're going through some very difficult things. The Personal Issues forum can be quite helpful at times like this, so I would encourage you to post there. I would suggest breaking your post into a couple of paragraphs just to make it a little easier for people to read, which will in turn increase the number of users who are likely to offer advice or suggestions.

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