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Terminator Werewolf - Game thread



  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,802 ✭✭✭Brendan WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Wait Doris admitted to being a wolf? And Brendan moved his vote OFF her? Wha?

    She says she didn't. See her posts below. Think it's easy to read her post both ways myself... She's not happy about it though :pac:

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,202 ✭✭✭Jake WW

    Mary WW wrote: »
    I had a bit of bad news about the Guinea pig today. (I know, I know, it's only a Guinea pig) Feeling sorry for myself and not caught up on thread. As I said earlier my vote will be on Jake tonight. I know things may have changed since I was on earlier so I will try to catch up before lynch.

    I did see questions earlier about how today's prizes should be used. I'd shoot Jake or Vernon. I'd probably shield Barbara, as although she's a nutter I'm 90% she's village, whereas apart from her I've not got a clue who is. As for the scanner I'd probably see how the votes are going and throw it on someone who doesn't seem to be getting many. Wolfs would have to be stupid to vote on a wagon tonight with the scanner in play.
    Out of character for one post - genuinely sorry to hear about your Guinea Pig. I had them when I was a kid and I fecking loved them, there's no "only a guinea pig" about it. Hope you're doing OK.

    And I realise that may look slightly suss given you've voted me so to be clear, I'm not challenging that, leave it on me.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Mary WW wrote: »
    I had a bit of bad news about the Guinea pig today. (I know, I know, it's only a Guinea pig) Feeling sorry for myself and not caught up on thread. As I said earlier my vote will be on Jake tonight. I know things may have changed since I was on earlier so I will try to catch up before lynch.

    I did see questions earlier about how today's prizes should be used. I'd shoot Jake or Vernon. I'd probably shield Barbara, as although she's a nutter I'm 90% she's village, whereas apart from her I've not got a clue who is. As for the scanner I'd probably see how the votes are going and throw it on someone who doesn't seem to be getting many. Wolfs would have to be stupid to vote on a wagon tonight with the scanner in play.

    hope the guinea is okay

    follow that thought through for a second. if no wolves would be on a wagon, we could clear 4/5 villagers in one foul swoop.

    i think its best to use the scanner on someone who has 3/4 votes.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Block of text incoming - but I feel these need responding to during my thread catchup.
    Eva WW wrote: »
    I liked this post last night and I still do this morning given who things unfolded

    Jake from this is worth a look

    Steve, i had suspicions on day 1, yesterday you were out of sight out or mind for me till you came on. Not sure why Nigel would give you the tracker because you weren't around at lunch time. Is there a counter to the tracker?

    Emily didn't visit anyone semi clears her. Can you elaborate why you voted Emily other than Nigel voted there and gave you the tracker?

    I don't know why Emily not visiting anyone would semi clear her - I am guessing only Arnie and Kyle - in their Bodyguard role - would be visiting anyone, or have I taken this "visiting" up wrong?

    Tegan WW wrote: »
    Katie made a bull**** case on me based on one post that was jokey and was clarified on the next page. My vote was 50% spite, 50% this person is definitely a wolf. In the end it was a case of a villager who hadn't read the thread and just voted for something
    Not very in the spirit of helping the village though.
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    Anyway, who got the gun?
    I want to see how the tide is going, I don't think we should be lynching anyone with the gun just yet.
    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Steve / Jake / Doris are my top three wolf suspects. Unsure as of now on wolf number 4
    Your following post said Vernon is your 4th. Why these 4?
    Eva WW wrote: »
    Hi Orla, any reason you didn't fancy any of the counter wagons as opposed to the no lynch option? These posts are shortly before lynch and close together
    I would also like to know the answer to this?
    Conor WW wrote: »
    Taking the lynch results from the Angel Gabriel. There seems to be chat about the wolves mostly avoiding Lucy on day 1, but I'd suggest there might be multiple wolves in there. Doris and Angus both voted together for Lucy and then Barbara, whereas Orla and Jake both vote Lucy and then no lynch. Perhaps they moved together as a wolf pairing but I think it more likely that 1 of each pairing is a wolf.
    I agree with this.
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    i think derry is a wolf. using lunch as an excuse to buy time to decide how best to play these prizes
    No just a crazy day - I had already told beakerjoe where I wanted them to go. Very quick at the ol' finger pointing here
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    You're doing nothing but talking out your arse today.
    This was to Gabriel and I agree
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    i dont like that derry is already distancing himself from his choices. used time pressure and going with his gut. took you only 9 minutes to make your choice. you had an additional 21 mins.
    I did, but I also had real life shizz going on.
    Emily WW wrote: »
    Have to say, I am very surprised steve is the highest poster and surprised Derry is up there postwise. Does anybody else have reads or opinions on these two ? I am slightly suspect of Steve for his reasons for voting for me , it does make sense for a villager, but equally for a wolf, but I dont really recall too many incidents or discussions with those two that stick out.
    I have spent the last 2 days posting a lot. Not as much today due to work, but I've been up at the top of the posting for the 1st 2 days - glad to see I've been making such a difference :p
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    re the vote scanner thing. derry absolutely needs to tell us who he gave that to.

    that persons then must follow the on thread consensus about how to use it, to get must bang for our buck.

    that person then needs to be lycnhed to verify that info...this is not necessary but may prove to be
    No - this is the last thing I would be doing - so wolves can hide out in the masses away from the person being scanned?
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    the scanner needs to be used on the player with the 1st/2nd/3rd most votes.

    that way we have a pool of maybe 3/4 where there is at least 1 wolf.
    or those ~3/4 players are cleared as village

    used in any other way is near pointless and will point towards a wolf using the scanner
    Yes another way of wolves hiding - we end up killing another 3 villagers before reaching the 4th who is the wolf?
    Barbara WW wrote: »
    And just like that, along comes Little Miss 16 Posts.
    Who are you referring to here?
    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    lets see where the votes are going this evening and we can make the call at 8.30pm or whatever who makes the most sense to be scanned.

    if its someone with 4 votes..clear 4 villagers or have at least 25% chance of getting wolf

    someone with 3 votes: clear 3 villagers or at least 33% chance of hitting wolf.

    i think anyone with 2 or less votes should not be scanned.

    but yes, the person with the scanner may be a wolf. thats why i said they will need to killed eventually unless they are cleared by other means.
    So the wolves can spread their votes and hide among the low votes?

    Emily WW wrote: »
    Well the scanner was used on me last night and nothing came of it and yet you still want to shoot me. You think killing me clears Steve and Eva, but steve used the scanner on me so killing me doesnt clear anybody whether I am good or bad. I dont get your thinking at all.
    As above, it was a tracker, not a scanner, and I think it would have just indicated if you used a bodyguard skill to protect someone?
    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    The fact that wolves haven't gone for you yet is a bit of a puzzle to me.
    Babs is creating way too much chaos among us - leave her there and watch the village implode on itself.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Brendan WW wrote: »
    Wait that was your reasoning? Jesus that's flimsy. I didn't realise that was your only reason behind it, I was sure there had to be more.

    Uhhh... yes? Also you're still actively misreading the post, find where I said I was going to be active and point it out please. Misrepresentation at its finest.

    I don't think it takes much to make you suspiscious of me Steve, you'd had it in for me since the start for no reason other than low posting from my predecessor, and now me wanting an explanation for your nonsenical voting makes you suspiscious?

    Stevie is a wolf

    I'm not misrepresenting anything, maybe I took you up wrong. You said you wouldn't be too active between 7.30 and 9.30, correct?

    I took that as to mean you would be active the rest of the time, problem is you hadn't posted since then.

    You came on and clarified and I was happy to give you time to get caught up as I had said.

    And what do you mean my reason for voting Emily is flimsy? All I knew was, Nigel was in my good books, and lots of people seemed to be voting him. So I voted to protect my village read. Also the fact he had given me the tracking device helped things, admittedly.

    I didn't switch to Phil like Fiona asked because she left it too late, with about 3 mins left, it seemed like a weird move at the time. Had she proposed it earlier I think we might have been able to save Nigel at the expense of Phil.

    But both were villagers, so that's kind of a moot point unfortunately.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭Clodagh WW

    Patrick WW wrote: »
    Sorry folks RL is a mess today

    But I did do some of what I promised


    Hello:) ...

    So I had a look at your posts- lots of posts -115 at the moment I think

    They’re interesting because there’s not actually much in all those words

    That’s bad

    I had to look really hard to actually make any inference. Your ffa1 however is interesting

    Picked up on Fiona. I thought that was interestingsince Fiona was decades this morning. Got me wondering if someone didn’t think they’d spotted a roled player from their backroom

    Interesting on babs too btw. Is it a wolf adding a wolf to their ffa I wonder

    This was interesting too

    See, I know you’ll say you weren’t the only one but... the one group that want to control kill are the wolves. Once a villager has time to face an accusation a shot is actually useful, not shooting isn’t so much. So why call for a bullet to be wasted...

    Remarkably you’re still a pacifist yesterday!!!

    I mean that’s frankly disgraceful for a villager

    But you still want to know who’s voting where- you think 17 folks are wolves apparently but you’re keeping track of votes

    Then your ffa

    Nice go at pocketing me btw:). Funny you changed view on my contents recently

    Fi in there again, keeping an eye there alright

    Today you STILL don’t want a gun. You told us you want to see Phil flip but YOU DONT WANT A GUN!! What thae actual ****?? Was there ever such an exercise in avoiding responsibility for the things you do??

    My case:
    clodagh posts lots but solves noting. Lots of hymns and hahs but nothing really. She’s the ultimate pacifist while poking to get people killed. And she had spotted fi from early
    My conclusion
    Clodagh is a wolf. Clodagh should be lynched. When she flips that may give us an idea how babs looks

    Hi Patrick, nice to see you. So your theory is that as a wolf I spotted a roled villager on the first day, put them in my FFA1 but decided to wait to munch them in favour of Katie an NRV? And then I decided rather than just quietly drop them off my FFA I would keep them there day 2. Sure. That makes sense.

    I am a pacifist having learned my lesson about a villager shooting blind a little too well. I still don't want a gun or bullet. If I get one I won't use it. Other people were going to use the guns and Phil made the most sense.

    Let me be clear, I wasn't pocketing you. I was condemning Isla for having nothing substantial to her posts. Funny that it is only after I accuse you you come up with this nonsense.

    And lynch me if you must but it won't tell you anything about Barbara because while I'm a villager and I *think* she is too but I can't be sure.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,295 ✭✭✭Gabriel WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    Block of text incoming - but I feel these need responding to during my thread catchup.

    I don't know why Emily not visiting anyone would semi clear her - I am guessing only Arnie and Kyle - in their Bodyguard role - would be visiting anyone, or have I taken this "visiting" up wrong?

    Not very in the spirit of helping the village though.

    I want to see how the tide is going, I don't think we should be lynching anyone with the gun just yet.

    Your following post said Vernon is your 4th. Why these 4?

    I would also like to know the answer to this?

    I agree with this.

    No just a crazy day - I had already told beakerjoe where I wanted them to go. Very quick at the ol' finger pointing here

    This was to Gabriel and I agree

    I did, but I also had real life shizz going on.

    I have spent the last 2 days posting a lot. Not as much today due to work, but I've been up at the top of the posting for the 1st 2 days - glad to see I've been making such a difference :p

    No - this is the last thing I would be doing - so wolves can hide out in the masses away from the person being scanned?

    Yes another way of wolves hiding - we end up killing another 3 villagers before reaching the 4th who is the wolf?

    Who are you referring to here?

    So the wolves can spread their votes and hide among the low votes?

    As above, it was a tracker, not a scanner, and I think it would have just indicated if you used a bodyguard skill to protect someone?

    Babs is creating way too much chaos among us - leave her there and watch the village implode on itself.

    absolutely, if needs be. it would clear a pile of villagers.

    i'm not sure people realise how powerful the scanner can be if used correctly. however i've explained as best i can and must be near my 40 so will sit back

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Mary WW wrote: »
    I had a bit of bad news about the Guinea pig today. (I know, I know, it's only a Guinea pig) Feeling sorry for myself and not caught up on thread. As I said earlier my vote will be on Jake tonight. I know things may have changed since I was on earlier so I will try to catch up before lynch.

    I did see questions earlier about how today's prizes should be used. I'd shoot Jake or Vernon. I'd probably shield Barbara, as although she's a nutter I'm 90% she's village, whereas apart from her I've not got a clue who is. As for the scanner I'd probably see how the votes are going and throw it on someone who doesn't seem to be getting many. Wolfs would have to be stupid to vote on a wagon tonight with the scanner in play.

    Sorry to hear about the guinea pig.

    I am in agreement re: the scanner - the wolves are going to spread their votes, and would be stupid to vote on a wagon.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Wait Doris admitted to being a wolf? And Brendan moved his vote OFF her? Wha?

    She didn't admit anything of the sort. I don't think even Babs would agree Doris admitted that, and the 2 of them seem to be out for each other's blood.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    Block of text incoming - but I feel these need responding to during my thread catchup.

    I don't know why Emily not visiting anyone would semi clear her - I am guessing only Arnie and Kyle - in their Bodyguard role - would be visiting anyone, or have I taken this "visiting" up wrong?

    I presume Sarah Connor can be tracked too on the village side. I agree mind, Emily not moving means nothing unfortunately.

    There's four wolves so there's a world where Emily wolf doesn't move and one of the other wolves does the 'visiting'. But given their vote yesterday wasn't to save themselves alongside that, I'm quite happy to park Emily for now.

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭Clodagh WW

    Steve WW wrote: »

    This is one of the worst ideas I've ever seen, it's pretty much TWTBAW tbh though wolves are probably fairly confident after this mornings massacre :(

    Clodagh think this through for a second.

    You want to lynch the person with the scanner, so we don't get any results, as they're dead? Seriously?

    My brain nearly exploded that a villager might comprehend such a thing.

    I'm interested here too that you chose to quote my post rather than Gabriel's who is the one who originally suggested it. Especially as this post doesn't mention you at all which is what you claimed you were responding to.

    The point is that to trust the results we would probably have to lynch the person who had it *tomorrow*. If someone comes out and says "great news, no wolves here" there is no way of knowing if they are a wolf lying to clear their buddies otherwise.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    I'm interested here too that you chose to quote my post rather than Gabriel's who is the one who originally suggested it. Especially as this post doesn't mention you at all which is what you claimed you were responding to.

    The point is that to trust the results we would probably have to lynch the person who had it *tomorrow*. If someone comes out and says "great news, no wolves here" there is no way of knowing if they are a wolf lying to clear their buddies otherwise.

    Tomorrow, fine, I get that. That's not what you said mind. And I quoted it mainly as I was incredulous that someone could make that suggestion tbh

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    I have to pop out for a bit.

    My suspicions are currently lying with:

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,893 ✭✭✭Clodagh WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Tomorrow, fine, I get that. That's not what you said mind. And I quoted it mainly as I was incredulous that someone could make that suggestion tbh

    It IS what I said. It's not how you read it. I was not the one to make the suggestion, I was responding to Gabriel's suggestion so why quote my post and not his?

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    Mary WW wrote: »
    I'd probably shield Barbara, as although she's a nutter I'm 90% she's village, whereas apart from her I've not got a clue who is.

    Thank you, Mary.

    I agree.

    We got rid of the most village-y person last night and whether people like it or not, Conor and I are the most village-y people left.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    It IS what I said. It's not how you read it. I was not the one to make the suggestion, I was responding to Gabriel's suggestion so why quote my post and not his?

    Apologies, I see now Gabriel brought it up originally. I still think it's an awful idea.

    I do agree with your overarching point mind that discussion on it is probably pointless, though Doris' idea has some merit.

    It doesn't necessarily have to be Doris either, we can lynch Vernon or Jake with 5/6 people as an eg and whack the scanner on the planned lynch

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭Patrick WW

    Clodagh WW wrote: »
    Hi Patrick, nice to see you. So your theory is that as a wolf I spotted a roled villager on the first day, put them in my FFA1 but decided to wait to munch them in favour of Katie an NRV? And then I decided rather than just quietly drop them off my FFA I would keep them there day 2. Sure. That makes sense.

    I am a pacifist having learned my lesson about a villager shooting blind a little too well. I still don't want a gun or bullet. If I get one I won't use it. Other people were going to use the guns and Phil made the most sense.

    Let me be clear, I wasn't pocketing you. I was condemning Isla for having nothing substantial to her posts. Funny that it is only after I accuse you you come up with this nonsense.

    And lynch me if you must but it won't tell you anything about Barbara because while I'm a villager and I *think* she is too but I can't be sure.

    Ahah I suspect we’ve both played the wolf before so we both know it doesn’t work like that. You see a quiet villager you note it and you may come back to it- which I suspect you did with fi

    The no shoot policy is an interesting one. The only group it hurts is the village. Even killing a villager is information so anyone who says they won’t take a shot isn’t playing for the village. Especially not when they’re actively suggesting to flip other players

    Lynching you sounds like a damn fine idea tbh

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭Patrick WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    I have to pop out for a bit.

    My suspicions are currently lying with:

    So Derry do tell how I’ve jumped to the top of your list :D

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Gabriel WW wrote: »
    hope the guinea is okay

    follow that thought through for a second. if no wolves would be on a wagon, we could clear 4/5 villagers in one foul swoop.

    i think its best to use the scanner on someone who has 3/4 votes.

    The problem is then the wolves may try to spread out their votes, its nearly gonna suit them to be in a group with 3/4 as how long will it take the village go through that amount of people? hell, all 4 of them could bail into one poster and if we killed one how would we know about the other 3 ?

    I think the way things have gone wolves would be happy to have the village trying to find 1 of them in 4, so max should be maybe 2-3. Biggest problem is the person who has the scanner, we don't know their allegiance.

    How many are dead, is it 7? So theres 18 left, the full 6 lives for the wolves. If we dont get somebody tonight or with the bullet in morning thats another 3 gone with 15 people left and 6 wolf lives. Village needs a kill badly

    I am thinking of Miles Dysons power, which has never made any sense to me. Its like being told you have a super power with a fatal flaw, you are just as likely to kill innocent people are you are villians. .

    But asides from this, should we up the stakes for tonight and suggest on threat that he considers using it tonight to make this lynch even more dangerous (for everybody)? Might rattle a few wolves. We could pick maybe 3-4 people who we will vote among and see if we can ruffle some feathers ? I suppose I feel we are getting desperate at this stage so I am not sure what else to suggest. I am happy to be on the chopping block if people want it and I did make the suggestion.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    The problem is then the wolves may try to spread out their votes, its nearly gonna suit them to be in a group with 3/4 as how long will it take the village go through that amount of people? hell, all 4 of them could bail into one poster and if we killed one how would we know about the other 3 ?

    I think the way things have gone wolves would be happy to have the village trying to find 1 of them in 4, so max should be maybe 2-3. Biggest problem is the person who has the scanner, we don't know their allegiance.

    How many are dead, is it 7? So theres 18 left, the full 6 lives for the wolves. If we dont get somebody tonight or with the bullet in morning thats another 3 gone with 15 people left and 6 wolf lives. Village needs a kill badly

    I am thinking of Miles Dysons power, which has never made any sense to me. Its like being told you have a super power with a fatal flaw, you are just as likely to kill innocent people are you are villians. .

    But asides from this, should we up the stakes for tonight and suggest on threat that he considers using it tonight to make this lynch even more dangerous (for everybody)? Might rattle a few wolves. We could pick maybe 3-4 people who we will vote among and see if we can ruffle some feathers ? I suppose I feel we are getting desperate at this stage so I am not sure what else to suggest. I am happy to be on the chopping block if people want it and I did make the suggestion.

    He can't. Beaker clarified in the sign up thread he has to do it the night beforehand

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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,146 ✭✭✭Barbara WW

    Derry WW wrote: »
    I have to pop out for a bit.

    Thank you for the prize!


  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    I presume Sarah Connor can be tracked too on the village side. I agree mind, Emily not moving means nothing unfortunately.

    There's four wolves so there's a world where Emily wolf doesn't move and one of the other wolves does the 'visiting'. But given their vote yesterday wasn't to save themselves alongside that, I'm quite happy to park Emily for now.

    I've never said I am cleared on any level, but I find it odd that every narrative some of you look at on my is only capable of doing so in the negative. Its like there is only negatives against my name, but there has been plenty of positives, its the lack of balance and objectivity that's putting me out. Either some of yee are villagers tunneling and doubling down on gut feelings or a wolf/wolves creating a target to vote for , I can decide which.

    But if you do decide to have a run on me, I want it on record that your reasons are unbalanced and flimsy as f**k.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    He can't. Beaker clarified in the sign up thread he has to do it the night beforehand

    Worst power ever......

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    I've never said I am cleared on any level, but I find it odd that every narrative some of you look at on my is only capable of doing so in the negative. Its like there is only negatives against my name, but there has been plenty of positives, its the lack of balance and objectivity that's putting me out. Either some of yee are villagers tunneling and doubling down on gut feelings or a wolf/wolves creating a target to vote for , I can decide which.

    But if you do decide to have a run on me, I want it on record that your reasons are unbalanced and flimsy as f**k.

    Emily, chill the beans. It's a game based on discussion and posting and as I said yesterday, the problem with your posting is it comes across as hyper defensive, often at times when there's no need for it.

    Like the post you're responding to, I'm giving reasons NOT to vote you but you're turning around like an attack dog and having a snap at me about it! :pac::pac:

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Unfortunately there are not a lot of positives for any villager at the moment. I really feel like we just need to get a wolf and the floodgates will open. We just need something good to happen.

    And vernon seems like a good place to get that going

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    beakerjoe wrote: »
    Frank ,Gabriel, Orla, Jake, Brendan ---- Still to vote

    20 mins left.... last call.

    Voting closes at 9pm, death reveal at 930pm, votes out before 10pm.


    I Am just looking up a few angles and will try and post up things that may or may not help others with any theories or angles they are working on.. Thought it was interesting that on night 1, above 5 were late voters. Not sure if this tells us anything, but it might help anybody working on theories using votes.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 4,722 ✭✭✭Derry WW

    Patrick WW wrote: »
    So Derry do tell how I’ve jumped to the top of your list :D

    Never said the list is in any order.

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 2,273 ✭✭✭Tegan WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    I Am just looking up a few angles and will try and post up things that may or may not help others with any theories or angles they are working on.. Thought it was interesting that on night 1, above 5 were late voters. Not sure if this tells us anything, but it might help anybody working on theories using votes.

    I think 2 of them did vote but used an incorrect format from a different post that beaker made.

    I.wont really be good use of wagonomics until we hit a wolf

  • Forum Games Player Posts: 1,743 ✭✭✭Emily WW

    Steve WW wrote: »
    Emily, chill the beans. It's a game based on discussion and posting and as I said yesterday, the problem with your posting is it comes across as hyper defensive, often at times when there's no need for it.

    Like the post you're responding to, I'm giving reasons NOT to vote you but you're turning around like an attack dog and having a snap at me about it! :pac::pac:

    I am just not cut out for this.


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  • Forum Games Player Posts: 3,047 ✭✭✭Steve WW

    Emily WW wrote: »
    I Am just looking up a few angles and will try and post up things that may or may not help others with any theories or angles they are working on.. Thought it was interesting that on night 1, above 5 were late voters. Not sure if this tells us anything, but it might help anybody working on theories using votes.

    Frank is a twice shot dead villager so nothing there. Gabriel self voted :confused:

    Orla went No Lynch, Jake voted on Lucy.

    Brendan's vote wasn't counted initially but then was amended to No Lynch as well iirc
