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FE1 Exam Thread (Read 1st post!) No trading



  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭SamWFE1

    Hey everybody, this is somewhat FE1 related but I was just wondering if anybody has any advice re: securing a training contract. As a little background I have completed my undergraduate in Law with a 2:1, (67%) and my postgrad was in Business Law, also a 2:1 (69%). I have also completed seven out of eight FE1s and am looking to finish them in this sitting. My last one is Constitutional. I have received fairly decent grades in all of my FE1s with my lowest being 58% and my highest 73%.

    I'm at my wits end with looking for a contract. I feel like I've applied to every firm in Cork with no luck. The only thing is I have zero experience of working in a law firm. Also, I am 26 years old, 27 next month, and feel as if my age might count against me here. I am seriously considering saving up over the next few months, quitting my current job and offering myself for free for an internship at a law firm just to get a bit of experience in. I'm also considering going in person with my CV and cover letter, as I feel like emails are too unpersonal. I live in Cork and preferably would like to stay here but I would also move to Dublin if it would mean getting my foot in the door.

    Most applications for training contracts are closed now, so it will likely be 2024 before I can secure one, and that's best case scenario. So I feel as if just getting some experience in the meantime will be my best bet.

    If anyone has been in a similar position to me, or has some advice as to what I should do, I would be extremely grateful. Thanks in advance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 examgrid

    I am also looking to find this out. Hopefully someone can help us out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭fe12022

    Best bet is getting a job in a firm as a legal assistant or paralegal and then going from there I think, it helps massively to already have your foot in the door as them knowing that you’re a competent worker is far more valuable than any results or an interview. A lot of the bigger firms in Dublin are always hiring looking for these roles. ByrneWallace definitely are atm and I think I saw similar roles in McCann. Law Society website also advertises a lot of these positions. I’m not sure if summer internship applications are still open but they are the best way of getting a TC as most firms give you an interview automatically at the end of them. I can't emphasise enough how key experience is- any interviews I did they didn’t ask once about fe1 or college results, it was previous work experience I had in Law firms! If you’re willing or looking to train in a smaller firm, a lot of their applications won’t open until around summer for trainees looking to start in Blackhall in September. Best of luck, you’ll definitely get one in the end- by the sounds of things you’re a great candidate :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 lawdstudent2022

    This hurt my heart to read that someone with a great undergrad and masters AND most of their fe1s is struggling to find a TC. This is coming from a place of real support and care...but your cover letter/application is obviously what is getting in the way of you getting a TC. Do you have any true friends who have received TC offers that would be brutally honest with you in reading your applications/TC cover letters?

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭SamWFE1

    Yeah this was exactly my thinking too! I'm just gonna really put emphasis on finding experience somewhere over the weekend. I've applied to a few places for legal executive roles/paralegal through Irish Jobs/Indeed and places like that today so I hope I get a few hits back on those. Do you think even if I got legal experience not working in a law firm but with somewhere else this would be adequate? I notice there's quite a few places hiring for paralegals and such but they aren't strictly law firms. Thanks!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭SamWFE1

    You're probably right. In the past I think I've focused more on quantity rather than quality, and sent around a one-size-fits-all cover letter without making any changes or tailoring it to the specific firm that I'm applying for. It might be better to narrow my focus and really personalise each application. Do you have any tips on how to structure a good over letter?

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭fe12022

    All experience is beneficial I would say! But it definitely helps to be already working in a firm when applying for a TC with them I would say. But even if there were no roles in those firms available at the moment, working in a legal department of a non firm would definitely look great on your cv and you could be applying to other jobs as they pop up :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 MikeRoss23

    Anyone have a copy of the most recent sittings in tort, constitutional or criminal? I.e. the October 2022 exams. Willing to swap/share anything in return on these subjects or the other 5 subjects that I've sat already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 December22

    Around October time seems when most training contract applications are open. However, if you do some research you might find a few hiring trainees.

    In terms of summer internships - some firms have closed applications but others haven’t so get straight on that.

    However, I think legal support roles would be an excellent start because they will put you in a far better position when next October comes around. I would apply for quite literally every legal job under the sun. If you just search “legal assistant” etc jobs on LinkedIn, Indeed, or the Law Society website they will come up. Even if the firm is not hiring, I would email your CV and cover letter to the HR manager.

    I would also email recruiters. Tell them what you are looking for an attach your CV and cover letter. All of the legal recruiters in Ireland will have their emails on their LindeIn pages. Reed and Morgan McKinley are big ones.

    In terms of formatting your CV and cover letter there are templates on the law society website. Get someone to proof it for you. CV should never be more than 2 pages and cover should never be more than 1 page. Keep it simple and straight to the point.

    A lot of paralegal/legal executive jobs require some previous legal experience but others don’t. Don’t be disheartened by rejection emails that is all part of it.

    I guarantee there are at least 100 legal support roles around Ireland up for grabs. Apply for everything - you only have to get lucky once. Judging from your academic background I’d be shocked if you didn’t secure 1 job out of 100.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 lawdstudent2022

    Yeah they all need to be personalised from my experience! No-one tells you this sort of thing so don't worry. But I think the best way to do it is to mention a case that the firm was involved with recently and explain why that case was of interest to you - they need to think that they are THE firm that you want to work for - not just another firm that you're applying for if that makes sense? Id be happy to give your cover letter a once over if you'd like (im no expert but have gotten interviews and offers from big firms over the past few years)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25 lollypop23

    Does anyone know what chapter this question from the October sitting of company exam refers to? Also curious to know what anyone else is studying for company 🤔

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭catonafence

    Both are from the corporate borrowing and charges chapter(a) ROT clause q ( should be at the end of your corporate borrowing) (b) is a classic corporate borrowing. Look back at past sample answers, it comes up time and time again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 stressed_depressed

    Feeling v overwhelmed by Tort and Contract atm! If anyone has any tips or anything they’re defo prepping ? Or is also doing the same exams and wants to join forces ??

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭catonafence

    Doing Contract, not Tort though. Happy to support!! PM me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭AA21

    Does anyone have equity sample answers? Can swap for other subjects

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭catonafence

    PM me your email, I have some but they are only up to 2017.Am also on the hunt for newer samples answers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 728320

    Does anyone has any sample answers for contract that preferly arent griffith college as I hear they are not meant to be great. Have anyone used griffith sample answers and passed feeling very over whelmed and feel like I know nothing. Can swap for other subjects any help would be appreciated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 Lawlawblahblah

    I'm in a similar position re degree, masters and 7/8 Fe's and I have legal experience. It's very disheartening. My hope is that smaller firms will still be accepting people in the coming months, don't loose faith! If anyone has any insight into what those firms may be that would be great

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭fe12022

    Anyone happen to have a sample answer for an ultra vires q for Company please?! Would be much appreciated

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 T2020

    What are people covering for company? Any predictions as to what type of SLP qu will come up?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8 Wrighty101

    Does anyone have an exam script for Tort that they would be happy to share?

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭SamWFE1

    Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has an up to date exam grid for Constitutional? Thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 100 ✭✭Ignacius

    Hi guys! Does anybody know where the exam centre is? Nothing up on the site I can see. Thanks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 ljk1998

    Hi guys,

    I sat Company in October 2022 and passed first time around. I have 15+ fully prepped essays and answers for problem questions which frequently arise on the paper stored on my google drive, these answers were drafted using the examiner reports alongside Courtney's company law book. I studied exclusively by rote learning these answers and I am happy to sell the entire bundle for 15 euro. The essays are very thorough but could be condensed if you are under time pressure.

    I know how stressful this period before the exam can be so best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 586 ✭✭✭vid36

    Get experience, you may have to be an intern for a while.Spent 4 months as an intern before got offered a training contract.

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭AA21

  • Registered Users Posts: 105 ✭✭AA21

    Does anyone have March-October 22 property exam papers and reports? I’ve an updated grid but just want to see what exact questions came up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 Dyl_morr

    Do people have any predictions for criminal? Appreciate you all 🤩

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 lawdstudent2022

    you can get them on the law society website for just 6 euro!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3 gráforthelaw

    Company Law

    Will anyone be referring to particular statutes re Holding Companies / Subsidiaries in preparing the Separate Legal Personality question? Thought I was going to cite a provision but can't for the life of me remember what it was now.

