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2020 officially saw a record number of $1 billion weather and climate disasters.



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    The CEO of that company seems to have left his job as a lawyer in 2018 to set up that company, going by his LinkedIn profile. Must be really lucrative business, carbon credits. They can afford to pay to get the company listed first in the Google search too. We're in the wrong business.

    Ryanair have on their website the "climate charities" that benefit from the voluntary carbon offsets.

    They've raised €3.5M to date. One charity buys cooking stoves for families in Uganda. Yes, because those damn carbon-neutral campfires that currently burn wood and recycle that carbon back into the air from whence it came just really are a global nuisance.

    As is the lack of clean drinking water in Malawi, which is why Ryanair has teamed up with Shell (there they are again) to build boreholes instead of using to wood to boil water.

    Why are these African countries being blamed for emissions by burning wood? Clean drinking water is great, but is this the only thing these charities are working on? They're choosing the easy fix rather than taking on the big polluters. Easy money for these charities, who I presume, like many other charities, pay CEOs. No thank you. I've done my fair share of monthly direct debits to multiple charities over the years but no more, after seeing the salaries some of these guys are on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    Here is more information on what you call Allegations as if Ive committed Regicide or something, I just call them statements.

    1. Something similar happened to Mars.

    If you bothered to notice I was remarking on a post by GL, which is actually directly above mine. In which GL states, "we're losing atmospheric oxygen at a rate of 4 ppm per year" Did I repudiate the validity of his statement, no I did not.

    • So what did happen to Mars

    NASA wanted to find this out too so the sent a survey mission to Mars, known as MAVEN, to try to get some answers. They concluded that a process called atmospheric escape, involving ions and solar winds and what not, over millions and millions of years caused the important parts martian atmosphere, ie the H in H2O to essentially leak out into space. They got loads of data and papers and data were published in several journals here's a link,

    Now Earth has an atmosphere and it with it comes the ability to retain heat known as the greenhouse affect. As Mars lost it atmosphere this greenhouse affect disappeared, which means that Mars now only gets to around 20 degrees in the day and plummets to -150 or something at night. NASA determined that whatever water was on Mars either escaped into the space or froze at the poles or underground, which is why they are looking for water underground.

    • Is this happening to Earth, well GL mentioned it like I said and I didn't know this myself but "we're losing atmospheric oxygen at a rate of 4 ppm per year" but as he later stated it'll be some time before the oxygen goes, if at all really.

    You may or may not remember a recent BBC series called the planets presented by Professor Brian Cox but-as its behind a pay wall I can't post a nice summary video so this is the closets thing I found, the bit about Venus I'll talk about later.

    So called allegations 2 and 3, "Five million years ago Venus was like Earth" and Venuses climate changed.

    To quote myself verbatim, "5 billion years ago Venus was like earth", notice its billion not million.

    Seemingly yes Venus was like Earth some 3.5 to 5 billion years ago. Note the Sun was younger and cooler then compared to now and it is said that Venus had shallow water and a temperate climate back then.

    Earth and Venus are very similar, similar in size, both have an atmosphere and are volcanic. Volcanic activity on both planets pushed carbon and sulphur etc into the atmosphere but because Venus is much closer to the Sun and therefore hotter its liquid water essentially evaporated into space in the form of hydrogen and the oxygen bound with the carbon from the volcanoes which shrouds Venus today which in turn traps all the heat and ultraviolet rays from the sun making Venus hot and extremely hostile to life.

    The above is an article from the express and contains a short clip from the BBC documentary series I mentioned about the planets.

    As for the peer reviewed articles about "Venetians", I expect you meant Venusians not some Italians, or Martians driving around in diesel cars heralded the end of life said planets"

    No thats not a claim that I made, indeed that would be ridicules, again to quote myself, "if there was some of life there or not I don’t know" I said nothing about intelligent life at any stage, bacterial perhaps is a possibility.

    Two final points:

    Could what happened on Mars happen on Earth, its a possibility I suppose but as Earth is much bigger than Mars it has a larger magnetic field and is far less susceptible the effects of solar radiation. However what happened to Venus is much more likely to happen Earth in so far as the Sun will expand over the next few billion years getting closer to Earth, it'll probably consume it after, but the point is Earth will experience the same conditions as Venus at some stage. Are humanities "misdeeds re CO2 contributing to Earth turning into what Venus is today, no.

    All of what are commonly called ICE vehicles , internal combustion engines vehicles powered by fossil fuels, put out CO2. Diesel engines also put out inherently more NOX, (nitrogen dioxide) and particulate matter, (unburned hydrocarbons), then petrol engines. Diesels aren't making the planet worse in the CO2 sense so much but the emissions hang around in the air and us Humans and essentially everything else that has lungs are breathing in carcinogens all the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    I two would be sceptical about that, why because its Ryanair. However you will see more anymore companies doing this, they will use those funds to buy carbon credits no doubt these monies will be ring fenced and wont affect there actual margins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    It is, in fact thats how Tesla makes much of it profits it sells surplus carbon credits that they have because they only produce electric cars. Farmers in Ireland should really hook into this instead of making nothing from beef.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,569 ✭✭✭jackboy

    Carbon credits have all the appearances of a scam, would take a brave farmer to go down that road.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    How does paying a few quid to charities approved of by an airline company 'offset carbon emissions'? Meaningless, misleading jargon to enhance that 'feel good factor' for the NPCs who actually buy into that crap.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,569 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    Climate is being used as a cover for a massive wealth transfer from middle to upper income groups, this will eventually bring down these political schemes and there is a growing awareness across Europe among pragmatic politicians whose constituents must bear the direct costs. In Europe the main resistance has come in the form of the yellow vests in France, but that has not stopped the French government via the subterfuge of a Citizens' Climate Convention from banning domestic air travel (unless its a connecting route i.e. Air France). This concern is discussed in a recent Die Welt article (subscription) as the resistance takes hold in Poland, Italy and Germany against the costs. In the UK Nigel Farage has popped up again and ever the opportunist has seized on the costs of net zero and made it about the wealthy "Richmond Greens" who rule the country versus the middle class.

    Every alternative energy scheme proposed in this country depends on the generation of electricity, grid supplied electricity is costly to maintain and the high subsidies (e.g. RESS) for random energy generation and escalating system management costs involving higher balancing costs and increased transmission expenditures combined with increased demand mean the prices to consumers can only increase for Irish consumers before demand management (Time of Use tariff) becomes an issue. In particular demand is cyclical throughout the day, and while we can make changes in consumption at the margins, the cost burden is going to fall heaviest on working families who work 9 to 5 since we only have a limited time window to prepare for the next day, i.e. get home, prepare meals, heat the house, iron clothes, look after children, get washed there is no choice on the time window we can act, i.e. the cost burden is heaviest.

    Cost Recovery

    The policy states that the cost of building out the offshore transmission system will ultimately be recovered from electricity customers (consistent with existing practice for the onshore transmission system).

    However, the manner in which costs will be recovered will vary in different phases. In the First and Second Phases costs will be borne by Generators and incorporated in RESS bids, while in Phase 3 the costs of developing offshore grids will be borne by EirGrid and recovered through use of system charges. This means that grid connection costs will impact on generator bids in RESS in Phases 1 and 2, but not Phase 3, which may result in strategic decisions in relation to auctions into which projects are bid.

    It also means that the PSO will be significantly increased by projects in Phase 1 and 2, while also exposing such projects to cash flow and sovereign risk issues associated with RESS that would not be present if grid costs were recovered through use of system charges. Generators in Phase 3 will face a range of other challenges, as they are no longer in control of transmission planning and delivery. It remains unclear whether these risks will be managed in Ireland in ways that have proved bankable in other jurisdictions.

    Meanwhile both India and China are the only countries meeting their Paris 2015 agreement targets i.e. they promised to do nothing. Politically and economically we are in a situation where the Irish Government has been unable to stop a virus spreading, yet claim they can stop climate change if we just pay more tax? There is an economic trade-off between the use of fossil fuels and the current mania that dominates public relations press releases concerning the weather.

    The alarmist creed boils down to these points:

    • Our actions on climate are pronounced and controlling
    • Our influence cannot be positive or benign, only catastrophic
    • The only solution to this problem is global governance i.e. technocracy.

    In reality the planet has never been a safer place for humans to live which has demonstrably been the case for the past century.

    Because while fossil-fuel use has only a mild warming impact, it has an enormous protecting impact. Nature doesn’t give us a stable, safe climate that we make dangerous. It gives us an ever-changing, dangerous climate that we need to make safe. And the driver behind sturdy buildings, affordable heating and air-conditioning, drought relief and everything else that keeps us safe from climate is cheap, plentiful, reliable energy, overwhelmingly from fossil fuels.

    The idea that the future climate must be static and we must be governed by technocratic blueprints in order to return to an idealised, stable past that never existed is stupid and will kill us, the reality is constant creation, discovery, and competition will in general improve our standard of living.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    It’s the way things are going in the rest of the EU and in Britain now Ireland is about ten years behind on this aswell as other things. Here is a clip from a genuine British farmer in his mid to late 50s. I find him informative and interesting and he talks here about just that. Skip onto about 8 mins in to the carbon credit economy bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    "Climate is being used as a cover for a massive wealth transfer from middle to upper income groups, this will eventually bring down these political schemes and there is a growing awareness across Europe among pragmatic politicians whose constituents must bear the direct costs". - Pa ElGrande.

    And not just climate:

    Mega-rich recoup COVID-losses in record-time yet billions will live in poverty for at least a decade | Oxfam International

    It is probably just coincidence that the more we are told to 'listen to the science', the more that economic inequality grows.


    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,569 ✭✭✭jackboy

    Incentivising farmers to focus on non edible produce is an extremely dangerous concept which could have devastating impacts on the non rich.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    Ya, a big thing in Germany is family farms being bought up by corporations just purely for energy crops and or digesters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Decided to go through a few vids of this Anthony Heller fella. He's a bit boring to be honest and I noticed he tends to repeat a lot of his talking points and graphs in pretty much every video I watched.

    However, what I didn't pick up on, even in his more politically focused videos, was any hint of holocaust denial or pro-Nazi rhetoric as he has been accused of here by that slanderous agent of disinformation we have come to know as 'Banana Republic'. (an interesting username in itself) on this forum. Only yesterday, I myself was accused of being a holocaust denier by this cretin as apparently, asking a legitimate question months ago (which he produced as 'evidence') somehow was me revealing to the world my inner Heinrich Luitpold Himmler.

    But, it seems this Heller guy has creeped under the skin of these NPC types (and one of the the easiest ways to spot them is the amount of times they will use the 'conspiracy theory' rebuttal) so I thought it would be a good idea to start posting links to his videos on a regular basis so he can get under their skin some more, such as his latest one here in which he talks about the recent heatwave in North America in a historical context:

    My guess is that he is probably being more selective in his data research than he is letting on, but who am I to say...

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Most of the historical models have actually underestimated warming that we have observed. We're at over 1.1c of warming now, the earliest IPCC projections were for warming of .9c by 2020

    The 'Skeptics had a great time when warming was on 'hiatus' for a few years about a decade ago, unfortunately that 'hiatus' was just period where an exceptionally warm year (1998) caused by a very powerful El Nino, was followed by some more 'normal'. Problem is even that 'Exceptionally warm ' 1998 is now lower than every single year since 2011 and the current hottest year is .4c hotter than 1998, the increase seem to

    Where are all those 'global warming has stopped' people now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Carbon taxes are intended to change behaviours, I believe they should be revenue neutral and any taxes paid in carbon taxes should be offset by tax cuts or even cash rebates to the tax payers

    Failing that, the revenue from carbon taxes should be ring fenced to pay for mitigation, or infrastructure required to adapt to the changing climate.

    Carbon taxes are one tool we have to try to reduce the impact of climate change. If you are a capitalist, you should support them, because one of the main flaws of capitalism, acknowledged universally by all serious capitalists, is that capitalism cannot deal with externalities on it's own. If a capitalist can produce something, and get someone else to pay some of the costs of that production, then they will make profit even if overall, that product costs much more to produce than it is sold for. Negative externalities, such as air and water pollution are not paid by the producers, or even the direct consumers of these products, but they are paid by future generations and people with no involvement in the transaction.

    Carbon taxes are intended to add the cost of the pollution to the cost of purchasing the product so that consumers have a fair marketplace, less polluting commodities and services will be more competitive because their carbon taxes would be lower.

    All of this is contingent on the electorate not voting for corrupt and incompetent governments, and this is only likely to happen, if the electorate is properly informed, and so we have this battleground where polluting industries are doing everything they can to promote climate change denial and anti environmentalism so that they will vote for the 'right' kind of governments who will protect their interests

    We are already committed to seeing climate change of at least 1.5c so we are committed to seeing some amount of damage from extreme weather events. Our goal is to limit this damage, and as such no court in the world would entertain your argument that a tax aimed at reducing the harm from climate change, is the cause of harm from climate change.

    What courts actually are entertaining, are claims against named companies who have a record of deliberately misleading and knowingly polluting the atmosphere. This could be extended to litigation against governments if they either fail to meet commitments, or fail to commit to action necessary to protect their citizens from climate change as much as is possible.

    Post edited by Akrasia on

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Practically all of our atmospheric oxygen is produced by living organisms through photosynthesis. If our atmospheric concentration of Oxygen is reducing, its because either it's reacting with something at a different rate to before, there are fewer organisms who are actively producing the oxygen

    One thing that will hurt us way before 4k years is the fact that CO2 starts to become toxic to humans at about 2000ppm.

    This isn't going to happen soon, but beyond the next century, who knows what could happen if we set off a series of cascading tipping points that cause natural C02 sinks to release those stores into the atmosphere

    People will have to live in buildings with CO2 scrubbers built into them operating 24/7

    What a wonderful planet we will leave to our children

    Of course, the good news is that if the CO2 levels get to 1200 ppm, it will begin to disrupt cloud formation and lead to a very quick surge to an 8c warmer world, and there's not much of a chance of humans being around long enough to get to 2000ppm after that

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    This was posted in another thread. Heavy rain in a thunderstorm.

    Just read some of the comments from people stating categorically that this is not natural, it's climate change, "I never saw that before", etc. That's the standard response now to any weather event that gets posted on social media. It's not the fact that before social media and phone cameras they would never have seen it as it would not have been recorded. No, their minds have been conditioned to accept anything worthy of making it on Twitter as being unnatural. Of course this convenient development suits the climate extremists just fine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    It's the first of August and my current temperature is 9.4c. In my 13 years of record keeping there has never been a sub-10c air temperature recorded on this date. The closest was 10.1c, last year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,408 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    Which thread was this posted in (for context)

    And do you mean to argue that poorly researched tweets from randomers constitutes some kind of ... something?

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,341 ✭✭✭✭Atlantic Dawn

    Not seen anything about it in the news today, very much doesn't suit the ' world is warming up to melt the icebergs and turn Waterford in to Costa Del Sol' agenda.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    In the "Weather extremes that don't normally get reported" thread in this forum.

    My point is that most people have already been brainwashed to the extent that their only explanation for something normal they don't understand or haven't seen before is that it had be climate change.

    Post edited by Gaoth Laidir on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3 kine99huke

    There were 22 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters across the United States, shattering the previous annual record of 16 events, which occurred in 2017 and 2011. The billion-dollar events of 2020 included a record 7 disasters linked to tropical cyclones, 13 to severe storms, 1 to drought, and 1 to wildfires. The 22 events cost the nation a combined $95 billion in damages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    You join a few minutes ago and your first and only post is to quote and plagiarise the op?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    That looks like a derecho, which are not that uncommon in Alabama at this time of year. I'm not going to bother reading the comments.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,328 ✭✭✭Banana Republic 1

    Welcome to the forum and thanks for visiting!

    This forum is for all who are interested in meteorology and those who wish to learn about and discuss weather events which are current, historical, local or global.

    Here are a few points to keep in mind while posting on this forum:

    1. Please refrain from direct personal attacks on any person whether they are members of or not.

    2. Everyone is entitled to post and has equal rights whether they are weather experts or complete newbies.

    3. If you wish you to challenge someone's views (on the topic of weather) then please question the post, do not just attack poster.

    4. Stay on topic.

    5. No trolling/goading posts which serve only to aggravate other users.

    5.1 Calling People Snow Bunnies will fall into this Category

    6. No advertising or spamming.

    7. If you have a problem with a post then report it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭Nabber

    Carbon based energy has made this planet a safer place to live not a more dangerous planet.

    climate extremists sell a story that cutting carbo will return us to the garden of Eden. The fact is that carbon energy saves more lives than at any time in human history.

    Averages are used where they suit the agenda.

    Media reporting is to be ignored.

    For a settled science the repetitive use of the words ‘could’ and ‘likely’ are astounding. The lack of acknowledgment of ‘we don’t know’ is borderline criminal.

    Disinformation, perpetuating wealth division since dawn of humans. Hey trust us when we say the multiplying divide in wealth is only done to save your lives from proposed slight increases in unpredictable weather that is averaged out, if you don’t agree you are a science denier, more than likely racist and homophobic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    "Disinformation, perpetuating wealth division since dawn of humans. Hey trust us when we say the multiplying divide in wealth is only done to save your lives from proposed slight increases in unpredictable weather that is averaged out" - Nabber.

    This disinformation is only as effective as the useful idiots on the ground make it. The wealth divide is widening and all under the sacred name of 'science'. We read only yesterday that 'carbon tax' was created in order to change the behavior of the proletariat. Yet climate change advocates are the very people who enjoy the fruits of the world in excess, powered by the very fossil fuels they seek to demonise for the rest of us.

    Use of aviation by climate change researchers: Structural influences, personal attitudes, and information provision - ScienceDirect

    Just keep the masses saturated and distracted with hysteria about weather events and all shall be well.

    New Moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    July 2021 was the 5th warmest on record in the UK, bumped up by the heatwave in the middle. A pretty cool month either side of that.

    As Sryan pointed out in the Summer thread, the 31.4 °C at Armagh has been disregarded, so the 31.3 °C at Castlederg on the 21st remains the record. I wonder will the media go back now and clarify this fact.

    * A provisional temperature of 31.4 C was recorded at Armagh on 22nd July, which did not pass all subsequent verification checks

    And finally, here's a random cherrypicked Tweet from the Met Office. The UK's sunniest August day still remains from almost half a century ago, 2nd August 1975.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,235 ✭✭✭Oneiric 3

    Northern Ireland mean max temps for July since 1884 up to the present year.

    From the UK Met Office.

    Edit, forgot to mention that the axis is centered on the 1981-2010 average.

    New Moon

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,219 ✭✭✭Gaoth Laidir

    So this year was only the 5th highest? Just shows how poor the rest of the month was.
