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Harry and Meghan - OP updated with Threadbanned Users 4/5/21



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,232 ✭✭✭TooTired123

    …he knew he was going to be demoted, sitting behind his elderly aunt, his face obliterated by the feather in her hat.

    But still he travelled a huge distance. Leaving his child on his birthday. Forced to fly on a commercial flight having been exposed as an arch hypocrite by preaching environmental austerity while private plane hopping with impunity .

    Rules for thee but not for me.

    Trying to have his bread buttered on both sides. Hedging his bets. “If I burn all my bridges I won’t be able to come home again when this all blows up in my face”.

    A 40 year old war vet behaving like a truculent 20 year old middle class Uni student who’s told his parents they’re slaves to capitalism and he disowns them but comes crawling home for Christmas when he realises he’s going to fail his exams AGAIN and drop out.

    Yeah. Some “boss”.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,049 ✭✭✭joseywhales

    2 of them given the freedom to be individuals and follow their own path without being manipulated by greed and lust for a long forgotten and irrelevant power. He couldn't have given his children a greater gift than their own freedom.

  • Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I hope Archie had a lovely birthday, surrounded by people who actually give a **** about him, and that his Dad got home in time to see him before he went to sleep.

    Sad to see young Louis already being pushed into the role of the "cheeky chappy" that Harry was once pushed into.

    Seems no lessons have been learned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    sadly lessons will never be learned, the cult comes before everything.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,232 ✭✭✭TooTired123

    Harry need never have left the child on his birthday weekend at all.

    His presence made not one whit of difference at that event yesterday save to keep Harry in the public eye, a place he and his wife constantly plead they do not want to be while simultaneously leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to remain there.

    You make it seem like he was abducted from his bed in California in order to fulfill someone’s orders.

    I thought it was made perfectly clear yesterday to Harry what his current position is.

    Hopefully for the sake of his children he’ll take the hint and devote himself to his family without feeling the need to keep telling the whole world his feelings.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    1. his own family's doing, not meghan or anyone else.

    2. nothing wrong with that, the cult supporting element of the british public deserve nothing from him given they believe all the crap out of the trashy tabloids, he owes them nothing and paid back as a gift the costs of doing up his former home which was going to be done up anyway.

    it was the public who wanted to pay for his wedding as they want to pay for the monarchy no matter how much they starve or are poor.

    3. seems most of meghan's family are toxic, so no loss for her.

    4. sadly we all lose friends here and there throughout our lives, either we go in different directions and so on.

    5. they do have a clear direction in relation to how they are going to gain income, they don't owe me or you an explanation in relation to how they live, they are not paid for by anyone bar themselves now.

    6. the fact she signed to agency/management company herself proves nothing, this idea that the woman should always rely on the man and not have her own income is ridiculous outdated nonsense.

    7. well he was born into the rf, a sense of entitlement is the very core of it's existence, it would be naive to think that wouldn't rub off.

    and to be fair they are victims of both the rf and the british tabloids, this has absolutely been established.

    8. meghan already had an independant life before and after she met and married harry, so he is highly likely aware she has already carved out this independant life.

    so realistically, there is no substence here to prove whatever it is you are trying to prove.

    they may divorce or they may not, they certainly won't be the fiirst or last in general, or in terms of royals, but either way harry will be fine in his new life away from the cult.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    For someone who made not one whit of difference, more of the media reports are about Harry, then Charles.

    As I see it, if Harry hadn't gone, he'd have been flamed. He did go, and he is still being flamed. The only question is which would he have been flamed more for? As flaming was inevitable.

    I hope for his own sake and the sake of his children and Meghan that he does find a way to finally put his family of origin behind him, and I wish him all the best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    harry was always going to attend because it was his father being corinated.

    his presence didn't need to make any difference to you, just to his father who will have been happy he attended even if he didn't or wouldn't show it.

    harry already knows what his current position is, it's why he left so he could have that position, chances are he was only going to do the half in half out for the sake of his granmother.

    he will devote himself to his family as he always has done, and quite rightly he will share his feelings with whoever he wants.

    privilage and wealth by birth-right on the unverified ramblings of an invisible space wizzard doesn't always bring happyness unfortunately.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Posts: 1,539 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    And lessons not learned are doomed to be repeated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Sorry, “they’re both victims”?????

    😂😂😂 best post all day - you really do know how to get a big chuckle on this bright sunny afternoon 👍😛

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Love ❤️ it!

    well said- he’s deaf to the worlds problems- whatever issues there are with the RF will be sorted by public opinion- FACT. Whatever issues there are with Harry will be sorted by…….? Divorce and subsequent enlightenment perhaps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Eh except for the fact both his kids are known as Prince and Princess ? 😂😂😂

    How ja like your toast Harry?

    Eh, buttered both sides please, tanks.!

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    absolutely, and unfortunately the rf will repeat the same mistakes again and again.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭livia21

    His presence made no difference to you..but his farther invinted him and so he came to the coronation and he returned to his wife and kids for their kids celebration..

    This is not uncommon..famalies are often complicated

    I'm going to hazzard a guess that you think you know the the inside going on's of this family through British tabloids when you really are unlikely to be in the same room as them.. let alone know them

    There was a book and a netflix series... but yet you claim he and his wife leave no stone unturned to remain in tabloids...Thank's be to Jaysus Megan didn't turn up and murder all the children with her avocada toast and flowers

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Awe- one of the most privileged people in the modern world, raised with literally a silver spoon in his mouth, worth a cool 100 million pounds if other posters here are to be believed- has spent most of the 2010s as a reasonable chap learning his royal “trade” and was shaping up to be a very influential and effective and forward thinking Prince of Engerland- then Meaghan came along….and now, he’s a “victim” ?

    Sorry but that’s just pure soap opera 😀

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    He was talking about reconciliation back in January while promoting a memoir involving his family. His kids go by Prince and Princess, titles from an institution that caused him genetic pain. He asked for his family to apologise to his wife in public. For whatever reason that wasn't forthcoming. For them both to attend he wanted a guarantee that they would be 100% welcomed. He left within an hour. I think the guy has lost touch with reality to be honest but a victim? Victim playing might be more accurate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭JoChervil

    So he is very picky then. He somehow didn't remember his son's duty or better loyalty, when writing his book and smearing him with racial accuse....

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    he was always a victim, privilage and wealth does not mean one can't be a victim especially when they are part of a toxic institution.

    he got together with a woman and settled down, that woman received horrific abuse from trashy, racist publications who spew hate on a daily basis for a living and harry decided enough was enough and that he was taking his wife and child out of that situation.

    even if it was the case that as well as that, meghan did ultimately show him there was an alternative to the life he was living then so what? ultimately it was the behaviour of the tabloids that made him decide enough was enough.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,300 ✭✭✭✭jm08

    What happened was that the racist British tabloids could not accept Meghan because she has African American heritage. They continually abused her in the tabloids for not being an English Rose. All women that marry into the Royal family are treated like muck, so they generally keep their heads down and accecpt the **** that is thrown at them. But Meghan got a double dose of racism and misogyny because she is a) American and b) bi-racial American and the Royal family refused to stand up and try and protect her from the more vicious attacks in the British press. That makes them cowardly and racist that they condoned it. The racism/misogyny was so bad, that something like 80 female English MPs signed a letter condemning what was happending to her.

    The Royal family hoped that Meghan would up sticks and go back to America (taking her biracial son with her) and leave Harry behind. What they didn't bargain for was that Harry supported his wife and went with her so that both Charles and William lost their scape goat. Thats why William is so enraged with Harry.

    The reason why there is a netflix documentary and a book is because a) they needed to get their side of the story out there and dispel some of the more horrible lies that were told and slurs on their character. And b) Harry has a couple of court cases coming up against the British media, so he wanted everything out there so that they have no hold over him now. They can't hold him to ransom over anything (like the way the rest of the royal family are being held to ransom by the British tabloids).

    I find it unusual that some of you think they are going to get divorced because Meghan has got herself a new agent. Since Harry is going to be very tied up with court cases over the next few years, Meghan is going to have to be the one supporting their family (and she is well capable of doing it bearing in mind that she earned $18m last year for her Spotify podcasts).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

    He said he didn't read the tabloids that are laid out daily in the palaces. Did he not feed it all with their output though? It isn't like he said respect our privacy, stepped away and went about his life only to be constantly criticised at every point. At least consider he played a part in drawing attention on themselves not to mention fighting the press which fuels it even more. The rest of the minor royals don't drive as much traffic because they simply don't provoke or invite such attention.

    And this toxic institution? The one he wanted to stay on part time with and just recently bore witness to the anointing of the head of it. The one that he uses his titles from. The one that he has his kids go by titles from. The one that supposedly threw his wife under the bus when she needed help. The guy is a hypocrite but he knows he/they need/needed that link to be in anyway appealing commercially because that link was what was being bought after he complained from getting cut off financially from that toxic institution and had to go signing deals. The alternative lifestyle where multi million dollar deals are just thrown at you. 😀

    Post edited by valoren on

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    And Charlotte the 'perfect princess', such pressure on young shoulders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,232 ✭✭✭TooTired123

    Yes because my posts read like someone who reads the British tabloids…🙄 your guess work needs a little bit of extra attention so as not to appear comical, I hope you don’t mind me saying.

    Anyone who has said in public what he has said about his family (anyone at all), and made his feelings towards his family quite clear, and then shows up at a family event has clearly only come for one of two reasons, or maybe both.

    Either in an effort to inflict more pain and embarrassment on them (failed)

    And/or to try and keep one little iron left in the fire with them. In years to come there will be a letter or a phone call (“ I’d really like to bring the children to visit you when I have them in the summer holidays. I know you’d like to see them. I would have brought them to the coronation but they were too small).

    You don’t need to watch Netflix read the book or the tabloids to understand any of this. It’s every day family stuff all over the world.

    Woman doesn’t like her in laws.

    Husband (quite correctly) takes his wife’s side.

    Things get nasty.

    Stuff is said. Feelings are hurt. Exaggerated claims are made. Some of the stuff that’s said doesn’t ring true. Someone points this out.

    Son and family move away.

    Parents get old. 50th wedding anniversary. Son shows up without wife and kids. Expects prodigal son treatment. But the family have moved on. That’s life. It’s no different for them than anyone else. Why would it be?

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,073 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    victim blaming at it's highest.

    the tabloids were never going to do what he asked, and quite frankly he had no option but to fight the press given how trashy and racist the elements of it that he is fighting are.

    just because he stated he wanted to help out some bit when leaving, it doesn't mean he actually did.

    chances are he was only going to help out some bit for the sake of his granmother and granfather and when they died he would leave in full, but only he knows the case ultimately.

    he was always going to attend his father's corination regardless as he is his father.

    and the institution did throw him and his wife under the bus, this is very, very clear and nothing hypocritical about him using titles he earned through no fault of his own thanks to the unverified words of an invisibl space wizzard.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,477 ✭✭✭valoren

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    A complete work of fiction by you- not a shred of quality references which this forum demands, known as “current affairs” - I haven’t even bothered reading most of it considering YOU wrote:

    “The Royal family hoped Meaghan would up sticks and go back to America taking her bi-racial son with her”

    I mean WTF????

    You want to be taken seriously on this thread, writing that rubbish?

    Sorry - No. As for the rest of your wall of text, I couldn’t care less what you said- you’ve lost complete credibility with that quote.

    Best reply to your posts from here on in is:


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Your post is so similar to JM08 it’s uncanny.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Oh look- whilst Harry is having his morning croissant with freshly brewed woke coffee, Kate is out doing what he should be doing- getting down with the peasants and celebrating his dads coronation - but oh no, that would be too imperialist for our Harry- he’d prefer to write pithy sayings like “hope” on banana skins that are donated to the homeless

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,649 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    This is some pile of absolute nonsense.. eh Even Meghan would Patrick Stewart face palm this. Your own hatred of the RF is all this shows.

    anyway, just on the coronation and all the racism associated with: You’d never have thought, with all the different cultures and traditions and colors included. They even threw in a few cupla focal for good measure..

    Kind of blows the crap out of that nonsense “skin color” tell/tale from H&M a few years ago.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,931 ✭✭✭Oscar_Madison

    Live concert on BBC1 right now in tribute to King Charles 3 is brilliant- everyone there, except H&M - awe, who? H&M? You weren’t missed guys, sorry- it’s all about the King, this gig- is this why you didn’t attend? Coz it wasn’t all about you? Hey Harry, even your brother, sister in law and nephews and niece were there- but hey, hope you enjoying the LA sunshine with your misery wife!
