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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,634 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    I can't understand why anyone serving a sentence gets special treatment and it shouldn't matter who they are ot what they are in for? Their victims sure don't get any special treatment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,588 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    Whether the gruel specifically was being hyperbolic, the point still stands regarding punitive versus rehabilitative justice and the broader impact that will have on society.

    As I said, I'm not familiar enough with the prison system to know how the prisoners in Portlaoise's differs from that of others, but is being able to order some avocado or a can of lucozade impossible in other prisons? Even if one looks at the, 'stick' end of the carrot and stick, a prisoner would need to have certain privileges in order to use the threat to take them away?

    I personally wouldn't find anything in the article particularly egregious in any prison.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,453 ✭✭✭sam t smith

    The article clearly states they get ‘special treatment’.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,588 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    Yes, but the article doesn't specify what that special treatment is; can prisoners in other facilities request specific food items? The article implies that they can't without stating it, that's what I'm trying to find out (because a prisoner being able to buy a can of Lucozade doesn't seem particularly egregious to me), rather than just knee jerk reacting and calling for more punitive measures despite punitive justice showing a much higher rate of recidivism.

    I do admit to tending towards taking anything in the Independent with a large pinch of salt, hence wishing to confirm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    They have no intention of implementing anything to stop the online trolls. After all they are the ones who have started it. SF have got some bad press so come out with some rubbish, get some good press and then put it away.

    It seems the politics and discussion they want is, support SF or you should be abused or ridiculed online. What happens if they do get into government? I expect they will just try shut down any opposition voices. From what I can see so far they are already trying to do it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,423 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    I would have to agree with your last paragraph.

  • Registered Users Posts: 648 ✭✭✭Irelandsnumberone

    The latest opinion polls have rattled the usuals.

    Another good month for SF with FF/FG failing at housing, health and education SF can sit back and watch them lose even more support. Interesting times ahead

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Does it not concern you that at the rate SF are going,there'll be no usuals left to rattle and your sudden appearance in these threads will become.redundant ? 🤣

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,279 ✭✭✭mikethecop

    the amount of virulently extremally committed and very active pro sf posters here who arent party members and never voted for them before who post here is ........ unusual

  • Registered Users Posts: 648 ✭✭✭Irelandsnumberone

    Ive already stated i voted SF 1st preference last time and will again unless a decent social democrat candidate runs in my area.

    Which posters are you talking about or have you made it up?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,034 ✭✭✭rolling boh

    They will still find it hard to find a partner with a decent chunk of seats to go into government with may well be the biggest party but nowadays that is a long way off getting power with a small group or indos to get you over the line .

  • Registered Users Posts: 648 ✭✭✭Irelandsnumberone

    Remarkable numbers in the Red C Poll/Sunday Business Post for 18-34 age group:

    40% SF

    14% FF

    13% FG

    10% Green

    35-54 age group

    43% SF

    16% FG

    12% FF

    3% Greens

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A lot of them don't bother voting of a Friday evening though

    Alcohol to be consumed

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,588 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    That kind of smug arrogance is a significant part of the reason the establishment parties of FF and FG are collapsing. I'd much rather non-SF parties worked out why people are considering voting that way rather than insinuating over 40% of our voting populace under 54 will have trouble voting because they just can't control themselves to skip the drink for an hour to go and vote. Maybe if folk weren't so damn snide we could avoid a Shinner government altogether.

    If over 40% of our working population are as you suggest, we have deeper problems than a potential SF led government.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Have a look in the mirror Fionn before you accuse me of smug arrogance

    The fact I'm not here to be one of the 'usuals' or whip boy fodder but rather to just give an opinion speaks for itself

    Your biggest problem in the above post seems to be,I don't care

    Ergo reregistered SF fanboys/girls don't bother me

    My opinions on this thread are both well known and expressed clearly

    The fact that you consider them smug arrogance is telling but hey ho

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,588 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    I've no idea why you're off on a rant about re-reg posters, nor do I have any issue with your opinion of the re-reg brigade. I'm not sure quite how you read my post and came away with that considering I didn't mention them at all (though I have previously; my opinion of them is no more positive than your own).

    My biggest problem with your post certainly isn't that you don't spend an awful lot of time posting about SF for someone who is claiming not to care about them. I certainly care as I think a SF led government would be disastrous (a position I've also made very clear repeatedly on here).

    What I was calling out as arrogant and smug was your dismissal of a poll suggesting over 40% of those under 55 considering voting SF aren't a cause for concern; they won't vote because there is alcohol to be consumed. Your insinuation is very clear. If you can't see how suggesting that up to 40% of our working aged populace are feckless wasters who can't control their drinking for long enough to cast a vote is smug and arrogant, well that would be much more telling than me thinking it is arrogant.

    Seriously, re-read your post and have a bit of cop on.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm rarely in here vs the regular SF posters,so up the yard with that one

    As regards where most 18 to 34 year olds on a Friday evening will be...

    I'm right about that

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,588 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    Sure thing, Marine. You never post on this thread and you were totally making a comment about all 18-34 year olds and not making insinuations about SF voters. If anyone believes you there, I've a bridge to sell them.

    Even if I believed it for a second, I don't accept your premise that most 18-34 year olds are unable to control themselves enough to find fifteen minutes outside the pub between 7am and 10pm, nor does it address the 40% in the next age cohort from 35-54 who are considering voting for them, especially given that cohort is the most likely to vote.

    Jesus, even the, 'well I'm not as prolific a poster as one fella who was so obsessed that he created multiple accounts so I clearly don't care' is a p*ss weak argument. You're one of the most prolific anti-SF posters on the thread, albeit not the single most. You've posted on this thread every couple of days for months on end.....hardly someone who doesn't care, but sure carry on believing whatever helps you feel superior to the Shinners on thread.

    Two cheeks of the same a*se half the time on this thread!

  • Registered Users Posts: 648 ✭✭✭Irelandsnumberone

    Do the 40% of 35-54 year olds go pub aswell of a Friday?

    Do the 60% who vote others not go out on Fridays?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    They're more likely to vote than 18 to 34 Yr olds of a Friday evening

    There you go again with the feigned response that anyone that isn't with us thinks they're superior ,so typical of someone who doesn't want to hear anything other than the besting one anothef posts

    I'm not your or anyone's go to there I'm afraid

    Go play with Blanch a while or Brendan

    Fact is and as posted in these threads multiple times, I wouldn't vote SF now,they don't attract me

    But I'm not concerned if they get into government as I expect if they do they'll be found out by the floaters and they'll disappoint their core

    Mainly because populism has to be paid for and multiple times SF come out with the bullet points but go nowhere near the cost of it

    Thankfully we are in the EU,a place that doesn't allow borrowing for populism and of course rising taxes instead doesn't get you reelected or into a programme for government where any potential needed partner is against that

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,588 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    Anyone who isn't with us? Let me be clear, Marine.....I'm calling out your post specifically as smug and arrogant, absolutely nothing to do with what, 'side' you're on, absolutely nothing to do with 'anyone who is not with us' (though I've no idea who the us you're referring to in this case is, considering my own views on SF would be closer to yours than Blanch or Brendan's, and certainly closer to yours than the prolific pro-SF posters on here; I've also repeatedly stated that I think they'll get one period in government before their vote collapses when they can't be all things to all people like they promise from the opposition benches).

    The, 'I'm not worried about SF polling highly, sure they'll all be too busy drinking to vote' post was smug and arrogant, no matter how desperately you're attempting to backtrack away from what you were clearly insinuating. I am not saying you're smug and arrogant because of whatever side of the political fence you fall on, I'm calling out that specific post as such.

    I'd also question why someone who is so indifferent towards SF can't seem to manage to go a few days without posting about them. Methinks he doth protest too much.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm replying because you've asked me by quoting me

    Same playbook I see.. 'he can't go a few days without replying'

    Save that for the crew who're in here 24:7 thank you

    You called me smug and arrogant for stating that most 18 to 34 year olds have socialising a bigger priority than voting of a Friday evening

    Its a fact

    The rest of your posts are along the lines of you don't agree with my opinions

    They're my opinions

    God forbid I mustn't hold them

    Oh and to give you your due,you are a broader church usually than the other posters here

    But (my opinion) based on what I read here over the years,the local SF rep on your ballot paper won't be blank

    Unless of course you're a devil's advocate

    I might be too ,who knows and best of all who cares,I don't

    I'll be reading your reply btw but won't be replying if it requires repetition or if its another attempt at the 'oh you're in here every couple of days ' nonsense

    You'll know which I think either way

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,588 ✭✭✭Fionn1952

    I called your post (not you) smug and arrogant because I read it (and still believe you intended the implication) as a point about SF voters, not about the 18-34 year old voting cohort. The reason I perceived it as such is because a) any issues affecting 18-34 year olds will also affect the other parties and b) it would completely ignore the fact that they're also polling at 40% with the 35-54 cohort which has the largest voter turnout. Simply put, it isn't logical to look at polling data for 18-54 year olds showing high support for SF and say, 'ah well the kids will be in the pub, nothing to worry about'.

    To be clear, I couldn't name my local SF representative offhand and they will absolutely not be getting any sort of transfer of my vote. Don't mistake my understanding why some people are feeling disenfranchised from the two usual suspect parties with support for the party picking up those disenfranchised voters.

    I've always been very open about my experience with SF; I voted for them when I lived in the North for purely tactical reasons, they haven't had a sniff of my vote since moving to this side of the border and I'm generally an, 'all the way down as low as you can stomach' proponent for transfers. The only parties left off my transfers would be SF, Aontu, PBP or whatever they're calling themselves this week and the hard right and/or Anti-EU parties from Renua over.

    You'll see as many of my posts on this thread arguing with SF supporting posters as those avowedly anti-SF, so I suppose I could be interpreted as having a bit of a Devil's Advocate tendency, though I'd like to think of it as calling out the nonsense and b*llshit when I see it without trying to work out what team the poster is on first. All I know is that I routinely get accused of being a FF/FG shill from the Shinner posters, and being a Shinnerbot from the anti-SF posters, both of whom seem to need to fit people into that, 'with us or against us' box you tried to accuse me of earlier.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Well you see you'd be wrong there and you'd be applying a stereotype to me typical of a them and us attitude

    I did not refer to who the 18 to 34 Yr olds vote for

    I've a hard enough time getting my own to vote ffs 🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,279 ✭✭✭mikethecop

    Sister of IRA murder victim Terence McKeever appeals for help in finding his killer -

    another victim of sfira ,

    obviously sf know who killed this man and they aren't telling ,

    is that some one you want in government ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,716 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    Just one of the many people killed by the PIRA, supported by Sinn Fein, just for earning a living.

    Never forget.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,716 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    "Almost 100 items for debate have been kept secret from the public in the last three months at a Northern Ireland council."

    This is the type of media scrutiny of political decisions that SF believes in. Do everything behind closed doors and tell the public nothin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,423 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    We don’t want that kind of ‘omertà’ down here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,423 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    They will lie through their teeth and try and make you forget what SF/PIRA were all about. They will try with all their might to justify their campaign of violence as if actions like those described above were reasonable and legitimate.

    Many a poster overtly supports their actions which include murder.
