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Newbie Gardner

  • 22-03-2021 3:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,471 ✭✭✭

    Stupid newbie questions.

    I jsut bought my first house and the garden was a bit over grown and got its first trim yesterday. All going good , I cut it on a borrowed movers top cutting section. Height setting #5/5 Approx 75-100mm. For short term management purposes should i leave it at this before the next cut or try cut it down further now say level 3 or 4 ? i don't want to damage the grass or burn/skelp it totally

    How often will i need to cut a this time of year, The grasp is prety healthy looking as it. I just need to balance borrowing a lawnmower while other building work is going on before i buy my own. Is weekly / biweekly or more needed now ? also is it best to leave the clippings on the lawn for nutrition ( I'm not going to use the lawn yet so don't care about the clipping. The mower doen not mulch. The site including house is about .4 Acres, maybe 50% garden and gets lots of light.

    Also is now a good time to trim Trees, hedges, bushed etc the garden was very pre lovel and has lot of good stuff were thinking of letting grow out fop this season before we decide what to trim and or cull back.
