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Induction at 41 weeks, feeling guilty.

  • 06-01-2021 11:28am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 57 ✭✭

    Hi there. I’m due to be induced tomorrow, which is bang on 41 weeks. I had been struggling with pregnancy for the last month as I just wanted to meet our little baby, no health concerns as such but I did develop a kidney issue in the last few days.

    Can’t help but feel a bit guilty about the whole thing. Baby is in a good position, didn’t seem to be getting any regular contractions so I’m concerned that maybe they aren’t ready to come out? I’ve been told that the risk of leaving them in past 42 weeks is higher. I feel a little sad that I can’t just power through the next week to wait and see what happens to her. Did anyone else go through something similar?

    Thanks, GE


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78 ✭✭McCloskey_A

    I wouldn’t be feeling guilty you’ve done so well to get to 41 weeks - it’s hard!!
    Was induced on my 2.5yo at 40.6 weeks - no medical reasons, she just didn’t seem to want to make an appearance
    Induced on my second (12weeks now) at 38.5 weeks ( was given the option as baby was good size and I was just wrecked running after the toddler and very little sleep!)
    Very different experiences but was glad I had both babies when I did
    Best of luck x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 57 ✭✭greenexile

    I wouldn’t be feeling guilty you’ve done so well to get to 41 weeks - it’s hard!!
    Was induced on my 2.5yo at 40.6 weeks - no medical reasons, she just didn’t seem to want to make an appearance
    Induced on my second (12weeks now) at 38.5 weeks ( was given the option as baby was good size and I was just wrecked running after the toddler and very little sleep!)
    Very different experiences but was glad I had both babies when I did
    Best of luck x

    Thank you so much. I’ve been second guessing half all day about this. I appreciate you taking the time to reply with your story. Best of luck and health to you and your little ones. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78 ✭✭McCloskey_A

    greenexile wrote: »
    Thank you so much. I’ve been second guessing half all day about this. I appreciate you taking the time to reply with your story. Best of luck and health to you and your little ones. :)

    Thank you 😊 best of luck tomorrow ! - be prepared for a long day,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting please don’t feel guilty, it’s such a wasted emotion that spoils your enjoyment of what’s going on around you. As a mother, you will be expected to feel guilty about everything and,if you let it, it can take over your life. And it’s a shame because it’s usually over little things that don’t matter. Remember no one knows your family or circumstances better than you.

    I was induced with both my children and it was the right call. Best of luck today,I hope it all goes well and congratulations on the new baby.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,023 ✭✭✭Gruffalux

    Don't feel guilty. Do what feels best for you.
    My second was induced when overdue. I found it a tough labour as there was no build up, so to speak. But we got there in the end.
    When the next went overdue they wanted to induce. I refused. At 43 weeks my doctor told me he would take me off his books. I still refused as I felt fine and baby was fine from heart beat monitors. The baby came very easily at end of 43rd week, a big fat lump of 11 pounds with long hair and fingernails - had just been enjoying the warm dark lazy float too much to come.
    Do what you feel best having had baby monitored. Either works if baby is well and what you want is baby safely with you in the end.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 57 ✭✭greenexile

    I had two inductions due to gestational diabetes so one baby was 4 days early and one was ten days early. I felt guilty a few months prior to delivery but the closer I got to 40 weeks, the more I wanted the pregnancies to be over so you are doing AMAZING to want to hold on. With one baby, I was given the pessary thing and my waters broke on their own and my last baby, I needed my waters broken. Both were fine, healthy babies and although I needed a little assistance delivering, the induction process was fine (but long!). The doctors do this ALL the time so are only doing this to keep you and baby safe and well.

    Thank you for your reply, I spoke to the midwife about my concerns and she was quite reassuring so I’ve gone ahead with it (pessary yoke in and all). I’m back at home now so will try rest and potter around. Best of luck to you and yours. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 57 ✭✭greenexile

    Gruffalux wrote: »
    Don't feel guilty. Do what feels best for you.
    My second was induced when overdue. I found it a tough labour as there was no build up, so to speak. But we got there in the end.
    When the next went overdue they wanted to induce. I refused. At 43 weeks my doctor told me he would take me off his books. I still refused as I felt fine and baby was fine from heart beat monitors. The baby came very easily at end of 43rd week, a big fat lump of 11 pounds with long hair and fingernails - had just been enjoying the warm dark lazy float too much to come.
    Do what you feel best having had baby monitored. Either works if baby is well and what you want is baby safely with you in the end.

    Thank you very much, fair play for sticking to your guns with that feeling that you are doing right by you and the baby. It can be hard when you’re put under pressure by medical staff so I respect that. I’m under no illusions that it will be long and difficult, not sure how prepared I am but I’ve started it anyway so no turning back. :) thanks again and good luck to you and the fam.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 57 ✭✭greenexile

    eviltwin wrote: »
    Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting please don’t feel guilty, it’s such a wasted emotion that spoils your enjoyment of what’s going on around you. As a mother, you will be expected to feel guilty about everything and,if you let it, it can take over your life. And it’s a shame because it’s usually over little things that don’t matter. Remember no one knows your family or circumstances better than you.

    I was induced with both my children and it was the right call. Best of luck today,I hope it all goes well and congratulations on the new baby.

    Thank you for the reply, FTM here so I’m a bundle of confusion. :) I agree about what you said about guilt, it’s so intrusive and unnecessary. :(

    Best of luck to you and your family. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,023 ✭✭✭Gruffalux

    greenexile wrote: »
    Thank you very much, fair play for sticking to your guns with that feeling that you are doing right by you and the baby. It can be hard when you’re put under pressure by medical staff so I respect that. I’m under no illusions that it will be long and difficult, not sure how prepared I am but I’ve started it anyway so no turning back. :) thanks again and good luck to you and the fam.

    Best of luck! Exciting times :)

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 6,915 Mod ✭✭✭✭shesty

    Oh don't feel guilty!There is loads more in parenting to feel guilty about, save it for the next few years.My second, I had a sweep at 41 weeks and she hung on in there grimly til 42 weeks, contractions started about 4 hours before induction was due.And the third, sweep at 41 weeks, labour that night.You really just want them out at that stage and there would be some concerns about the function of the placenta as it goes past 40 weeks for some women.I hope it all goes really well and you get to meet your bundle of joy soon!!!

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