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Terminator Werewolf - Game thread



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭Clodagh WW

    So my thoughts on today are that Nigel, Conor and Barbara shouldn't be in consideration for the lynch tonight. We gain info from them using/not using their bullets.
    I think the tracker should use their best judgement - I can see some argument for tracking one of the 3 known bullet holders but overall it may be better to try and spread info gathering around.

    Bullet holders should all do a 9:59:59 announcement on if and/or who they fired at. It will add to their credibility in a game where it is going to be incredibly difficult to build a village core. It won't guarantee anything good/evil wise but it will prevent he said/she said after mod announcement. Tracker possibly should consider doing the same as they might end up munched.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    Lot to catch up but some random thoughts

    Phil, Frank - I think you're tormenting each other. Frank, the way you got the info was a bit strange but you're right, a wolf wouldn't reveal it. I think Phil was right to question it. I think you should both look elsewhere

    Barbara - why, just why? To everything basically, the sh-tty poems, the deliberate annoying replies when first asked about it, the eagerness for a gun, the pretending you're going gun crazy. Why?

    Emily - honestly, I think your reaction seems fine in the face of Barbara. A little het up sure, but the right questions being asked.

    I can't help but feel Barbara is deliberately taking the attention here. The only picture I can form that fits what I see is that Nigel is a regular terminator, they planned that using Conor for one bullet buys credibility after last night and Barabara is taking the heat now as the T-1000, knowing she can take a lynch. It's a stretch, but it does join the dots for me...

    On the bolded bit. I have seen it said by, is it multiple people or same person over and over again?, about method of asking as weird.
    Well, its not, and the suggested method that they'd prefer is against rule 1.
    Mods will not enter into discussion or arguments on thread about mechanics of the game.

    Questions by pm are standard, asking questions on thread for them never to be answered is a wolf ploy. Using that as reason for suspicion looks very wolfie.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    Where, oh where, oh where is Doris?
    Where, oh where, oh where is Doris?
    Where, oh where, oh where is Doris?
    Where could Doris be?


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    Katie said she had Emily was number 1 wolf this morning after the lynch last night, she was then munched.

    I was on mobile, and tbh, had missed the few very fluffy posts you had made - someone pointed this out afterwards, and I owned my error if you see from later posts. However, I do stand by you not contributing much to the thread so far. Who do you think you will vote for this evening?

    Not angry - I questioned where you received this information - it wasn't on thread, and don't know why you wouldn't ask beakerjoe on thread.

    Who are you leaning towards voting this evening? You went No Lynch yesterday if I remember correctly?

    My head is melted on this whole exchange.

    Again. Rule 1.
    Mods will not enter into discussion or arguments on thread about mechanics of the game.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    On the bolded bit. I have seen it said by, is it multiple people or same person over and over again?, about method of asking as weird.
    Well, its not, and the suggested method that they'd prefer is against rule 1.

    Questions by pm are standard, asking questions on thread for them never to be answered is a wolf ploy. Using that as reason for suspicion looks very wolfie.

    Questions by PM are indeed standard - also standard is asking in your backroom. This is also pointed out in Rule 1:
    Respect the mods: The decisions of the mods are final. Mods will not enter into discussion or arguments on thread about mechanics of the game. There will be a time for review and discussion after the game is complete. The mods have some secrets, but all players have been provided with the information they need to play the game. If you have any questions, please PM BEAKERJOE , or if you have a backroom raise any issue there. ill respond as soon as possible.
    Asking where someone got the information and why they were so sure, dunno who that is "wolfie".

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Mary WW wrote: »
    For trying to fly under the radar. It was either you ar Brendan earlier, and since he's been subbed, that leaves you. Happy to change my vote later if the evidence suggests I should.

    What has new brendan done so far to clear the slot in your mind that you have completely moved off them?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    So my thoughts on today are that Nigel, Conor and Barbara shouldn't be in consideration for the lynch tonight. We gain info from them using/not using their bullets.
    I think the tracker should use their best judgement - I can see some argument for tracking one of the 3 known bullet holders but overall it may be better to try and spread info gathering around.

    Bullet holders should all do a 9:59:59 announcement on if and/or who they fired at. It will add to their credibility in a game where it is going to be incredibly difficult to build a village core. It won't guarantee anything good/evil wise but it will prevent he said/she said after mod announcement. Tracker possibly should consider doing the same as they might end up munched.

    This makes sense to me also.
    I think we need to be more organised and logical about this - there seems to be a lot of bullets flying around, and if we are using them, we don't want to waste any, i.e. Babs and Conor aiming for the same player for whatever reason.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    What has new brendan done so far to clear the slot in your mind that you have completely moved off them?

    Nothing at all - I was thinking the same as Mary - and even had an early vote in against Brendan. However, if there is a sub, I am inclined to believe that Brendan didn't have the time to commit to the game, and therefore excuses the lack of posting. Giving the new Brendan a chance to catch up before deciding against them - my only rationale for Brendan yesterday was the low posts, but managing to get a vote in regardless.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    Questions by PM are indeed standard - also standard is asking in your backroom. This is also pointed out in Rule 1:

    Asking where someone got the information and why they were so sure, dunno who that is "wolfie".

    They suggested that they should have asked on the main thread, and not by pm, and said that asking by pm was strange.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭Clodagh WW

    7 votes in. Interesting. Who has declared on thread. Mary and Doris as far as I recall....searchy searchy time.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Gertrude, you seem to have a lot of posts in support of Frank - why is that?
    Who are you currently leaning towards?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    If the village comes to a consensus I will change the direction of the bullet.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Jake WW wrote: »
    If the wolves munch the tracker, we never get to hear the results. Tracking is a night action so presumably they get their info at 11am, if they're dead for it they can't tell us. Protecting them guarantees we get the results.

    that seems reasonable.

    the odds are very slim that the tracker tracks a wolf, and is also munched by them though.

    what do people think. would be for/against nigel sharing who he gave the tracking to?

    i dont think it makes much difference as i dont think the wolves would munch the tracker if they know who he is.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    Gertrude, you seem to have a lot of posts in support of Frank - why is that?
    Who are you currently leaning towards?

    They are not in support of Frank, they are calling out bogus reasoning, therefore the folks coming up with the bogus reasoning, i would be suspicious of.

    If the bogus reasons happen to be concentrated against one person, then maybe he is a target of wolf attempt at mislynch.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Right, I'm here. Hell of a day. So been trying to take everything in but have only been skimming all day...

    Nigel won the contest and gave bullets to himself, Babs and Conor? And hasn't revealed the person he gave the tracker to. That's a good move imo. Happy enough to leave them for today and let the use of/non-use of them give us some more info tomorrow.

    And did I see Brendan has been subbed? Interesting must take a read back on new Brendan.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Barbara WW wrote: »
    If the village comes to a consensus I will change the direction of the bullet.

    sounds to me like you are looking for an out when you blast a villager.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Old Brendan:
    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Hi guys

    Sorry for lack of activity today. Things got a bit mad.

    I just considered subbing out, but I'll give it my best go and try to stick with it. Hoping things will be a bit more relaxed tomorrow.

    I've pretty much read nothing, so will try to dig in a bit later on.

    Meet New Brendan:
    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Brendan Substitute: Activated


    I'm going to catchup on thread now - and a headsup that I'm starting a class this evening from 7:30 to 9:30 so posting could be a bit thin on the ground during that time.

    back soon!

    New Brendan hasn't posted since yet the time they say they're going to be quiet is later this evening.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Old Brendan:

    Meet New Brendan:

    New Brendan hasn't posted since yet the time they say they're going to be quiet is later this evening.

    Busy reading the wolf backrooms

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    I'm logging off for a bit, should be back before the lynch.
    As it stands I have a vote on Nigel. This was my position before the contest. The prizes, handing them out etc I can read both ways. So it hasn't changed my mind. The only thing it's done is link Barbara, if Nigel is Wolf I think she is too

    My early rationale was Nigel being the driving force behind Lucy's lynch, from post 20 and the persistent
    Nigel WW wrote: »

    This exchange, just very quick to jump on Patrick...
    Nigel WW wrote: »
    Everyone has posted at this stage.

    Patrick defending Lucy... noted.

    Wolves are paniced in theit backroom now I reckon.
    Patrick WW wrote: »
    What you up to mate? Rustling cages or looking to set someone up for a lynch. If it’s the latter is it pure or a wolf play. Going to be interesting to watch your play for the next day or two and see how you evolve
    Nigel WW wrote: »
    C'mon have a look at Lucy's posts and tell me they're not dodge... go on I'll wait.

    You are looking just as dodge defending someone who cant even defend themselves.. must be a new player who landed a wolf role and you must be the seasoned player trying to take the focus off her... that's how it's beginning to look.

    Lynch Lucy, Shoot Patrick, thank me later.

    Then there was this comment about shooting which Katie picked up on. Katie then got munched
    Nigel WW wrote: »
    Gone quiet now the prize has been passed out.

    Right shall we decide on who to shoot?
    Katie WW wrote: »
    Don't like Nigel pushing to have the bullet used

    Finally, my already suspicious mind then read this as trying to stop the conversation...
    Nigel WW wrote: »
    The thread will again be closed from 9am to 11am. Each day will begin at 11am.

    So are we allowed to post now or not? It just given players an unfair advantage to post during a stage where other players might have thought the thread is closed?

    Like I said, the way the day has panned out hasn't changed much for me. But I side with Emily in the Nigel/Emily fight, he was very quick to call wolf when she seemed flustered to me, but innocently so

    So yeah, that's me for now, I'll catch you guys later.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    beakerjoe wrote: »
    Lynch votes.....

    Lucy WW (8) - Doris WW, Frank WW, Orla WW, Jake WW, Angus WW, Conor WW, Phil WW, Nigel WW

    No Lynch (3) - Emily WW, Vern WW, Brendan WW

    Jake WW (2) - Lucy WW, Patrick WW,

    Brendan (2) - Derry WW, Steve WW

    Mary WW (2) - Gertrude WW, Eva WW

    Steve WW (1) - Mary WW

    Clodagh WW (1) - Isla WW

    Tegan WW (1) - Katie WW

    Katie WW (1) - Tegan WW

    Phil WW (1) - Fiona WW

    Fiona WW (1) - Clodagh WW

    Gabriel WW (1) - Gabriel WW - SELF VOTE

    Doris WW (1) - Barbara WW

    Updated with beaker's later info that Brendan's vote was registered as No Lynch.

    I've also changed the colour of Lucy from red to green as iirc Frank checked and T-1000 will show up as exactly that, which beaker later confirmed.

    Vern, Emily - you voting no Lynch tonight?

    That's a monster wagon for a day 1 lynch, have we gone back and checked all the Lucy voters declared they were voting Lucy on thread?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Updated with beaker's later info that Brendan's vote was registered as No Lynch.

    I've also changed the colour of Lucy from red to green as iirc Frank checked and T-1000 will show up as exactly that, which beaker later confirmed.

    Vern, Emily - you voting no Lynch tonight?

    That's a monster wagon for a day 1 lynch, have we gone back and checked all the Lucy voters declared they were voting Lucy on thread?

    If you jump to this post you can see most of the posts indicating Lucy votes...
    Jake WW wrote: »
    These are all the posts with "Lucy" in them by the eight who voted for her, in chronological order...

    And actually off now, see you later guys

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Gertie and Eva, what's the rationale for voting Mary last night? I saw Eva FFAed Mary but iirc I was also on said FFA, Gertie you wanna shed some light?

    Tegan, where's your thoughts now with Katie being munched?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Updated with beaker's later info that Brendan's vote was registered as No Lynch.

    I've also changed the colour of Lucy from red to green as iirc Frank checked and T-1000 will show up as exactly that, which beaker later confirmed.

    Vern, Emily - you voting no Lynch tonight?

    That's a monster wagon for a day 1 lynch, have we gone back and checked all the Lucy voters declared they were voting Lucy on thread?

    I may end up no lynch again but I’d suggest people have their own targets. You can say this is a cop out but at least I’ve tried to post and engage on some level so people can get an idea of what sort of posted i am. You can judge this decision in the negative but do so along with my other actions. Many people have been flying a lot under radar, I wouldnt be surprised if it was mostly villagers arguing earlier.

    I’ve Burned myself out and I’ve a headache. My intention was to look through events and pick out a couple of people but I need a break. I keep saying I will take a break and I don’t. That’s usually when you know you need one.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭Clodagh WW

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    7 votes in. Interesting. Who has declared on thread. Mary and Doris as far as I recall....searchy searchy time.

    So from what I can see:
    Doris has a vote on Babs
    Isla has one on Nigel
    Mary has one on Isla
    Jake has one on Nigel

    Jake mentioned his after BJ said there were seven votes in. Not sure what time he made vote. If before that leaves 3 votes unaccounted for. If after, 4 votes undeclared.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,361 ✭✭✭Gertrude WW

    Phil WW wrote: »
    I agree that it is a bit weird that he would PM the mod to ask about the mechanic of the role. It should have been done on open thread
    Phil WW wrote: »
    I still think asking on the thread would have been better. Just weird doing by PM when we ALL needed to know. The fact that BJ confirmed means he most probably would have if you posted. It seems to me you NEEDED to know.

    These are the posts and this is where my vote is going unless I find something I feel strong for my lynch time.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    As I probably won't be on till later on here is my FFA2

    Babs- I am personally getting behind the theory that babs is the T-1000 and using the posting style so that they can easily slide in out of view on another account if lynched - i will hold off voting for her if the village concensus is to allow the shots tonight to see how it plays out

    Brendan- for his total lack of posting, he came on thread and announced he wouldn't be on later on this evening, but absolutely not a jot since.

    Eva - its only a maybe but she ties in with Babs, the reasoning being jumping to babs defense and answering questions on babs behalf which babs didnt/wouldn't answer.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,600 ✭✭✭Nigel WW

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    So from what I can see:
    Doris has a vote on Babs
    Isla has one on Nigel
    Mary has one on Isla
    Jake has one on Nigel

    Jake mentioned his after BJ said there were seven votes in. Not sure what time he made vote. If before that leaves 3 votes unaccounted for. If after, 4 votes undeclared.

    I voted for Emily :)

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭Clodagh WW

    Nigel WW wrote: »
    I voted for Emily :)

    Any idea when out of curiosity?

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,760 ✭✭✭Angus WW

    FWIW I have stuck a placeholder on Brendan
