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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,203 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    Trashing their family? How? I don't get this point of view at all. Most families have some issues, so what? Like I said, it's no secret how Charles can be somewhat distant and it was already widely reported that he and his brother had drifted apart, as many siblings do when their lives diverge.

    It's very easy to say ignore tabloid gossip when you're not a target of it yourself. I can imagine it could take a great toll on someone after a while, but maybe some people are tougher than others.

    Trashing? well for one, they dropped the whole remark by an unnamed royal about skin colour. Leaves pretty much every member of his family open to suspicion as a casual racist. His father is not picking up the phone to him, saying that William & Charles have simply accepted their fate.

    The overall picture was not exactly one of what a great and wonderful loving bunch of lads they are. In fact it is so bad they have had to leave the country to get away from them.

    You are quite right all families have issues but do they really need to air it in public like that? It seems to be almost a teenage rebellion/early mid life crisis.

    I just feel that in the long run that Harry will end up on the losing side.

    Maybe it is because I take no notice of tabloids but even so they are impossible to ignore- personally I havent regarded their headlines as worse or better than others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,054 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    I thought William had cautioned about him rushing into marriage. I can't help but feel that Harry was a bit desparate to rush into a marriage with the first strong woman who came along.

    I hate to say this about someone who lost their morther so publically at such a young age but I have always felt that Harry IMO has mummy issues.

    How long have you known him and whats he like in person?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,953 ✭✭✭_Whimsical_

    I think they are oblivious to the feelings of the public towards them. They're weaved a narrative through some unfortunate things that have happened to them but they've let many important threads fall, and without them the story is incomplete.

    My recollection of her introduction to the world as part of the Royal family was overwhelmingly positive. Press couldn't get enough of her and the fairytale romance, and she was a picture of poise, born to the role, never without a sweet smile in public. Her family were a thorn in the side of an otherwise picture perfect wedding but they ultimately served to cast her in a tragic light and engage the sympathies of the world.

    The first negative press I remember them getting was when they began preaching about environmental mores and about the changes the little people could, and HAD to make to save the planet while jetting around the world in private jets themselves. While championing charities where she helped women on welfare find second hand clothes for interviews, Meghan arranged a very grand baby shower in the US reported to have cost 300 grand (while supposedly locked in her home in the depths of depression).
    Suddenly it was obvious that despite the sense of entitlement to a podium to lecture all from they were not the same as the rest of us and were not playing by the same rules. As you could expect a backlash grew legs and was unleashed in the press. I think that would've happened regardless of her colour. Some of the unfavourable headlines, like the avocado eating, make sense in the context of her behaviour, not in the context of her skin colour.

    And then I'm sure depression probably hit. She had isolated her entire family, created a standoff with them by publicly humiliating them in the glare of the press by deciding they weren't worthy of wedding invites while her vet and celebs she'd met once were, she dropped her friends, the role she saw for herself preaching values to the great unwashed by means of advocacy had worn thin when it was obvious there was an expectation she live by them too. It all fell to pieces and in the full glare of the world media that had to be very difficult, but it wasn't due to cruel and unusual treatment, it was the natural consequence of the clash between the dream of being a princess and the reality. It should've been dealt with like that. Instead now another family has been wrenched apart in a way that will be very hard to heal. I think she's been given a forum to be deeply destructive and the message of baring your pain while never looking within yourself to see how you might address it will ultimately serve no one including herself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    MoonUnit75 wrote: »
    You could put it another way, do we take for granted the words of two people on a vendetta looking to get payback on prime time TV at an institution they have publicly scorned and disassociated with? I'm sure some of what they were saying is true but presented in a menacing context when it was actually designed to be beneficial for them?

    I agree with a lot of your post. I am English and headed for 80 and we were raised alongside the Royal Family in ways it would be hard for folk here to understand. They were a respected and loved and looked up to part of our daily post war lives. Rejoiced with, mourned. Births celebrated as if our own family. we grew up with Prince Charles and Princess Anne; copied what they wore

    Sure if there were abuses within the system, surely they could and should have been dealt with within the system.

    To take it to the worst of public airing like that? What did she hope to achieve or gain?
    She simply married into the family with little awareness of the realities. Then blamed the family for that shortfall?

    She could have found help for her mental distress without asking the family? As we all can.

    I saw parts of the interview; could not bear to watch more. There are always ways to leave the Royal Family with dignity and without causing so much trouble.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,841 ✭✭✭TomTomTim

    I'd love it if Trump came out tomorrow saying he's depressed and suicidal. You'd suddenly see all the "OMG HOW DARE YOU" types quickly flip the script.

    “The man who lies to himself can be more easily offended than anyone else. You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn't it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill--he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.”- ― Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,118 ✭✭✭Melanchthon

    anewme wrote: »
    To say mental health is raging in popularity shows its your views that should not be taken seriously on the topic.


    Isn't mental health stuff and suicide just in a very weird place at the minute.

    I don't think it can be denied that people have built their media profiles on talking up mental health.

    Mental health stuff is complicated, and you shouldn't make assumptions.

    Issue is we have these rows where Peirs Morgan gets castigated, not sure how I feel about this as the fact she is saying couldn't see a professional seems bizarre.

    But on the flipside media outlets and people on social media going mad about this are happy to write up Netflix glowingly, this despite "13 Reasons Why" which they were warned shouldn't be shown, and who's release was linked with an increased rate of kids killing themselves is A-OK.

    Basically it seems like the outrage thing isn't actually anything to do with harm caused. Netflix was warned about this show, they went ahead and more kids died.
    Its f-cked up beyond belief that they got a pass on this.

    TLDR: If you think any of the stuff said RE Meghans mental health is bad you really should cancel Netflix as they did something a 1000 times worse

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,913 ✭✭✭Princess Calla

    The security is tax payer funded, if you don't fulfil the role you can't expect the perks and ons.

    I can just imaging emailing HR and stating I no longer have any interest in my work but to keep the salary payments coming please.

    Yeah but it's not like leaving Dunnes with a p45.

    He's still the son of the future king, he's the brother of a future king and the uncle of a future king.

    He stepped back but the press were still following him just like they followed his mum. The fact that that ended in her death he may have felt he was entitled to some level of protection, or his family would want to provide some level of protection.

    I'm not saying his point of view is not entitled....but infairness he's a born prince ,brought up on entitlements that's his whole way of life, that is his reality.

    While we may scoff at how "dim" or naive that is, he's been buffered all his life. He has been groomed for life in the royal court. He'll obviously be going through an adjustment period, which will probably be abit of a learning curve.

    Also comparing how his mum and aunt were treated after they lost their titles is not really a fair comparison...they married into the family...he's part of the bloodline. You would expect a stronger attachment from his family.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,877 ✭✭✭acequion

    anewme wrote: »
    Did you not say did not believe Meghan what she said about her mental health? If you did not, that's calling her a liar.

    No further contact needed on that one.

    Nothing hysterical from me either.

    No I don't believe Meghan. As is my complete right to believe or not believe. Am I calling her a liar? If you want, though it's obvious you're trying to pin me into a narrow corner with faux outrage at the idea of calling someone a liar.

    If a person chooses to tell the world something on international media everyone listening to them has the right to believe or disbelieve their story. Are all disbelievers disgraceful people calling said individual a "barefaced liar" to quote your own hyperbolic words? No doubt you see it like that. I see it in a much broader context. In fact perish the day when people no longer have a right to doubt, disbelieve, be skeptical of whatever they hear.

    So like I say, you're playing semantics, you're pinning me into a corner, you've ignored all my in context observations. People do that sort of thing all the time on Boards, for whatever reason, but personally, I've more important stuff to be doing.

    So this is my final point. In you're that obsessed by me, go back and read all my comments on this matter.

  • Posts: 13,688 ✭✭✭✭ Merrick Scary Scarf

    The Royal Family are renowned for their racism and now we have a woman of colour married into the family and suddenly she's making things up.

    Harry was clearly never too keen on the whole royalty malarkey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,907 ✭✭✭Sweet.Science

    England is such a strange country

    Its 2021 . A TV presenter loses his job for not believing what a Princess says .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,054 ✭✭✭✭cnocbui

    I thought he lost his job because he's an unhinged loon and this was just the straw that broke the camels back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,203 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    England is such a strange country

    Its 2021 . A TV presenter loses his job for not believing what a Princess says and they are still playing Kings and Queens.

    There. Fixed that for you.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    England is such a strange country

    Its 2021 . A TV presenter loses his job for not believing what a Princess says .

    She’s not a Princess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,825 ✭✭✭Northernlily

    Very quickly this is turning into a Piers v Meghan Markle thing.

    Has to be more to the back story.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,802 ✭✭✭✭MisterAnarchy

    MoonUnit75 wrote: »
    Harry said in one of their joint interviews that Meghan had given him an 'awakening' and a re-education on racism. He said he thought he knew what racism was but now realises after his indoctrination that he 'hadn't a clue' what it really meant.

    Meghan is heavily involved with BLM and has spoken repeatedly on behalf of BLM.
    No doubt she has been indoctrinated in their marxist and anti whiteness ways.
    That organisation thinks Maths is racist.
    They see intent where non is intended.
    Its a hateful organisation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,435 ✭✭✭NSAman

    She’s not a Princess.

    She's a commoner.... or as we say here Common as Muck! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,435 ✭✭✭NSAman

    Very quickly this is turning into a Piers v Meghan Markle thing.

    Has to be more to the back story.

    According to him, he met her at Wimbledon. They got on well went out for an evening. He introduced her to people. Then she ghosted him.....

    Seems to be her modus operandi.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,118 ✭✭✭Melanchthon

    Meghan is heavily involved with BLM and has spoken repeatedly on behalf of BLM.
    No doubt she has been indoctrinated in their marxist and anti whiteness ways.
    That organisation thinks Maths is racist.
    They see intent where non is intended.
    Its a hateful organisation.

    Her dad was white, she;s married two white guys, I've met Italians with a darker skin tone than her.
    I really doubt she's actually "anti-white", the BLM stuff might be a strongly held belief or it might be standard celebrity stuff.

    As for the Marxist stuff, she's a wealthy actress that married a literal Prince :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,331 ✭✭✭Keyzer

    NSAman wrote: »
    According to him, he met her at Wimbledon. They got on well went out for an evening. He introduced her to people. Then she ghosted him.....

    Seems to be her modus operandi.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,435 ✭✭✭NSAman

    Keyzer wrote: »

    Gotcha! :)

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  • Posts: 17,728 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    NSAman wrote: »
    According to him, he met her at Wimbledon. They got on well went out for an evening. He introduced her to people. Then she ghosted him.....

    Seems to be her modus operandi.

    I thought they were social media buds and for their meet in person they met in his local? Was just a one off session and then she wasn't in touch with him again.
    Seemed a strange set up anyway for a married chap, can only presume he was hoping for *cough cough*

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,435 ✭✭✭NSAman

    Augeo wrote: »
    I thought they were social media buds and for their meet in person they met in his local? Was just a one off session and then she wasn't in touch with him again.
    Seemed a strange set up anyway for a married chap, can only presume he was hoping for *cough cough*

    Sorry forgot the social media stuff... you are correct. I bow to your superior knowledge and post...


  • Posts: 17,728 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    NSAman wrote: »
    Sorry forgot the social media stuff... you are correct. I bow to your superior knowledge and post...


    I only heard it yesterday tbh :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 891 ✭✭✭sebdavis

    NSAman wrote: »
    According to him, he met her at Wimbledon. They got on well went out for an evening. He introduced her to people. Then she ghosted him.....

    Seems to be her modus operandi.

    Do you know her well?

    It is funny how people are suddenly taking the side of Piers Morgan. A man who had no problem having people phone hacked to get some gossip

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Delighted this has taken Piers Morgan down.

    Got a bottle of fizz for the the bath later to celebrate

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,913 ✭✭✭Princess Calla

    She had isolated her entire family, created a standoff with them by publicly humiliating them in the glare of the press by deciding they weren't worthy of wedding invites

    I don't think she was talking to either of her half siblings well before the wedding....I'm thinking a decade ....I don't think they went to her first wedding either. I don't see why they would have expected an invite.

    She says she was brought up as an only child and I can see how, I've the same age gap between my siblings and they had all moved out by the time I was 10....we have the same parents but we are not overly close, we've very little in common and we don't have shared "growing up" stories. If I was only half a sibling I'd say I'd know them even less, especially if we'd the same dad....mothers tend to stay closer to their children.

    Her sister samantha doesn't talk to her own mother or father. Doesn't talk to the brother either estranged from her 3 kids.....I'm not sure it's entirely Meghan's fault that relationship hasn't worked.

    I'm not sure how much of a relationship she had with her brother to begin with, he's alot older than her. ...I think his issue with Meghan is she didn't bail the father out when he filed for bankruptcy after blowing a 750k lotto win.

    The father won't shut up talking to the press then has a pity me act, no one briefed me on how to act.....keep your mouth shut would be a good starting point....he's now saying he'll give interviews every 30 days until she speaks to this stage I think he sees his daughter as a "cash cow" ( yeah I know lots of you are going to latch onto the cow bit) rather than a daughter....if my father was selling stories about me I'm not sure if be keeping his company either.

    She is still very close to her mum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,435 ✭✭✭NSAman

    sebdavis wrote: »
    Do you know her well?

    It is funny how people are suddenly taking the side of Piers Morgan. A man who had no problem having people phone hacked to get some gossip

    Not taking Piers Side at all... I cannot abide the man.

    Listening to various interviews and seeing the family dynamic, this is definitely a pattern with this woman.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,312 ✭✭✭paw patrol

    sebdavis wrote: »
    Do you know her well?

    It is funny how people are suddenly taking the side of Piers Morgan. A man who had no problem having people phone hacked to get some gossip

    this isn't true.
    he wasn't involved . unless you have more proof.

    he lost his job at mirror cos he published fake allegations about British soldiers abusing Iraqis.
    Some soldiers sold him some fake pics - they were caught cos the vehicle in the pics wasn't used in Iraq by the British

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,877 ✭✭✭acequion

    SusieBlue wrote: »
    I just saw a clip of an interview Sarah Ferguson gave to Oprah about the royal family back in the 90’s. So it wasn’t just Meghan and Diana that spoke out, it seems.

    I mean they can’t all be lying, scheming, attention seekers.

    You're right, they did. I'm of an age that I remember all that stuff. I was probably more interested in royalty back then then I would be today.

    But I think the big difference is that both Diana and Sarah had split from the husbands when they gave those interviews. Harry and Meghan are very much together and I would see his going public like that as a huge betrayal of his blood family. How would any of us feel if our brothers, sons etc went and blabbed our issues to all and sundry?? Surely family problems and what family doesn't have them, should be left in the family!

    Also, while I might criticise Meghan, I'm not for one second doubting that marrying into that lot is no picnic. Everyone knows that they're rigid, snobbish, hierarchial, institutional etc surrounded by a team of no nonsense minders that you don't mess with. Even watching The Crown gives a sense of how inflexible an institution they are. BUT, and here's the but, nobody forced Meghan into that role. Nobody made her marry Harry. That it totally didn't work out for her as a royal is indeed sad and unfortunate, but she should lick her wounds with a bit of dignity as we all have to when so many things in life that we go into trustingly don't work out for us. And a bit of counting her many blessings wouldn't go amiss. Practising gratitude is actually a therapy technique to help those depressed, to lift spirits. Someone might suggest it to Meghan!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,802 ✭✭✭✭MisterAnarchy

    Edz87 wrote: »
    Delighted this has taken Piers Morgan down.

    Got a bottle of fizz for the the bath later to celebrate

    It hasnt taken him down.
    He will walk into another high profile job.
