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PW Draft 2021 - Discussion (and sign up) Thread!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭A Brad Maddox Guy

    beakerjoe wrote: »
    Man, just buzzed through your post...those graphics, esp the Sting/Wyatt one.... awesome.

    Best graphics ever.

    Teach me......

    Jeez you weren't kidding, those graphics really are amazing Walt! :eek: The Sting Fiend one is class but what I like most of all is that no matter the generation, the style looks legitimately consistent throughout. Something I found hard to do in past years was incorporate photos of 70s-early 90s wrestlers and still have it look right, particularly trying to stick to similar dimensions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Jeez you weren't kidding, those graphics really are amazing Walt! :eek: The Sting Fiend one is class but what I like most of all is that no matter the generation, the style looks legitimately consistent throughout. Something I found hard to do in past years was incorporate photos of 70s-early 90s wrestlers and still have it look right, particularly trying to stick to similar dimensions.

    I found this hard, even in some cases getting consistency from promotion to promotion (say NJPW to WWE) was tough, but Walt nailed it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    BWA – Preview –
    A nice start with some continuity by drafting Vince and explaining the absence of the Rhodes family be firing them. Logical and effective.

    The drafting of Dana White is a great pick. Vince v White is a no brainer money angle and love the graphics used. Love Vinces lines regarding Lesnar and Punk too, as well as Whites jibes about Riddle and Cain. The drafting choices of MMA stars and wrestlers with MMA background legitimatizes and grows the feud expertly. Great stuff.

    Haku v Shamrock is a good choice of a feud, with Shamrocks moniker and Haku’s legit bad ass reputation.

    Riddle v Barnett is another good logical fit, with their MMA backgrounds and the young lion old lion narrative.

    Booking yourself vs Nagata… I dunno if I fancy your chances hahaha.

    Baszer vs Laycool in triple threat action could be a dark horse for show stealer. Laycool are very under rated and Shayna is a legit bad ass and quite a decent wrestler when not on the main roster. Booking Baszer as the chaser is a smart move.

    NAO vs FTR (or formerly known as FTR) would be a fun feud. NAO are great **** stirrers and they would be great heelish back up (and logically too considering history) to HBK.

    As a match, Prime Michaels heel v face Gargano is a dream match. Gargano is the next Daniel Bryan IMO and its criminal he isn’t main eventing main roster shows already. I can easily imagine HBK begin deemed the chosen one of BWA by Vince n co. Michaels winning in shady circumstances build him up well as a top heel, and lets be straight hes a great cocky heel, best IMO. So your onto a winner with one great heel ever vs one of the best pure underdog good guys ever in Gargano.

    Playing on Garganos childhood hero love was a great move initially, and having Johnny in awe of HBK is believable. Very well written. Having HBK in his ear about his wife was a genius move too. It builds the scene perfectly. The Gargano turn was well written too, all very easy to imagine. An Ironman match (as said to Necro, it’s a fcuking awful match to write) should be fun and look forward to it.

    So you’ve booked a tournie too on top of an Ironman match…. ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF. I love the stip with the IC title…..but Im betting that will lead to another match! Gluten for punishment you are.

    That’s a massive card, I look forward to reading the outcome of all these stories. You’ve a big task, but lets be honest…. You always deliver a high quality standard. Great job BH

  • Registered Users Posts: 303 ✭✭Uncle Walt

    Cheers boys in hindsight i shouldve spent more time on the shows than the graphics but alas next year!

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    BWA – PPV

    I enjoyed how you revealed the final stip of the dumpster match 3rd fall. The match itself would be a great way to launch a PPV, and the NAO going over was a surprise. I did like how Revival lost the straight up wrestling match and NAO lost the hardcore battle, a nice reverse of what a fan would expect. While not expecting NAO to win, the win does solidify them as top heels, esp with the post match attack. Very enjoyable start.

    Ciampa v Kobashi would be a great match in real life. Winning clean would only get Ciampa over further, so good job. Considering the stip later, I expect Ciampa winning and him breaking Garganos heart….. Ooh the suspense. I like how the result furthers Kobashi’s story too.

    The first ever 3 way MMA match is certainly inventive and having Severn going over is a good choice, but I did expect Cian to win because of his start power but it furthers Severn v Cain feud later, so Im good with that outcome.

    Keith Lee winning is a good choice IMO, and I wonder who will progress with himself and Ciampa later. Ciampa and Lee are interwoven nicely into the story already so its logical for either to win the tournament.

    Riddle vs Barnett was very well documented and I think Barnett being the bigger man post match was the right call. The story of the knucks was a very compelling one too.

    Riddle slowly turning face was a good touch and I enjoyed him join Shayna at the end of her match. Whites promo and the added stakes just amp up the drama, good call BH.

    Had no idea how you’d book BH vs Nagata so you had by curiosity BH. Nagata making quick work of you was logical, however part of me wanted to see you squash him.

    Shamrock v Haku just sounds brutal, as you’d expect of these bas asses.

    Sakuraba v Shane was a great read. The faction forming angle was great and the visual of Shane being dragged up the aisle would be so powerful Loved it. Whats their name (for slammy voting purposes).

    Ciampa going over big Keith Lee is massive, hes got the rocket strapped. Clean wins over Kobashi and Lee on the same night would be massive. Great job putting him over. Will he cost Johnny or HBK later?

    Lee turning gives him some character direction and its very logical. Loved his post beat down promo too. All logical and all easy to imagine. Good stuff.

    The “whos the boss” street fight brings images of Tony Danza as special guest ref… I joke.

    Loved Haku’s interference, you’d expect nothing less from McMahon, also loved the fist bite. Gets Haku over more IMO. Riddles turn is now compete and its such a logical direction. A fun match to read as are the others, but this is a step up in terms of quality. Loved it. Very well written, easy to imagine and all fits well with the overall story. Smashing match. Loved the post match interaction with Shawn, gets him over strong before his match.

    Now the big one, an ironman match. I know how much effort are put into writing these matches, they are tough and I know first hand how gruelling writing one is. Its an endurance test for the writer as much as it would be for the competitors in real life, so hats off straight way. Much respect.

    Loved the match. Enjoyed the line about JG unwittingly scouting HBK, such great storytelling. I love that it took 35 mins to get the first fall, as it would in any other normal match. The addition of NAO and The Revival was not over done too, which was a plus considering we already saw an interference heavy bout previously, so good job keeping that to a minimum.

    The ending 20 minutes was a great read and Ive no doubt that this would deliver as a main event. Ciampa was obviously going to pop out but I wasn’t so sure if he was actually going to cash in because you wrote it very well…. But yeah, he did and I was boohooing. Poor Johnny.

    Great PPV, as always. Great running theme and excellent drafting made it all work seamlessly. A front runner to win as expected. Very enjoyable.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Mr Guappa – Preview Show -
    Love the graphics. The mystery silent partner sparks my curiosity immediately . I liked the Hollywood injection, all logical and interesting, turning them into a faction gives the Hollywood Connection logical purpose.

    I loved the outcome of the tournament and I was itching to see how you’d book English v Thesz and how the story develops. I like the idea of the Hollywood Connection ruining the PPV , its fresh and interesting. Hayes vs Miz would be a great feud…. Imagine the duelling promos.

    Again the HC ruin the Womens match too, I am very curious as to what you are building here, so great, compelling stuff here Mr G.

    The reveal of David Arquette was great, very rewarding for the reader as its logical and fresh. His promo explaining his motives was fantastic. Love the set up for the PPV.

    Banks winning the title in that manner makes sense, and I really enjoyed the build so far, the Banks belt was a great touch. Did you make that yourself? Phoenix vs Banks has plenty of heat following the HC’s natics and Beth taking a stand makes sense.

    As does the Trios match, Hayes and his buddies standing up to the self made champs is easy to visualise and I like it a lot. Great use of all involved.

    Batista v Bret is a dream match, and big Dave destroying Brets statue is a great feud arc point. Bret and Daves verbiage is well written and easy to imagine.

    Allin v Darsow feels like a big let down for Allin and I expect him to be featured in more than a preshow match.

    Nattie v Baker is well set up, you have Baker to a tee and shes really gets under Natties skin with a few “home truths” love it. Belittling her dad was also a great move. Plenty of heat in this feud.

    The tag match is well set up too, Anvils motivations to prove himself make this a very interesting bout.

    A great build and I admit, I have no idea where you are going with the main event so, just like a Tony Khan debut tease, you have me on the hook. Im so curious to see what direction you go in. Great job Mr G.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Mr Guappa – PPV show –
    Covid has taken Aiden English out…… where does this leave the show?

    Banks entrance was a nice touch, hamming up the Hollywood entrance. In reality this would be a good match and Banks winning is the right call. Banks cheating to win gives Beth some come back later if you choose to go in that direction. 1-0 to HC

    Love that you didn’t actually air the preshow, but recapped it… nice touch. Glad Allin will feature more and glad you are representing him as a huge fan fav. Will he win the BR and face the champ?

    Glad Baker won, shes far more interesting than Nattie (who I agree has been coasting off her family name in real life).

    Love the side angle now of Bret spreading himself too thin….. Bret being selfish?? Nice writing dude.

    Wont lie, I popped for a live rendition of Badstreet ….fcuk great touch. Loved the ending with how David was all alone with weapon whielding Freebirds, fun finish and a great visual.

    The Battle Royal was well written, and was sad to see the HF team up to take out Allin…. Or so I thought. Very pleased with how Allin went over and it furthers the Batista Hart feud. Great job.

    The night 2 starts with a cool MSG graphic, smooth touch Mr G.

    The tag match was fun and the heel turn was well executed.

    Batista v Bret was epic, esp the spot where Bret attacks the exposed trapped leg of Batista. Very inventive. Love it. Brets doing anything to win attitude was great to read and set the seeds for a future turn, very clever.

    The Main event positioning of Allin was something im very pleased with, a brave move but one I agree with. But man that finish. Allin, finally battles against the odds to win to only have the rug pulled from under him. All making sense and all very well written and now a sinister Hart Foundation emerge…. Take my damn money good sir.

    A great read, particularly the main event. The story interwoven through your shows was brilliant and a write up that, IMO, will be taking home some awards and certainly a contender to win the draft. Very impressive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Cheers for the detailed feedback beaker - much appreciated. Glad you enjoyed my shows. The Women's belt is the NWA Women's belt, to which I made a few 'Boss' style modifications. Spent a fair while trying to make decent graphics, and I may have went a bit overboard with them then once I figured it out :pac:. Although, mine are not a patch on Walt's!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    beakerjoe - Review/Preview show
    You do a great job in getting across the dominance of WALTER. I was shocked with the quick loss he inflicted on Cena in their first meeting. Pairing Cena with Bobby Heenan is just fantastic, and I love the idea of Hollywood Cena - we never got to see a proper heel Cena in WWE, and it could have been epic. Nice use of covid-19 too in keeping WALTER away, really clever use of real-world events. Entourgae is a fitting name for the stable too. This was a really great build for Cena WALTER III, and HIAC is very much justified and appropriate.

    Jake is just brilliant. His promos are great, so well-written and it's easy to visualise him being so calm yet completely menacing. I just love how you have written him. Mox is really well captured too, and the perfect opponent for Jake. I loved the whole build here, and adding Renee was just the cherry on top.

    Very nice introduction to BCW for Ibushi, and then the Ricochet turn is very well-played. His motives are relatable and this will be an in-ring cracker.

    Again, the women's feud is very well done. Bayley is excellent, and Nikki is ideal for the role you gave her. I liked how she resists all the provocation and goading until Bayley takes it too far. Loved the mock interview stuff, and Cena's cameo was a cracker. The Bischoff-style reveal was great.

    I liked the twist with P&P being kicked out of Entourage, and AOP were the ideal replacement. I can see P&P working well in the face role, and there was a nice twist with Paul Ellering showing up as their new manager. Interesting to see how this one will play out.

    The IC feud is well done too, and I like how Cage was inserted into the match. Starks is perfect as the undeserving heel champion ducking opponents and hiding behind his muscle man.

    The Heath Slater Experience. What wonderful nonsense. It's just so much fun. I never even think to do comedy, probably because I'd struggle to make it funny, but this is brilliant. Love the use of Harley Race!

    All your feuds have good depth to them, featuring well-drawn characters with logical, well-explained motives. You've played to everyone's strengths and put together some great pairings that work well off each other. This is what I like in my wrestling. Great booking, looking forward to the PPV.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Cheers for the detailed feedback Mr G., very much appreciated. Glad you enjoyed my shows, though I worry they are a little long. The Heath story is 59 bollox, 41 percent sinpsons quotes. I get real joy in putting my thoughts to keyboard.

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  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,418 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Gonna be sending out the PMs with the voting cards and posting my own feedback in next few days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Necro wrote: »
    Gonna be sending out the PMs with the voting cards and posting my own feedback in next few days.

    Awesome, any new categories?

    Will voting be disclosed after it? As in, will we see who we all voted for?

    Still have some shows to read through, hopefully can start reading again on Tuesday.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,418 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    beakerjoe wrote: »
    Awesome, any new categories?

    Will voting be disclosed after it? As in, will we see who we all voted for?

    Still have some shows to read through, hopefully can start reading again on Tuesday.

    I'll have the voting on a spreadsheet so can be released no issues if people would like that.

    I hadn't thought of any new categories, but here's a brief rundown, if you think anything needs to be added feel free to let me know.

    So Slammy Categories - pick your top 3 in each:
    The Best There Is, Was, Or Ever Will Be (Superstar of the Year)

    The Cenation Award (Face of the Year)

    The Bad Guy (Heel of the Year)

    The Wrestling Observer Feud of the Year (Feud of the Year)

    The Meltzer Seven Star Award (Match of the Year)

    The What A Rush Award (Tag Team of the Year)

    The Authority Award (Faction of the Year)

    The Professional Talent Spotter (Draft Pick of the Year)

    The Indie Talent Spotter (Under-Rated Draft Pick of the Year)

    The Santina Marella Moment (LOL Moment of the Year)

    The Performance Centre Up and Comer (Best Draft Newcomer of the Year)

    The Kevin Federline Award (Celebrity Pick of the Year)

    The Barbershop Window Moment (OMG Moment of the Year)

    And then our main categories:
    Best Roster - pick your top 10 in ranked order from the 20 available

    Best Write-Ups - pick your top 10 in ranked order from the 13 available

    Best Overall - pick your top 10 in ranked order from the 13 available (only players who submitted write-ups are eligible for the main prize)

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    I have a think about categories..... maybe a best male and best female catogory?

    Cheers Necro, really appreciate all the effort you put in. Without, it be dead and you certainly reinvigorated my interest last year when my motivation was waning. So big thank you.

    I love the draft, love imagining storylines and mapping them out. Love seeing what others do to and how they envision it all.

    Really glad I took part this year and happy with how my shows rurned out.

    I would prefer the 4 shows and 1 ppv format to return, however Im happy and content with the current format.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,707 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Gonna do my best to get through everyones shows and vote, time is limited plus WWE werewolf being put together during that limited time but I'm pretty sure I can get there. Might not give as good feedback as Joe did however. Cheers BJ much appreciated and with 1mins thought to answer your question about the faction, I am going to go with The Honjō.

    Coming from The Honjō Masamune which represented the Tokugawa shogunate during most of the Edo period and was passed down from one shōgun to another. It is one of the best known of the swords created by Masamune and is believed to be among the finest Japanese swords ever made. No doubt they will have some promo where they talk about themselves as the blade that will cut through the BS in the BWA and return honor to Pro Wrestling etc

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,418 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    I too prefer the 4 shows and a PPV format but I would be worried it might further discourage people from entering shows. We had 13 submissions this year but some were pushed for time even with the shortened format, I'm trying to think of ways to seperate out the write up section so those who love the write-ups don't feel as constrained.

    Maybe an E-Fed competition seperate to the Draft? So the Draft becomes simply, draft your dream roster.

    Then the E-Fed contest is where you get to play creator, using your roster from the draft you book your road to your brands version of Mania in X amount of shows.

    There's some hugely creative people involved in the draft even at a slight glance and I'd love to let people loose on longer shows etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭Mr. Guappa

    Can i query the distinction between the Best Write-ups and Best Overall awards? To me, it's one and the same, Best write-ups = Best overall = draft winner?

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Necro wrote: »
    I too prefer the 4 shows and a PPV format but I would be worried it might further discourage people from entering shows. We had 13 submissions this year but some were pushed for time even with the shortened format, I'm trying to think of ways to seperate out the write up section so those who love the write-ups don't feel as constrained.

    Maybe an E-Fed competition seperate to the Draft? So the Draft becomes simply, draft your dream roster.

    Then the E-Fed contest is where you get to play creator, using your roster from the draft you book your road to your brands version of Mania in X amount of shows.

    Yeah, thats it I wouldnt want to alienate others from taking part, hence why Id prefer 4 shows plus PPV but Im happy with the current format if it means more participants

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Mr. Guappa wrote: »
    Can i query the distinction between the Best Write-ups and Best Overall awards? To me, it's one and the same, Best write-ups = Best overall = draft winner?

    They usually are one in the same, I believe they can be amalgamated into one. Mostly the winner if write ups wins the best overall winner, however its not always the case.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,179 ✭✭✭The White Wolf

    I've a spreadsheet prepared so I plan on going through the writes ups this weekend.

    Good experience anyway for the first time. I had half my card written early on but I wasn't sure on the format, so I felt what I was doing was too long. That's why I gave up but then Beaker Joe's encouraging words forced me to finish it off.

    So all I could do was continue the card in the vein it started which was way too long, but I can see that wasn't necessary. I'll definitely be up for it again now I know what's needed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    I've a spreadsheet prepared so I plan on going through the writes ups this weekend.

    Good experience anyway for the first time. I had half my card written early on but I wasn't sure on the format, so I felt what I was doing was too long. That's why I gave up but then Beaker Joe's encouraging words forced me to finish it off.

    So all I could do was continue the card in the vein it started which was way too long, but I can see that wasn't necessary. I'll definitely be up for it again now I know what's needed.

    I dunno about you WW, but reading the shows drew me in I read MNGs Del Rio v Flair show years back and I loved everything about it. The fantasy booking, the descriptive writting bringing characters life and the god honest original situations and swerves. It grabbed me by the balls. While I love writing my own, reading others work is so rewarding.

    I would be disappointed had you not at least provided clairty of your PPV and outcomes , because I enjoyed your preview shoe. I wanna know who the mystery person is.... will they get the tag gold.... how will Sherry and Rectify fair.... how will you book Austin v Page.... what curveballs can I predict or be surprised by.... its just genuinely enjoyable.

    I dont know how you have entered your PPV entry, I havent read it yet, but Im sure it will be perfectly entertaining. Delighted you and others entered a show at the last. Glad to see I wasnt the only scrambling at the last weekend.

    Damn my tendency to leave things to the last minute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 86,243 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    I hope to get reading and feedback up before Friday the 9th, looking forward to it actually

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,588 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy


    Yadiel Teeny Logging -
    There's a 90s style vibe from your roster which appeals to me. I liked Kane getting the dominant win, and was pleased Fatu went over in his match. Dusty and Rude would be a classic encounter. Hokuto and Lita would be a strong women's match too. Taker getting the big win sends the fans home happy. Nicely done, and I'd be a very happy wrestling fan with a show like this.

    Uncle Walt -
    Strong women's match to open the show, followed by what would be a high-flying classic. Enjoyed the Sheik's win and you have his promo style down perfectly. Covington would be a great heat magnet. I liked Bruno getting the win. Cornette up against Khan would be something I'd pay to watch. Fiend and Sting would play off each other well and I think you booked the ending correctly. Savage and Eddie would be unmissable. Covington added into the equation sets things up for a lot of buzz. Great event and as others said, the presentation with the graphics was top notch.

    ABMG -
    The main event was well laid out and I liked how you delved into the back story of Bryan's history with Triple H. I could picture the crowd being frantic with the Yes and No chants. I liked the way you booked the ending, and I thought the booking throughout the card made sense. The Battle of the Crazies was another highlight for me. I reckon Victoria and AJ would work really well together. Van Dam and Rhyno would be another great bout. Great job.

    brianregan -
    What a war to start the show off. I think Lashley winning makes sense and he's got a lot of momentum right now. Jarrett and Vampiro would be intense and Vampiro gets a big boost from the result. Good use of your celebrity with Rourke getting the win. Triple H vs Cody would be a big one and I liked the big turnbuckle pedigree. Cody would still get a lot of sympathy coming out of it. I don't know who Max Caster is as I try to avoid the current stuff so I was wondering if you were going to give him a big win, but I think the way you ended it was the right call. A strong show that would deliver for the paying fans.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,418 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    The White Wolf Preview Show:
    Austin Vs Page really stands out as top of the card feud. Much like my own main event I feel this is pushing a current mid-carder, strapping the rocket to them using some real-life differences/similarities and making gold out of it. Looking forward to the outcome.
    Also really like the splitting of American Alpha, I was interested in you drafting them so early and your plans for them, and it's a nice move.
    The Pillman madness between Junior and Senior with Nick Aldis and on the other side is fun too, particularly like the mystery partner idea.

    Really enjoying this and looking forward to the main show.


    Moose as the mystery partner is great, top match for the titles. I like how much effort you put into the matches themselves, I'd be of a similar vintage that way.
    Enjoyed the Boiler Room Brawl too, stands out as different from the rest of the matches on the card.
    Loved the finish as well to Jordan and Gable, gives a real opportunity for a rematch with Jordan taking too much damage to his arm and the clever shift by Gable. Sherri is just brilliant too, you've written her very well.
    Real shades of Rock VS Austin 3 for your main event. How much it took to put Austin down really sells both men as badasses, then you have the show of respect at the end and the 'passing of the torch' moment. All in all very good, I think the three matches I mention stand out the most for me. Hopefully you'll come back next year and give it another go!

    JP Liz - WrestleMayhem
    The updates were interesting with Ted being broke and kicked out of the LWE, I was wondering where you were going with it.
    Inoki making Ted his servant is the right call, enjoyed that.
    Very enjoyable matches on the card and the final one, an Ironman match would tear the house down in Croker. Right move putting Balor over in front of his hometown crowd, and Rocky endearing himself to the Irish by shaking hands at the end.
    You always have a lot of fun with your writeups and this year is no different, thank you for entering

    H2D - Tir Na nOg
    It's a shame you didn't get to flesh out your feuds a bit, or even the main card.
    The O'Connell Street Fight was ingenious and would have loved to see it in more detail. Loved your hard hitting roster of behemoths anyways mind, I did something similar with the big dudes a couple of years back and just loved it.
    Hopefully you'll be back as well next year and maybe we will get a fleshed out O'Connell Street fight in another form

    A Brad Maddox Guy - WrestleRama VIII

    8 years, wowsers. That's some amount of drafting and I always enjoy your entries. The main event is incredible and Bryan finally getting his moment is the absolute right call. And with guys like Okada (initially), Goldberg and even Benoit waiting in the wings it would make for huge matches.
    The rest of your card was solid too, AJ and Victoria a really good bout and I loved the Ryback/Maddox interaction and match.

    Uncle Walt - Mayhem Rising

    Graphics are top notch. Seriously good. Delighted you got some work in, really enjoyed it. Loved the match selections too, Taz and Colby very understated but would be a barn burner. Ditto with Bruno and Warrior.
    Sting and The Fiend is just take my money, the match very well written too.
    Eddie winning the main event makes sense especially with the move to push Colby as his next challenger. The whole Trumpist vibe and pushing Eddie (I can imagine) as an illegal etc it would garner insane heat. Great stuff all in all and glad you're back for this year!

    brianregan09 - RCW Infusion
    Top of your card is brilliant, diverging away from what I expected might be Cody VS HHH - we get that but you're right that it doesn't need the title. Vampiro and Jarret is an intriguing one too, didn't see that match coming so looking forward to the PPV
    Jarret tapping out to the Figure Four was interesting, I expected that match to go the other way so was a shock to me. Nice visual at the end though.
    The top rope pedigree - dear jebus! What a war between HHH and Cody and loved the nastiness of HHH at the end, that's him as a character perfectly written.
    Max Caster winning the Golden Ticket and then losing in the main event is more good writing. Omega going over definitely the right call but you would have people on the edge of their seats with Caster injecting himself into the match. Always enjoy your cards and this year is no different, well done.

    paulie21 - Pauliemania IV
    Feels like there was more pauliemanias? Maybe I'm wrong! Elimination Chamber as your main event is so different to the rest of the cards, I really liked seeing the build up to it with all the various matches.
    Harlem Heat and Street Profits feels like a natural feud and would be good fun.
    Not only do you have an Elimination Chamber, but a 6 man ladder match, wowza! Simmons winning is great, I had my eye on him myself this year so delighted to see him booked strongly.
    Shocking ending to your PPV, I was wondering where Sandow had gone in all the mix and Jonny Ace clocking Orton for Sandow to take the win would garner massive heat. Would be a great ending to a top show.
    Again thanks for entering and as always enjoyed reading your shows.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,418 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    wrestlemaniac: MWF All Or Nothing
    Edge VS Matt Hardy always gets my attention because of the personal issues. Edge getting the win there definitely makes sense, and Kennedy trying to steal his slot is a clever move but again he gets past him. Very clever.
    Hall and Hennig, again I think the right person won, setting up a big finale.
    Loved the intergender battle. Tessa getting the win there would put her over as a big threat. Shame about her RL issues as she's really talented.
    And in the final I think you make the right call given Edge has gone through his third match. Perfect getting a World Title would be a huge moment too. Very well written, hopefully we see more from you next year

    Mr. Guappa - GWA Eruption
    Firstly, Love, Love, LOVE GWA Hollywood as a faction, it fits the roster you drafted very well.
    Sasha is a great heel, and beating Phoenix with the use of the knucks is perfect for her character, really enjoyed this bout.
    Building up Darby having taken him out of the main event initially is great writing, I'm liking where this is going.
    You have a very strong roster of female talent and again here, the right person won in the Natalya VS Britt match. Making her tap out is a big deal for Britt and would put her over in a big way.
    Loved Arquette getting his comeuppance in the Trios match, the Freebirds getting the win was great to tie the series.
    And Darby gets his shot, yes this is excellent. Love the Dave interference, Hollywood Batista is brilliant.
    The Neidhart turn on Funaki was well written, I didn't see it coming till when it happened which is always a sign of good writing.
    The steel cage match was my favourite of the event, Bret going crazy on Batista's legs was great and just was an overall well written bout. Kudos on that. You can picture Bret's frustration having lost his chance to compete for the belt.
    Thesz through the draft in the past few years was one of my favourite to write for, and you absolutely do him justice in the main event but the fan favourite getting the win at the end was absolutely the correct call. Bret's interjection and quick removal of the title from Allin was brilliant too, now you have a massive heel in Bret with the belt for Allin to chase, with Thesz waiting in the wings as well.
    Really enjoyed all of your show and glad to have you back this year, your writing is always top notch and this could be your year based off those shows.

    BH - Wrestlepalooza
    Love the New Age Outlaws, I've had them a few times myself and are always great to write for. Getting the win here and disposing of the Revival in the vicious way they did was great.
    Ciampa getting a huge clean win was awesome too, initially I thought you might go with a triple threat with him, Gargano and HBK but like how you have done this and split them here.
    I feel like the right call was made in the Triple Threat match. Not gone on Del Rio anyways and Velasquez always seems to be injured so giving the win to the steady hand in Severn and with his interview afterwards was the right call. Cain saves face whilst Del Rio takes the pin.. well submission in this case.
    Your usual Japan draftees both losing? I am taking crazy pills? Haha just kidding, Lee getting a big win here too which makes sense.
    I'm not gone on Riddle from his current persona on Raw but I think you made the right call here as he's a the bigger name arguably. The show of respect at the end was good too, I like how you have the interviewer catching people after their matches.
    Delighted Baszler got the win here, after what Laycool put her through it was the right call.
    Haha love the BH entry (and quick finish)
    Haku winning surprised me, I do like Shamrock but in the context of your booking Haku winning makes more sense.
    Loved the Japanese stable forming and absolutely destroying Shane O Mac.
    Ciampa beats Lee in a slobberknocker which is my fave match (so far anyways). Lee's reaction as well just makes things even better.
    So much going on in the Vince/Dana battle and I actually thought Vince would get another huge win at Wrestlepalooza but I think Dana giving him his long deserved comeuppance is the right call. Frees you up to move in a different direction if you like next year, but also gives you options going forward for continuity.
    I'll echo what beaker said about the Iron Man match, it takes a lot of effort and commitment to pull one off, especially one where the first fall doesn't happen for 30 minutes or so. Loved the ending to it with HBK trying desperately to hold on but unable to do so....
    And Ciampa intervenes to ruin Johnny's moment. I wasn't sure if you'd do it, definitely makes sense given their history though. Like I said with Mr. Guappa - it gives you a big heel champ to be chased by a couple of options, Johnny in the short term and possibly Keith Lee in the medium term too. Riddle has been built nicely on your roster too so you have loads of options.
    You always deliver with your shows, even when you are pushed for time. Really enjoyed the read, and as always you're definitely going to be in the mix for the title. Great stuff BH.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,418 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    MNG - Grapplemania
    Build up show was great, initially I thought you might go the Lesnar/Hardy way that I decided against last year but Tyson and Lesnar is a money match. Steamboat and Hardy will have a great battle too for the world title.
    Love heel Superstar beating Ventura, absolutely the right decision too as Ventura would be better in the GM role than becoming a part of the roster. He gets one of those retirement moments too out of it which would pop the crowd.
    I agree with you on the Finlay/Shibata match, it really stands out as hard hitting and the finish gives Finlay a way to have a second crack at the new champ.
    The Von Erichs/WGTT match was just great, I loved how you did the finish with the distraction. Benjamin/Haas staying together was absolutely the right call and gives you a possible breakout moment for heel Kerry down the line.
    Loved the young lioness in Storm taking out the old one in James, again I'd agree with the booking of it and the show of respect in the end was well done. With Molly Holly in the background and a potential James rematch Storm has plenty of options.
    I mean you have some array of tag team talent on the roster. Road Warriors, Steiners, Von Erichs, WGTT - this was the right match though and The Steiners having their reign ended at the very place they won the titles a year prior is just great writing, as always.
    The World Title match was just great, you have a guy who has never been heel in his life turning to cost a guy who was essentially a rockstar in his prime. It's just phenonemal booking and storytelling. I love writing for Jeff because he's the perfect guy in a lot of ways for a number of different stories - redemption, underdog, screwed over, etc. Steamboat turning and keeping the belt is so well done. Love it.
    The main event is just all kinds of brilliant, you have Tyson biting Brock's ear and nearly knocking him out cold on a few occasions, ditto with Lesnar getting the upper hand at times. Admittedly I wasn't sure about this idea when I first saw it, mainly because I had a lot of issues with writing my Rampage/Shamrock match a year or two back but you've pulled it off and then some.
    Lesnar winning - absolutely the right call, and Tyson has some mitigation to set up a huge rematch.
    Overall this is, again like I said with BH and Mr. Guappa - top notch as always. It's going to be very hard to pick a winner this year I think but you're always going to be a contender because the writing is so strong and your rosters are so diverse. Well done again and thank you for playing.

    beakerjoe - BCW Ultimate Chaos
    Loved the whole Slater and Adam Rose build, I can see now why you had Honky Tonk Man earmarked. The Jake/Moxley feud is just *chef's kiss* I love when personal lives get dragged into pro wrestling in a logical way and you've written it so well.
    Hollywood Cena is very clever, especially after having WALTER (who for the second year you have booked like an absolute monster) run through him so quickly initially. Having the final chapter of their saga at the biggest show of them all is again, great storytelling and I'm looking forward to see how it plays out.
    Have to say, I did not see AOP getting beat in your first match of the PPV - me likey that there's going to be surprise results already!
    'The Bock' costing Cage the IC title in the ladder match was great, you do a couple of things with it - put over Cage as a face, solidify Starks as a big time heel with a big win - all without massively affecting Heenan's stable (minor personnel change is all). Great booking.
    Love the backstage attack on Mox as well, stacking the odds against him.
    Bayley beating Brie, again the right call. She can fire off back into retirement with Bayley getting huge bragging rights going forward to continue her heel push. I agree with you, Bayley is just great as a heel and goes from strength to strength off this feud.
    The half time show did exactly what it was meant to do, broke up the seriousness of the battles and gave a cool comedy slot to Heath and Elias. Enjoyed the Simpsons quotes throughout too, particularly the coyote stuff in the desert in the preview.
    Heel Ricochet would be money in WWE, particularly if they gave him a manager. His persona and in ring style could lead to some great arrogance like you've portrayed here. Ibushi getting the win was correct though, something to keep the fans happy in between all the baddies taking wins
    Well, the unsanctioned match was exactly what I expected, an absolute war between two guys who can go. Loved all the foreign objects being used such as the glass, even though it made me cringe (I used it myself and had to type it with one hand with the other covering my face lol) The lights going out give Jake a legit gripe as well going forward, I have a feeling if the BCW was a real fed this one would be far from over.
    And we go straight into a straight up war between WALTER and Cena. I loved it tbh, again another brutal encounter and it seems Cena is about to get his comeuppance but WALTER gets screwed again.
    Like I said about the Starks stuff, you've set up so many angles from this one match. Moxley turning heel, but regretfully. WALTER would be on a warpath to both gain revenge on Mox and regain the title Cena stole from him. On top of that you come off your big PPV with a load of different challengers going forward for Cena. It's fantastic writing, kudos.
    Overall this was great, I think this was my favourite write up of yours since you had the Flair/Cesaro saga a few years back. Another who is always up amongst the contenders and has a real shot at the title again this year.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,418 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    I think that's everyone covered with feedback. Reminder to get your votes in before this weekend folks. If people need the weekend to finish the reading that's fine, we can do the Slammies the weekend after Mania if necessary (I'm tied up with another project next week so likely won't have time before then if not this weekend)

  • Registered Users Posts: 86,243 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Necro wrote: »
    I think that's everyone covered with feedback. Reminder to get your votes in before this weekend folks. If people need the weekend to finish the reading that's fine, we can do the Slammies the weekend after Mania if necessary (I'm tied up with another project next week so likely won't have time before then if not this weekend)

    I'd appreciate an extension please as boards is acting up for me again on the laptop :( so I may be late getting my votes in at the weekend as trying to read all

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,588 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Wouldn't mind an extension either.

    Some more feedback:

    paulie -
    The preview show did a good job of explaining the feuds for the PPV. The qualifying matches for the Chamber is a great idea.

    pauliemania IV kicks off with a big opening match. I think the fans would like Drew getting the win. Booker and Jericho each getting their wins was the right call. Sandow gets a lot of heat with this win. I liked Orton winning with the RKO. Henry vs Yokozuna would be a slobberknocker and I was pleased Yoko got his arm raised in the end. Harlem Heat and Belair winning was booked well too. Simmons winning would be a great emotional moment. Very good story told there for him. Main event was a great read and I loved the mid air RKO on the lionsault spot. Sandow gets the biggest win of his career and plenty of possibilities going forward. Great write-up.

    wrestlemaniac -
    Big fan of the four guys going for the World Title, so I was pleased to see them get the spotlight. I like the Samoan heritage storyline for the tag titles. Clever use of Trump, associating him with The Government group. The Intergender title is a cool idea. Reinventing Barrett as 'Fake News' is fantastic.

    Strong start to MWF All or Nothing and I liked the Umaga turn. Him and Joe together is a great prospect. The Government getting the win over the Mexicools makes sense and would get a lot of heat. Edge advancing to the final was well done. I was wondering would Kennedy take his spot but was pleased Edge pulled off the win. Hennig and Hall would have a classic and good to see Hennig in the final. You wrote the Intergender match really well and Ross clobbering Trump would be one of the pops of the night. Hennig getting the win would be a great emotional ending to the night. Great job.

    Liz -
    I like the story of Dibiase's problems, and you're using your celeb pick of McConaughey very well. It should help Morrison to be associated with him.

    Big match to open WrestleMayhem and I liked Vickie trying to sit beside McConaughey. I like the idea of her trying to get in his good books. Dibiase as Inoki's servant would be great fun. Devlin winning would be a big hit with the fans and gives him a big career boost. Lacey also gets a great career moment and Morrison's win would get a lot of mainstream buzz with McConaughey cheering him on. I liked the booking of the tag title bout and Ted stealing the win. The main event was well done and McConaughey's actions were a great twist that I didn't see coming. I enjoyed Finn winning fair and square and earning the respect of The Rock. Great write-up. You always seem to use your celeb pick perfectly.

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  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,418 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Grand stuff we'll go with a one week extension, get votes in by Friday week 16th April and reveal will be sometime over the following week. Gives everyone a chance to get the reading done.
