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Poll on the last few days short selling

  • 28-01-2021 8:37pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,396 ✭✭✭✭

    Ok for the craic, lets see what sort of breakdown of trader's do we have here?

    Edit, bloody typo in the poll, how do ya fix it ha?

    What best discribles you? 102 votes

    Pure newbie trader who jumped on the GameStop hype, and you are up!
    85% 87 votes
    Pure newbie trader who jumped on the GameStop hype, but made a loss!
    5% 6 votes
    Seasoned trader, made a profit from GameStop and all other short stocks last few days
    1% 2 votes
    Seasoned trader, made a loss from GameStop and all other shorts stocks
    5% 6 votes
    Sitting on the sidelines watching the entertainment.
    0% 1 vote


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,276 ✭✭✭sdanseo

    Jumped in with just €150 for the craic but too late for GME. Down a small bit so far on NOK, BB, AMC. Interesting to see where they go.
    Using T212, may look to Degiro overnight or tomorrow and buy a little GME fractional.

    It's cash I pulled out of BTC that was essentially loose change from the last few months - all for entertainment really. No big money going in as looking to go house hunting this year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,995 ✭✭✭This is it

    Newbie, got in Wednesday. I'm up. Will probably never buy anything again, all a bit of craic for me really

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,301 ✭✭✭John Hutton

    Jumped in today on GME, total noob. Holding a massive 1.something shares :pac: Used spare cash for it, zero concerns if it all goes up in smoke. It's something interesting to be part of and look at I guess.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,100 ✭✭✭✭neris

    Was going to get in on Tuesday and had an order in for when tje market opened but chickened out.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,975 ✭✭✭crushproof

    Would still consider myself a novice but lightly seasoned.

    Was handling my portfolio very well until the past couple of days.
    Fell for the hype, got into GME, BB, NAKD and NOK

    As the day went on I got out of NAKD with a 35% profit.
    Out of AMC at a 40% loss, did not see it pulling it back.

    As of close tonight, down 36% in GME, 34% in BB and 7% in NOK. Better bloody get back up tomorrow otherwise my portfolio will be in the red for a long time after doing so well in the past few months. Sucked in big time!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,762 ✭✭✭jive

    Only ever invested in ETFs (starting 2016). Saw the GameStop run up last week on Reddit and watched the guy from Reddit (u/deepf*ckingvalue, YouTube RoaringKitty). He spoke intelligently, pretty nuanced about it all even after winning big and I watched about 6 hours worth of videos (spreadsheets, websites he uses, GameStop justification - 1 point in particular that revenue was decreasing but gross margin staying the same which would not be the case for a disaster of a business, new console cycle would boost revenue). Logic around the stock being overly shorted was sound and Michael Burry a credible figure backing this up, along with some other hedge funds who looked reputable.

    I had around €700 in dividends and threw them in Monday at $97, bottling it due to the volatility and selling 9 shares at a loss. I had earmarked this to potentially use as play money but most likely would have put it into an ETF or investment trust due to being too lazy to do proper due diligence on an individual stock.

    Disgusted with my lack of balls, toxic masculinity kicked in and I went in again on Tuesday at $81 for 8 shares (all I could buy after on Mondays loss).

    Sold 4 today for $400+ and letting the remaining 4 run the course. I think the damage was done today with retail investors being blacked out and the institutions able to manipulate the price as they needed.

    Despite winning here it’s honestly put me off investing in individual stocks. If I needed confirmation that the odds are stacked against the retail investors, this is it. I’ll continue to invest in ETFs or maybe investment trusts (due to deemed disposal, penal nonsense) and take my 3-7% average YoY. I probably did about 10 hours reading / watching $GME before investing, then the goalposts moved because an opportunity was being exploited and widely publicised online, none of which I have any issue with; poor risk management by professionals but we’ve been here before and we’ll be here again. I know it’s up again after hours but it leaves a sour taste.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,470 ✭✭✭NSAman

    ‘Hold” was the mantra.

    I have been following this for about two weeks and seeing the utter panic of the hedge funds has been brilliant.

    It is interesting to see Melvin capital can short by 120+% of the stock. It’s interesting to see people like Sen. WARREN saying we must have market manipulation rules for small investors. What about institutional investors?

    Seeing Melvin having to be bailed out to the tune of 2.5 billion on Tuesday was funny.

    For me, the usual suspects have tried everything to manipulate the system, schwabb, et al are just complete cowboys. When the ordinary investor causes upheaval of the status quo, rules get brought in and manipulation through trading blocking is just playing to the institutional investors.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,503 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

    was in Gamestop ten days ago ( prior to it soaring ) from $ 35 to $ 43 ( wasnt aware of Wall St bets at all at that stage )

    then $ 66 to $88 from one day to the next as i thought it might retrace

    finally $120 to $288 over a twenty four hour period

    modest profit of $1083 in total but i was only in for small amounts anyway

    on the loss side ,i got into BBBY and AMC with both stock and options yesterday , currently down with those though not by much

    i was never trading large amounts to begin with , dont have the steel for that

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,224 ✭✭✭✭patsy_mccabe

    I went through Michael Burry's portfolio a few months ago. Went tru all the stocks individually. Looked at the financials. I couldn't understand why he was in Gamestop and had a fair % of his portfolio in it, if I remember right. But I thought, these guys know what they are doing. The constant loss every 1/4, for such an established company, put me off.
    Maybe Burry thought that all the company needed was a good manager to come in and tidy things up. In the end, I stayed out.

    As for getting in since Wallstreetbets flexed its muscle, that's just gambling, and I don't gamble. Every other share I had went up yesterday. OK only a few %, but ill take that any day over these pump and dump stocks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,503 ✭✭✭✭Mad_maxx

    I went through Michael Burry's portfolio a few months ago. Went tru all the stocks individually. Looked at the financials. I couldn't understand why he was in Gamestop and had a fair % of his portfolio in it, if I remember right. But I thought, these guys know what they are doing. The constant loss every 1/4, for such an established company, put me off.
    Maybe Burry thought that all the company needed was a good manager to come in and tidy things up. In the end, I stayed out.

    As for getting in since Wallstreetbets flexed its muscle, that's just gambling, and I don't gamble. Every other share I had went up yesterday. OK only a few %, but ill take that any day over these pump and dump stocks.

    how much is Bury up ( ball park )

    not the kind of return he achieved shorting the market pre 2008 ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,224 ✭✭✭✭patsy_mccabe

    Mad_maxx wrote: »
    how much is Bury up ( ball park )

    not the kind of return he achieved shorting the market pre 2008 ?

    In sept 2020 he had 1.7 million shares he bought at $10. Maybe he's behind Wallstreetbets. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9 firstquater

    I consider my self like a newbie, GME +2080E AMC +2880E last week. I don't hold any of them now...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,995 ✭✭✭This is it

    In sept 2020 he had 1.7 million shares he bought at $10. Maybe he's behind Wallstreetbets. :D

