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The wondrous adventures of Sinn Fein (part 3) Mod Notes and Threadbanned List in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭shirrup

    I have asked mods to clarify if what you're doing is an acceptable request and will leave it at that for now.

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Lol... transparent as fcuk.....wanting to lead the charge on doxxing other posters

    The poster who deems Hugh O'Connell as a fake Twitter account, suddenly has pretend concerns about journalism and wants other users to endorse them,in reality it's a piss poor attempt to doxx someone,which a 2 year old can see through

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    More threats of defamation 🤣

    It would seem that SF and supporters are trying to shut down any negative stories on social media. Very concerning times for the people of Ireland. Very concerning this campaign

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    Do you understand what “dox” means?

    Based on your posts so far you don’t. Asking someone to share an article they have written is not classified as “dox”

    If I went onto teh internet and identified the person and then shared their identity without their permission that is dox

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,778 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    I believe our future Taoiseach/ Lady in Waiting deserves credit for her magnanimous response to the Queen’s death.

    To me it shows there is hope on the road to the long slow process of the normalisation of SF. The hard divisive edges of SF are being solely chipped away and replaced with compromise and reconciliation.

    This is necessary if SF are to rule in an Irish government more so than a British devolved one.

    Naturally the terminology in the two Irish jurisdictions are never going to really align for SF.

    Because a SF voter in NI and the border areas and most of those in the ROI are very different animals. They have different mindsets and SF has to constantly play this dual game. Which they are now well practiced in. I hope the gradual process of normalisation continues.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

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  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    The logical endpoint of what your wanting is quite clear

    Transparent as fcuk,your play dumb thing is just sad,everyone sees through it

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Wait till you guys realise they been powersharing with unionists for a generation

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,130 ✭✭✭seanin4711

    the FFG government are one on auto-pilot loosing altitude rapidly.

    I for one am looking forward to a change.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,778 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    That is pantomime more than governance as posters such as yourself well know. Because when SF do something in NI they can praise they can claim they did it. When something they don’t like is done in NI SF can claim it the Unionist fault / British government.

    There is insincere symbolic pantomime with SF in NI Irish language etc as pretence not to govern. Meanwhile the hardline Unionists use their own pretence.

    That is not governance IMO that is pantomime at worst and glorified county council stuff at best.

    The Dail is senior hurling as SF well know. And the majority of the ROI SF voter are not attracted by NI/Republican pantomime but practical promises on housing and health.

    It is the duality of SF in how they pander to votes in both jurisdictions. Different mindsets, different phraseology from SF in both jurisdictions.

    SF’s next big step IMO will be the use of the phrase NI. I believe it is not since the 1940’s that the Irish government used the phrase ‘six counties’ in official documents.

    SF are basically at the same stage as FF 1932 populist, and on the face of it Republican. But in time the Republican Rhetoric will be softened in favour of practicality.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Let get one thing straight,Irish language isn't a pantomime and blaming SF for no government over it,is a misinformation passed as fact

    They negotiated a deal with foster including irish language act,then foster couldn't deliver the DUP,they then refused to negotiate farther with a leader whom couldn't deliver on their negotiations

    The dail is senior hurling🤣🤣🤣....that's why we have clowns roaring at each other about fairies,the TDs up there carryon like nooone would in any job,the worst mistake anyone can have is place any regard in em....what were the FF position in 1932 on renewable energy,or do you just parrot poor taught out reductive phrases in place of facts and logic?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,778 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Not true for all but some peoples mind are warped/intransigent. The latter a popular NI word. But such an attitude is backwards and does not represent the majority of ROI voter.

    In my opinion the real future of politics on this island is the less political idealistic parties such as the Alliance /SDLP.

    When the NI voter moves towards such parties. It will be a sign NI has matured.

    What SF do in the Dail will hopefully be an example for a more mature balanced attitude over time. But it will take time, I am sure SF have it written towards the back of one of their strategy documents.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    The DUP and uup are haermogaing votes to alliance,in medium term they will attempt to solidify this vote and move into a more traditional unionist position.... (And long term be decimated by agreeing to sharepower with nationlists)

    the SDLP is dying out,it now calls itself the 'offial opposition' in stormont of course forgetting to remind people it's in that position as it failed to secure enough MLAs to appoint ministers

    You need to deal with the world as it is,not what you want it to be....all my life I've watched rte push SDLP reactionary liberialism as worthwhile position,while all my life I've watched their vote dwindle,they have no real future without massive reform,their leader is reduced to sniping from edges and deosnt offer solutions

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,778 ✭✭✭✭gormdubhgorm

    Again that is a logical fallacy the truth is SF only use the Irish language as a symbolic political football. An insult to the Irish language in my opinion. A couple of words for show in Stormont.

    I wouldn’t agree with a lot of things Gregory Campbell says. But he hit the nail on the head on the Irish language pantomime in Stormont Which is the real reason why ‘curry my yoghurt’ hit a nerve. Even McDonald’s level of Irish is very shaky, which must be embarrassing for her.

    As for your comment on FF and renewable energy. That is another fallacy. As the phrase renewable energy was not wildly used phrase in the 1930’s. But anyone who has even studied a bit of history and knows of the FF 1930’s was populist based on housing and health.

    In the 2020 GE your great leader McDonald was quizzed on SF contradictory policies in NI v proposed ROI - as NI was the closest SF had as a ‘governance’ reference.

    But her response was surprisingly ‘partitionist’. She said that is another jurisdiction!

    To me it sums up the dichotomy of SF and the duality it has. But I assume over time ROI SF gradually overtake the NI SF.

    I think There will be a shift in SF power dynamic internally and mindsets will change. It could take 20 years before NI SF catches up to a modern 21st Century Irish mindset.

    And the backward mindset of the stereotypical SF voter will be left behind. The Celtic jersey tattoo wearing heads will become relics of a by gone age.

    Guff about stuff, and stuff about guff.

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Seemingly they put a pile of work into this election behind scenes.....alot more than is credited,as they wanted to begin to erode SF position in north to distract from its build in the south

    When in reality,SF gave a vote management performance in several areas,that should have alarm bells ringing,if they vote solidifys at mid 30s% in South......

    I'd love to see their director of elections being interviewed to explain how they approached it,and what level of work over previous years resulted in it.....unlikely to ever happen I guess

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Except it wasn't Irish language (which everyone should speak more),that kept down was political failures of foster to deliver the DUP,as if she negotiated X,and can't's reasonable to want to negotiate with someone else imo

    I have studied history,and also know that FF (and Ireland)in 1930s is vastly different to nowadays,and feel it's a reductive comparison that simply deosnt stand up scrutiny

    SF shifts internally all the time,its internal goverence being loosely a replication of the GAA.....

    there is no backward mindset,they are the only progressive party running on the island (PBP aside),the rest are a bunch of varying degrees of conservative/reactionary liberialism......the fact this has to spelt out,while yous drool on about the 1930s,Celtic supporters (check out ethos of green brigade) and tattoos,which everyone has nowadays is displaying an old-before-your-time mindset

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,911 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    I didn't say that, and that is not the critical issue. The issues include:

    (1) Trustees of a charity cannot benefit from the charity - director's loans are not possible for a charity

    (2) As a trustee director, he was responsible for ensuring the accounts gave a true and accurate picture - his loan isn't mentioned. Were the other trustees aware of his linkage with the company getting the loan?

    (3) There remains a charge in the Land Registry on his property - is this an adminstrative oversight or did he not pay back the loan?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,402 ✭✭✭nigeldaniel

    How long before Sf start calling for his/her immediate release saying stuff like it's all in the past let's move along now? or worse claiming its all lies he/she is innocent.


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,487 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    That’s what they do………gotta expect that response.

  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭shirrup

    or worse claiming its all lies he/she is innocent

    There's no he/she article clearly states it's a man. And why would it be "worse" claiming someone was innocent if in fact they actually were?

    Man arrested > SF > be terrible if they claimed this person was innocent beforehand. Think you are losing the run of yourself and all reasonable rationale here nigel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 482 ✭✭notsocutehoor

    To be totally accurate this is what you said - you think nothing strange about a TD approving a personal loan for himself from taxpayers money - Martin Kenny said I made sure not to be part of any decision around the company's application - now unless you are talking about a totally different TD (which would be rum considering the topic being discussed) it would appear that you are claiming that he was party to the decision to grant his business this loan, which could be a challenging position to be in if Martin Kenny's statement is shown to be the more accurate.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    Thanks for your and everyone else's support. The only article of mine with no byline is behind a paywall on the Phoenix website. Any other articles that I could link would have name on them and I am not openly sharing that. @Dempo1 can confirm that I am real and that I have a verified account on Twitter like Hugh O'Connell whose account was called fake.

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Mate it's clear what you said and insinuated....quite why yous want to squirm from it is beyond me,

    the fact yous are given a free reign to post what are clearly openly liabilous posts is beyond claimed/insinuated he awarded himself a loan of taxpayer money,

    which if true is serious offence,if false,you better hope your legal defense is strong

  • Posts: 6,192 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Gonna need some pretty solid evidence to stack up,after the hoey case collapse a few years ago

    Must been a pure eejit to go to UK,when it in a crisis politically (letting aside the queen dying) with conservative party desperate to detract from its failings and needing a common enemy/war for media to row in behind,

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭xxxxxxl

    Has anyone got a link to the SF response to the death of UK head of state. I hear it's actually reasonable and measured. Not seen it yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 482 ✭✭notsocutehoor

    You're probably too young to have heard of the Birmingham Six nigel, read up on it

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,487 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭shirrup

    Hi Brendan, weren't you doing similar recently? I think I seen you post (repeatedly) about people's right to the presumption of innocence in a recent thread about a minister with 11 properties (who actually admitted wrongdoing = losing the presumption)

    Seems yourself and the shinners are peas in a pod.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,487 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Sure, we’ll then let’s have an inquiry into the loan issue, don’t have a problem with that.

    What sanctions if any were taken against this person, or are we waiting for an investigation , or are we just as is usual just saying nothing and doing nothing.

    Going back to the dark side of the moon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭shirrup

    Sorry I was discussing you being an advocate for the presumption of innocence mantra, you appear to be a strong supporter of it when it came to someone who actually admitted wrongdoing. I wouldn't want you veering into a lane where you might be thought of as a hypocrite.

    Its important to keep that view regardless who is being discussed, lest you come across as being a shyster Brendan.

    Post edited by shirrup on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,487 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Admitting a ‘crime’ doesn’t automatically make one guilty.

    Maybe in the circles you operate in summary ‘justice ‘ is the way to go, but not in mine.
