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houseplant pest - springtails?

  • 26-04-2021 11:18am
    Posts: 0 ✭✭

    I have a burro's tail trailing succulent. A few weeks ago I noticed tiny white insects in the soil. After some online digging I guessed that they are springtails because they jump slightly when I disturb the soil. I let the soil get very dry - didn't water for a month or so. Today I poked the soil in several places and saw nothing so I decided I would water the plant (which is looking healthy). Once the water went in loads of the little things appeared on the surface of the soil. Is this normal with springtails or could it be something else? How can I get rid of them?


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭Reckless Abandonment

    Spider mites maybe. I have them on one indoor plant and they are a pain to get rid of. I've been using pesticide spray and they still keep coming back
