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MOD - DELETE - ANSWERS ELSEWHERE - Any Experience with LONG ducting needed for FTTH?

  • 04-05-2021 12:10pm
    Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭

    Can be deleted. There are good answers I just didn't find on a search first time around.



    I'm looking at a likely 500m duct length to get from road to a house. Yikes.

    The house already has a phone connection and I can't see overhead lines anywhere, so I'm assuming its all underground and there may be a duct, but I'm assuming that the duct won't be usable just for now.

    I've looked into the specifications for the duct, and there seems to be a flexibility between the 50mm and 100mm duct. I'd obviously prefer the 50mm as its far, far cheaper to buy telecom duct in 50m rolls and using the correct draw access chambers at the requisite distances.

    Basically, what I'm wondering is does anyone have experience with the kinds of trades that are good for this? I really hope to get someone with experience of satisfying the Eir / installer requirements and not find out that the wrong duct was used after I've spent the money etc.

    Lockdown, however, has taught me the value of doing lots of this kind of stuff myself, but when it gets to the actual wiring etc, I wouldn't have a clue. I could probably dig the trench, sump line it, plan good drainage, mark-off, backfill etc and install the chambers. I might even think its possible to do 500m by hand over the summer since I'm a fat f**k these days and could do with the exercise.

    If anyone has any specific recommendation, I'd love to take a PM. This is in the Kildare area.


