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Drainage for the garden

  • 23-02-2021 1:28pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,323 ✭✭✭

    My back garden is a disaster zone once it starts to rain. During the estate construction, the ground on which my gardens stands must have been compacted down really well by passing trucks\vehicles as the water has no where to go and the garden overall becomes a swamp. It just sits on the grass and take days to finally seep into the ground

    It is approx. 12m x 18m - would anyone have any idea on how much digging it up and putting in the appropriate drainage would be?

    Many thanks,


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 146 ✭✭Aidan Harney

    I was recently looking for perforated pipe for my garden and came across this article.
    Not saying it's what you need or don't need, but could be of some use in terms of the scale of work etc etc.
    Good luck with it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,323 ✭✭✭splashthecash

    I was recently looking for perforated pipe for my garden and came across this article.
    Not saying it's what you need or don't need, but could be of some use in terms of the scale of work etc etc.
    Good luck with it.

    It is exactly what I'm looking for - the back garden even looks like mine!
    Called the guy but he is based in Meath and doesn't come out to Kildare

    I could try it myself but the connection to the drains to take the water away could be problematic
