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Covid vaccines - thread banned users in First Post



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,218 ✭✭✭snowcat

    You wont get any smypathy here from the EPV's. You are either in the club/cult or you are one of the non believers. There is no room for compromise. No offence to Muslims but its like offending the Mesiah. Any descent is not tolerated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    Im not surprised you tried to bring in data into our arguments. I'm taking a very layman's approach to this discussion. You use other people's data and hard work to try and get over the line. I don't have to do that.

    Discussion evolves over time and It's obvious you're not evolving with the discussion and you're not making any progress with others. You're constantly arguing and when you're back is to the wall you go back to the start. Or twist everything, but people here can see through it.

    Like religious people you'll never have a mind of your own. You think anyone who questions the validity of the vaccines are antivaxxers. Similar to the abrahamic religion of if you don't believe me you'll go to hell. Your version of hell is being unvaccinated for covid 19, while my version is the opposite.

    What are you afraid of astro ? Because if you're so sure you're always right to why be in here trying to prove a point. You haven't once proven anything yourself. You just use other people's papers and that's a lazy approach.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,090 ✭✭✭patnor1011


    So, one of the so called conspiracy theories (that we will require multiple shots every year) seems to be no longer a conspiracy.

    No booster after 4 months and end up in hospital or morgue? Your fault.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,676 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    The comment you have built yourself upon was incorrect, the data posted shows the effect from the trials along with the confidence intervals you misunderstood, you have already conceded on the massive trials, you need to find something else now to combat the comprehensive data (and it's still hilarious that you've reduced yourself to a comment I made many pages ago and that you have been proven comprehensively wrong with, not that you would admit it, did you give up on Dohnjoe?).

    Science is all about data, if you want to argue feelings, there's the personal issues forum for you.

    I knew I was right about what hometruths was saying because I had read the data, I've been wrong multiple times during the pandemic (at one point I'd hoped that the vaccine would provide sterilising immunity but it didn't, but this wasn't based off any data and still may be possible with nasal vaccines for younger people).

    This comment is absolutely batsh*t, but entirely expected in here:

    What are you afraid of astro ? Because if you're so sure you're always right to why be in here trying to prove a point. You haven't once proven anything yourself. You just use other people's papers and that's a lazy approach.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,090 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    That will never happen. Topic about vaccine safety will never be allowed on any forum other than this. Even here our self-taught experts do everything they can to stifle the debate.

    They are pretty simple minded, their logic is infallible - if you are not with us you must be against. Therefore everyone who deviate from current "facts" ever so slightly, is being called conspiracy theorist and antivaxxer.

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  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭hometruths

    The comment you have built yourself upon was incorrect, the data posted shows the effect from the trials along with the confidence intervals you misunderstood, you have already conceded on the massive trials, you need to find something else now to combat the comprehensive data (and it's still hilarious that you've reduced yourself to a comment I made many pages ago and that you have been proven comprehensively wrong with, not that you would admit it, did you give up on Dohnjoe?).

    Did you post the wrong data because you are dumb or because you are disingenuous?

    You missed the title of the data table posted, which leads me to believe you are disingenuous:

    The data you posted to bolster your argument are not figures specifically for severe Covid, it is for "First COVID-19 occurrence from 7 days after Dose 2, without prior SARSCOV-2, overall"

    And when you say I miss understood the Confidence intervals:

    And just to show the data table (95% CI would mean there's a 1/20 chance that if the trial was repeated it wouldn't show substantially different numbers, with a 95% chance of those numbers varying between 90.0 and 97.9), again, this CI was included in the day 1 data for all vaccines, which is what the real world data later improved upon)

    did you actually get your confidence intervals mixed up?

    The reports says: The estimated efficacy against severe COVID-19 occurring at least 7 days after dose 2 was 66.4%, with a large and negative lower bound CI (95% CI: -124.8%; 96.3%)

    So lets have another look at your explanation of how you believe the data on severity was extremely comprehensive and proven in massive trials (my comments in bold):

    the data posted shows the effect from the trials (you cited the wrong data) along with the confidence intervals you misunderstood (you cited the wrong confidence intervals), you have already conceded on the massive trials (massive trials yes for symptomatic Covid, nowhere near big enough for severe, that's the point), you need to find something else now to combat the comprehensive data (really?!! LOL)

    Ok if you really need something else, I'll just stick with the approvers' opinion that: Based on the available limited data, no reliable conclusion on the efficacy of the vaccine against severe COVID-19 can be drawn from 7 days after the second dose (secondary endpoint).

    Still haven't heard any explanation of why you think you know better than they do.

    I knew I was right about what hometruths was saying because I had read the data

    Not very well it would appear.

    Post edited by hometruths on

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob


    Tell us, why isn't this discussion allowed elsewhere on the site?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol. But you guys are the ones who are refusing to actually challenge each others beliefs when you believe they are wrong.

    You bend over backwards to avoid doing this.

    It's almost like you guys have this religion prohibition.

    And again, still not such thing as extreme pro vaxxers. Still no such thing as round earthers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Nope. This is a lie on your part.

    This wasn't called a conspiracy.

    What was called a conspiracy was when you guys were claiming that the vaccine would be forced on people or they'd be put in camps.

    What was called a conspiracy was when you guys falsely tried to claim the VAERS data showed the vaccines were dangerous.

    It's really funny when you lot try to rewrite reality to pretend to be right, yet at the same time are allergic to addressing what you guys did say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    You haven't a clue Astro, you're so confused now that you're pretending that you've been wrong at some points along the way

    More lies, you're a liar and an untrustworthy provaxxer. You're like a born again Christian trying to debate a non believer. Spluttering and deflecting, as for your comment about personal issues.

    Sure you've been personal with all of us, that's what it's all about. You have taken the whole antivaxxer thing to heart. And hometruths has you well sussed as we all do.

    Pretending to be an expert by using other people's work and throwing it up here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 913 ✭✭✭buzzerxx


  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Wake up and start believing all the dumb memes you keep dumping?

    Wake up and start believing you even though you guys have been constantly lying, evading and dodging?

    Wake up and start believing that the vaccines are secretly causing SIDS and SADS?

    Buzzbuzz, why do you think all of the other conspiracy theorists are ignoring you? Are they all brainwashed also?

  • Registered Users Posts: 913 ✭✭✭buzzerxx

    ''Wake up and start believing that the vaccines are secretly causing SIDS and SADS?'' 1 OUT OF 3 aint bad, maybe YOU are waking up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Lol. No man. I'm pointing out how it's absurd for you to tell people to wake up and start believing all of the stupid, false things you believe.

    The vaccines don't cause SIDS or SADS, that's something people on twitter made up to trick you. The claimed it because they knew that you are very gullible and easy to manipulate and that you won't do anything to look into the claim.

    By claiming this, and the other silly things you believe and by parroting all of these memes without thinking, you prove that you are the opposite of awake.

    So again, why do you think other conspiracy theorists on this thread haven't once replied to you or agreed with anything you've said?

    Why do you think that they act so offended and put out when we suggest that they support you or are on the same side as you?

    Why do you act the same for them?

    Are you the only person awake?

  • Registered Users Posts: 820 ✭✭✭moonage

    The pro-vaxxers like yourself keep repeating their sacred mantra "vaccines are safe and effective" like mindless robots.

    Let's take healthy young people: for them the vaccines are neither effective nor safe.

    For them the risk of serious consequences from covid is close to zero, so the needlecraft is of no benefit to them. It follows that it is unsafe and unnecessary for them to be jabbed.

    But the pro-vaxxer mindset won't allow such simple logic to alter their adoration of the sacred needlecraft.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob


    So what safety issues are there are that aren't already known and accounted for?

    Your fellow anti-vaxxer buzzer here has claimed that the vaccines are secretly causing SIDS. Do you agree with that claim?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Vaccines are safe and effective, we've had them centuries. Eradicated lots of diseases. Saved millions of lives. You're probably vaccinated, likewise just about everyone you know. Lots of people get jabbed every year for the flu.

    Then there are individuals who think they are dangerous, there are individuals who think the world is flat, there are individuals who think Qanon is real. Certain people have a tendency to believe absolute BS.

    If I recall correctly, you are a poster who believes the Holocaust didn't happen as it did..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    Sacred needle craft is a good one. You're absolutely right young and old healthy people didn't need to take the vaccine. It was for the vulnerable and elderly all along.

    The expert's have been saying that since the start of the roll out, they said it very subltly but I'm always looking out for subminimal suggestions rather than what they're pushing. Because usually the subminimal is the truth these days rather than like years ago a subminimal message was used to trick people rather than lead them in the right direction.

    But people are so gullible nowadays they'd swallow a brick. The marketing campaigns for your needle craft was one of the most powerful and impressive campaigns in history. When I heard healthy people didn't need to take it I felt safe, that was enough for me. But that protect yourselves and others being bandied about I knew it was manipulation and guilt shaming people.

    Sometimes mass hypnosis comes to mind, but that's only a hypotheses observation from me. Although some of those narcissistic condescending sounding adverts on the radio were absolutely creepy. A lovely sounding woman who wouldn't melt butter in her mouth telling everyone to protect yourself and others.... that advert was on most radio stations. You'd switch over when you'd hear it and it's on the other station. They had it down to a tee. But I had a school teacher who sounded exactly like her and she was the devil incarnate. An evil vile bitch. I felt like I had post traumatic stress after hearing it a few times. Every warning sign in my psyche went into over drive. There's something wrong here I thought to myself.

    I can now see why they were suitable for the elderly and vulnerable people and not young and old healthy people.

    It's not hard to listen sometimes.

    Learn to listen, then listen to learn an old guy used to say to me when I was trying my hand at learning about dry stone wall building. Sometimes the most important gap was the small one... not the big one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,676 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    I think you're getting a bit too blatant with the wind up tactics, might be better to reign it in a bit or you'll be registering a new account again ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,676 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Ok, let's break it down, I initially posted just the quote you got wrong, then posted all of the section so you wouldn't lamp off and get other things wrong (which you did anyway), then posted the table with the data for that section, very happy that you posted the title as the main intention was to try and stop you claiming random other things, which you have anyway.

    Remember, you won't admit anything, you will go as far as your messed up understanding will go and then concede by bouncing off to other topics, the entire point of showing the data is that we all know how much of a fool you have been, and that has stayed pretty consistent throughout.

    Now, back to the data, and note that I specifically highlighted the 66.4% for you, so not sure what you're doing there, but that effect was observed during the phase 3 trial against severe disease, so we had data from day 1. The confidence interval was high because of the limited set of data points available (but still larger than other trials with 35,000 people taking part). In addition, you had the same data coming from the US trial, UK trial and from the multiple Moderna vaccine trials.

    On day 1.

    That is a comprehensive set of data and far beyond the set of data included for most other approved treatments.

    So we have proven massive, we have proven comprehensive.

    Now, as I said from day 1, the confidence intervals were there and called out clearly (so no conspiracy or spinning going on). Those confidence intervals also narrowed almost immediately after the very safe vaccines started their rollout with clear real world data that (for severe disease which is the one you obsess over) maintained it's effectiveness across variants.

    So, that's all your arguments shot to smithereens, the data is all there.

    You are left with arguing over dictionary terms or finding another angle of attack.

    Or continue to make yourself look stupid.

    All down to you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,526 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    I've more respect for people who trust their healthy immune system and knew from the start that covid isn't going to knock the stuffing out of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    LoL playing moderator now and you can't even moderate your own contradictions. Back to the rereg accusations lol

    Retreating back to your old collection of paranoia and then you go on to a discussion with another poster and play the same silly game with yourself again and again. They're absolutely wiping the floor with you. And more posters are starting to wake up to your nonsense.

    Maybe you're better off admitting you're being pushed out of the way and haven't any legitimate reason to be here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,991 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 5,984 ✭✭✭hometruths

    Ok, on we go.

    Ok, let's break it down, I initially posted just the quote you got wrong, then posted all of the section so you wouldn't lamp off and get other things wrong (which you did anyway),

    I quoted verbatim. The majority of the rest of the section you quoted was irrelevant to your claim about the proven and extrmeley comprehensive data on severity as it concerned limited data about other things eg transmission. And as much as you insinuate I got "other things wrong", without actually stating what these are, I can't counter that

    then posted the table with the data for that section

    - the table you posted actually related to section 3.2 Favourable Effects - The overall vaccine efficacy against symptomatic laboratory confirmed COVID-19 from 7 days after dose 2 was 95.0% (95% CI 90.0, 97.9) in subjects ≥16 years of age without prior evidence of SARSCoV2 infection and 94.6% (95% CI 89.6, 97.6) in all subjects regardless of prior evidence of SARSCoV-2 infection (primary endpoint). This outcome met the pre-specified success criteria

    The section you quoted to back up your claim on the extremely comprehensive data was 3.3. Uncertainties and limitations about favourable effects - the clue of just how wrong you are about this extremely comprehensive data being proven is in the title - Uncertainties and limitations

    very happy that you posted the title as the main intention was to try and stop you claiming random other things, which you have anyway.

    And as ever, as much as you insinuate I am "claiming random other things", without actually stating what these are, I can't counter that

    Remember, you won't admit anything, you will go as far as your messed up understanding will go and then concede by bouncing off to other topics, the entire point of showing the data is that we all know how much of a fool you have been, and that has stayed pretty consistent throughout.

    Either you're trolling or a total hypocrite. Either way this does not bring us any closer to understanding how you have managed to interpret what the approvers considered to be no reliable conclusion based available limited data, as totally proven from extremely comprehensive data.

    Now, back to the data, and note that I specifically highlighted the 66.4% for you, so not sure what you're doing there, but that effect was observed during the phase 3 trial against severe disease, so we had data from day 1. The confidence interval was high because of the limited set of data points available (but still larger than other trials with 35,000 people taking part). In addition, you had the same data coming from the US trial, UK trial and from the multiple Moderna vaccine trials.

    On day 1.

    That is a comprehensive set of data and far beyond the set of data included for most other approved treatments.

    So we have proven massive, we have proven comprehensive.

    The estimated efficacy was 66.4% with a with a large and negative lower bound CI (95% CI: -124.8%; 96.3%) - this is about as far from proven with extremely comprehensive data as it is possible to be. Exactly why the approvers said: Based on the available limited data, no reliable conclusion on the efficacy of the vaccine against severe COVID-19 can be drawn.

    Once again are you are unwilling and unable to answer what you understand about the data and confidence intervals that makes you think the approvers were wrong?

    You haven't proven any thing. All you done is repeated more of the same waffle, and totally ignored the fact that you cited the wrong data and the wrong confidence intervals. Yet you double down on this.

    Now, as I said from day 1, the confidence intervals were there and called out clearly (so no conspiracy or spinning going on). Those confidence intervals also narrowed almost immediately after the very safe vaccines started their rollout with clear real world data that (for severe disease which is the one you obsess over) maintained it's effectiveness across variants.

    More total garbage and either ignorant or disingenuous bullshit. From your previous post on the confidence intervals you claim I misunderstood:

    And just to show the data table (95% CI would mean there's a 1/20 chance that if the trial was repeated it wouldn't show substantially different numbers, with a 95% chance of those numbers varying between 90.0 and 97.9), again, this CI was included in the day 1 data for all vaccines, which is what the real world data later improved upon):

    How on earth can you state with any credibility that this proves your claim? - the data on severity was extremely comprehensive and proven in massive trials that were then repeated with real world data.

    So, that's all your arguments shot to smithereens, the data is all there.

    You are left with arguing over dictionary terms or finding another angle of attack.

    Or continue to make yourself look stupid.

    All down to you.


    Out of interest, is there anybody else in this thread who disagrees with the approvers statement:

    Based on the available limited data, no reliable conclusion on the efficacy of the vaccine against severe COVID-19 can be drawn from 7 days after the second dose (secondary endpoint). The estimated efficacy against severe COVID-19 occurring at least 7 days after dose 2 was 66.4%, with a large and negative lower bound CI (95% CI: -124.8%; 96.3%).

    and instead thinks that @astrofool 's statement is accurate:

    the data on severity was extremely comprehensive and proven in massive trials that were then repeated with real world data.

    Has anybody been persuaded by his arguments? His peerless grasp of data? Is there anybody who has read astrofools posts and thought, "By gosh, astrofool is on to something, why did the regulators think there was only limited data on severity with no reliable conclusion, the efficacy on severity is clearly proven by extremely comprehensive data."

    Will anybody speak up to defend astrofool's opinion he knows better than the regulators?

    Post edited by hometruths on

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,236 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Astrofool is doing a good job of picking apart you ranting and misrepresentions.

    Who here agrees with Hometruths claims that the only issue is the approval of the vaccines and that all of conspiracy claims about the safety of the vaccines are false?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    Are you going hyperdimensional again Donjoe ? Come back to earth. Remember what I said about people who go backwards and drag up the past or what they perceive as reality.

    Although I wouldn't rule anything out in your universe. ..

    Fragmenting by the looks of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,526 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

  • Registered Users Posts: 913 ✭✭✭buzzerxx

    "Blind belief in authority is the Enemy of Truth" Albert Einstein.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,442 ✭✭✭bad2thebone

    Ahh there's a committee now. I've no old account. You guys made that up about quite a few members.

    Very circular, but It's easy enough to read between the lines.

    I arrived here a while back and I was told I was a rereg. I didn't even know what was happening until I noticed that other posters were getting the same denuncitary and malediction from some of you guys.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 913 ✭✭✭buzzerxx

    "I want to put an end to all the rumors. I want

    to show people that there is no danger in

    getting vaccinated. On the contrary, it will

    protect us."- India's Public Health

    Ambassador Vivekh on national TV as he took

    the vaccination. He passed away less than

    twenty-four hours later.
