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Deliveroo Cyclist

  • 09-03-2021 6:48pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,033 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi folks.

    I do a lot cycling and was thinking about doing the whole deliveroo/uber eats thing, just as a little part time side-earner maybe during the weekend or when the nicer evenings come to play, as I will be out cycling anyway.

    I know its a self employed thing, so you essentially put in the hours you want.

    Does anyone have any information on it?
    How much would you generally make if you did 3-4 hours on a Saturday evening?
    Can you chose to decline certain deliveries to avoid certain areas?
    What are the actual costs involved?
    Is there pressure on you to do more hours than you want?
    What are the delivery time pressures like?

    It would be great if anyone had any experience of it.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,636 ✭✭✭dotsman

    No experience of it myself, but I remember reading some details a few month's ago and I don't think it's as rosy as you are hoping.

    In terms of the hours, I believe Deliveroo choose your hours (or offer you certain hours). Basically, they have a rating system for riders - the higher your ranking the better the shifts you are offered etc.

    Which makes sense to a degree. They ned to maintain a good balance of riders throughout the entire week. If everyone worked Saturday evening, then none of the riders would make any money. Likewise, if no riders worked Tuesday afternoon, then Deliveroo's customer base would begin to collapse as people would look for alternative.

    I don't think it's as simple as just saying you want to work Saturday evening - I'm guessing you will need to work up to it.

    Similarly for declining, I imagine there is some fallout of declining deliveries (lower rating etc), otherwise riders would only accept the "best" deliveries.

    Anyway, that's just from memory, hopefully someone will come along here who has experience (but that might not be, as most Deliveroo riders would be young immigrants, which wouldn't be boards' main userbase!)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,636 ✭✭✭dotsman

    A quick google brings up this from 2 years ago...
