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What does the future hold for Donald Trump? - threadbans in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 23,638 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    Ah yes. I'm sure you do remember all about the history of this officer who you say hadn't his name released?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,668 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Where are you copying this from? You've admitted you haven't watched what happened that day so where are you getting the narrative from?

    To take a simple example, if you had watched the footage around ashli babbet then you would know that everything you wrote about it is a big stinking lie more indicative of an ostrich with it's head in the sand than a person.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,149 ✭✭✭Ozymandius2011

    He will run in the 2024 primary or sponsor a supporter to run as the Trump candidate (most likely Ron DeSantis, the Florida Governor).

    My opinion is the first is more likely. But Trump-backed House candidates have recently had some setbacks such as in Texas, which suggests his influence with the grassroots is not quite as strong as it was. Another indication of this is his apparent failure to block Bidens infrastructure package.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,638 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    The Repulican Party died along with Ashli Babbitt.

    Its now the Trump party vs. Republican party vs Democrats and the Americans only use a two party system so yeah......Trump did great work for the democrats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,982 ✭✭✭MeMen2_MoRi_

    This post fully confirms if it hasn't already for the mods that you're full to the hilt trolling this thread, cry that the guy's name hasn't been released but then claim to know the guy because he left a fully loaded gun in the toilets of the capitol building.

    Name the guy...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,302 ✭✭✭PropJoe10

    He should stick to selling pillows then, and stop destroying American democracy with his lies.

    Post edited by PropJoe10 on

  • Registered Users Posts: 83,019 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,677 ✭✭✭✭everlast75

    Jfc man, pull your head out of Fox and get some air. This is truly some cringe inducing stuff.

    If i may speak on behalf of others, your posts are absolutely bonkers. I mean.... completely nuts!

    Your opinions are *not* based in reality.

    Absolutely no one is agreeing with you. Don't you see that?

    Either Trump and his proxies are wrong or, he is simply smarter than everyone else combined, smarter than all the other politicians, journalists, army personnel, intelligence agencies, scientists and doctors in the entire world. Seriously - which is more likely?

    This is Trump - the guy that said they should try nuke a hurricane, the guy that drew on a map with a sharpie in order to avoid admitting a mistake and thought we wouldn't see it, the guy who literally looked into the sun when 3 year olds know not to, the guy who said windmills give you cancer.... *that guy*?

    If that doesn't give you pause for thought, what about the fact that he lies so much. Now, before you say "all politicians lie, don't be naive" i know they do. But he lies about EVERYTHING! Does that not strike you as odd? Do you think that means he is clever? If so, why the **** does he get caught out so easily all the time? Why do his own lies contradict themselves? Why is there a stream of folk having to come out and explain what he meant to say, when we were told he said it as it was? Do you think that it's all a sign of his intelligence? Do you not see that as a sign of weakness? Or a bullsh1t artist? If you had a mate of yours like that, would you admire him, try to emulate him, or would you not just see him as a waste of time and frankly, a dumbass who lived in cloud cuckoo land?

    So, if you read all of that, poo poo'd it all as you went, scrunched up your face and said it was all nonsense, that means that you're not able to apply any critical analysis to any criticism of Trump. It means that no matter what he says, you'll agree, even if he later contradicts what he previously said. That is basically the starting point of a being a cultist. Seek help.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    As correct as everything you say is, it will be disregarded. You are talking to nothing but a brick wall.

    This is a guy who has been shown to be objectively wrong on a daily basis about even the most basic things.

    This is a guy who just stops replying to you when you demonstrate that he is objectively wrong.

    This is a guy who asks what he thinks are good questions but in which the answers can easily be found with a quick Google.

    This is a guy who does not understand the difference between an opinion piece and an article with sources.

    This is guy who has objectively lied on several occasions about what he has and has not read.

    This is a guy who will immediately disregard the conclusions drawn by the relevant experts in their field if they go against his opinion, without even bothering to read about how those experts came to their conclusions, while at the same time citing experts in their field if they agree with his opinion.

    This is a guy who will dismiss the conclusions drawn by any population study because hE LIvEs In AmEricA.

    This is a guy who plagiarises content frequently and doesn't seem to care about how that reflects on him.

    This is a guy who does not understand the basics about how the US economy or electoral system works, even at a high school level.

    This is a guy who, based on the above, should be saying to himself "hmm, I seem to be objectively wrong quite often and the other side seem to be objectively right all of the time. Perhaps I have not chosen my preferred party based on logic nor in an unbiased manner and perhaps I need to take a step back and look at both parties again with a clear mind." This is instead a guy who internally goes "yeah whatever" every time he is shown to be objectively wrong and who has completely blanked from his mind by the following day that he was objectively wrong and therefore continues to believe that he is the smart, wise one.

    This guy is, to put it frankly, the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of someone who you should be having a political discussion with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,359 ✭✭✭✭salmocab

    He’ll just say he can distinguish between Trump the blowhard and Trump the great politician, it’s an easy way to pretend that all the stuff that gets called out doesn’t matter. It makes him bulletproof in his mind that he can see things others can’t and that he’s above the people he’s debating with.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,302 ✭✭✭PropJoe10

    I tried to get him to provide some substance to his outlook the other day, and he totally ignored it. Just went onto his next batch of nonsense. I wouldn't bother engaging with that person again, honestly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,287 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    Stevie's not as blind as Trump's supporters are though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,363 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

    You've been shown time and again the abuse the officers who testified received from multiple sources, why would they subject that officer to the same?

    You have no place in the world of logic and reasonable discourse

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,363 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

    "The State Department inspector general is investigating what happened to the gifts — including, infamously, a $5,800 bottle of Japanese whiskey. The IG’s office declined to comment.

    While the whiskey was a gift from Japan’s government, most of the missing items are gifts the U.S. was intending to give other countries. Many bore Donald Trump’s insignia, the U.S. officials said."

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,817 ✭✭✭✭briany

    When you stop and think about it for a second and get past all the attempts by Trump to normalise his craziness, it's really a wonder he's not currently in jail or at the very least barred from ever running again. Trump is clearly an authoritarian whose only respect for democratic norms come about when they benefit him. When democracy does not benefit him, he calls it a fraudulent affair, as an almost pavlovian response. It's not only idiotic to claim this with no kind of evidence that would stand up in a court of law, but also rhetoric that provokes extreme tension and stokes division. Not that Trump is worried about this, 'cause that's the aim. That's why the reports from inside the White House on the day of the 6/1 Capitol attack say that Trump was pleased with what some of his supporters were doing. Important to note as well that he only made any kind of appeal for calm after it became clear his most loyal useful idiots would not meet the objective.

    Like, people still go on about Nixon and Watergate, like that was a big scandal. It was at the time, but Jaysus christ, it pales in comparison to the sitting president riling a bunch of supporters with an obvious, big whopping bells on lie, to march down to the Capitol building and 'encourage' those inside to do 'the right thing'. It's only the constantly shifting 24-hour news cycle and social media feed that has shortened the popular attention span so much that the shock from the event has worn off.

    Trump never officially conceded that he lost the election in a fair way. At best, he conceded that there would be a new administration coming into office and he disowned those who broke into the Capitol (after they had failed to do what he wanted, so he wanted to distance himself from the blowback). If the idea of never admitting you lost an election in a fair and democratic way, and asking supporters to give the opponent a chance in office is the new Republican playbook under Trump and Trumpism, then America is headed down a seriously dark path.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,517 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    At least the authorities are forcing his campaign to refund the 'pre-checked' box swindled money. I doubt they're including interest though. $135 million refunded so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,363 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,517 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    From the article (you're correct - the 'box precheck' was $12.8 million.) "More than $135 million was refunded to donors by Trump, the Republican National Committee, and their shared accounts in the 2020 cycle through to June 2021, according to new Federal Election Committee records seen by the Times"

  • Registered Users Posts: 775 ✭✭✭Detritus70

    They care because the person shot was white and right-wing. Had that been an unarmed black man, I'm sure they would by now be telling us that he was a criminal and it's his own fault they got shot.

    Why even engage? Ever debated a flat-earther? It's an ideology and facts don't matter.

    Biden won, Trump lost, get over it. If Trump runs again, he'll lose again. Anyone still on the crazy Train should be ignored and sidelined. I wouldn't entertain any contact with these people, I wouldn't have them as friends, work with them or give them my business.

    They want to be the lunatic fringe? Let's do them the favour.

    "I'm not a Trump supporter, but..." is the new "I'm not a racist, but...".

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,677 ✭✭✭✭everlast75


    Subpoena each person who spoke to him and piece together what he did, when he did it and hold him accountable ffs

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  • Registered Users Posts: 22,625 ✭✭✭✭extra gravy

    Does anybody actually have friends, family, colleagues that are Trumpists? Thankfully I don't, the only Donnie disciple I know got banned from collecting his child from nursery because he wouldn't wear a mask there. That's the level of intelligence these guys have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,302 ✭✭✭PropJoe10

    If Trump and those around him aren't subjected to criminal proceedings over their attempts to steal the election, then the US justice system is totally clueless. Even Trump's phone call with Raffersperger shows clear seditious intent. If Garland doesn't have a team working on that, then he's failing in his role.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,634 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    I would agree. This is quite a serious and important juncture in US democracy. They can either continue down the path they seem intent on going down, ie party and ideology before country, or look to save the union itself from what is clearly a growing and potentially irreversible split.

    The GOP in particular, although there are some proponents of this same type of carry on in the DNC (to a much lessor extent), seem to have gone down the path that the protection of the country is secondary to their own wishes. Whilst of course all political parties across the world are focused on themselves, looking to destroy the systems and the very building blocks that defined the country is normally a step too far for most.

    GOP are showing themselves to be more than happy to attack the police, military, olympic team, judiciary, large swathes of the population and many other to get what they want.

  • Posts: 5,917 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Only worked with one in the last jobbut and they didn't last to long before they left due to mental health issues.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,424 ✭✭✭notobtuse

    My, what a steaming pile of horse crap that was. You can read about it here, and click through the link that indicates the officers name if you're so inclined to find out.

    You can ignorantly accuse me of "whataboutism," but what it really is involves identifying similar scenarios in order to see if it holds up when the shoe is on the other foot!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,424 ✭✭✭notobtuse

    I can't respond to comments I cannot see. It's a nice feature of the board.

    You can ignorantly accuse me of "whataboutism," but what it really is involves identifying similar scenarios in order to see if it holds up when the shoe is on the other foot!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I can't respond to comments where I have no defence. It's a nice feature of not having the ability to critically think.

    Fixed that for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,469 ✭✭✭francois

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,424 ✭✭✭notobtuse

    If you go back to my comment you will note I commented on the surveillance footage. The footage that is out 'everywhere' shows little of what transpired behind the glass with the officers and their tactics. Surveillance footage would give us a far better vantage point as to what happened. Why do YOU feel it hasn’t been released? Hiding something is the only reason common sense dictates.

    You can ignorantly accuse me of "whataboutism," but what it really is involves identifying similar scenarios in order to see if it holds up when the shoe is on the other foot!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,634 ✭✭✭✭Leroy42

    Notoabuse, do you not believe the police officers? We all saw what happened, we watched it live on TV. We heard Trump telling them to march on the capital. We heard Trump tell them they were patriots. Whether you happen to believe that Trump has a responsibility in it, surely you are not actually questioning that an attempt was made to overrun the capital?

    On what basis are you discounting the police evidence?

    Unless you happen to think that this was simply a mob gathered through FB messages, without any influence from Trump (although the police say that the insurrectionists said that Trump sent them), surely you think it is right and proper to find out how and why this happened?

    You seem more interested in arguing whether the attack was really an attack since they didn't bring that many guns.

    Take Trump out of it, what would your reaction be is Antifa stormed the capital building? Or ISIS?

    One very interesting aspects of the GOP, and your, line of defence, is that you are very much open to believing that the police can be politicised and targeted against a particular group. In this instance it is that capital police are out to get Trump.

    You, and the GOP, are the very people that are 1st to claim that african americans are not targeted by the police, or if they are then it is perfectly acceptable as they deserve it.

This discussion has been closed.