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Murder at the Cottage | Sky



  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    It is worth bearing in mind that we don’t even know if it is the original DPP report. The one we all see quoted is a document that was ‘leaked’, the DPP don’t release reports publicly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,297 ✭✭✭MonkieSocks

    Does anyone have the Philip Boucher-Hayes interview with Ian Bailey from RTE Radio in 2016

    Here ya go

    =(:-) Me? I know who I am. I'm a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude (-:)=

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit


    So I have been researching this "premonition" or "feeling of foreboding" that Bailey allegedly had on Hunt's Hill. Here is the result:

    During her questioning on 10th Feb 1997, Jules talked about Ian stopping on Hunt's Hill on the night of the murder and looking out across the bay: "Ian got back in the car and said he had a bad feeling about something."

    During his arrest on 10th Feb 1997, Ian Bailey signed a Garda note of the interview which stated: “I had a premonition something was going to happen.” When they asked him more about this, he replied, "I won't put it any further. I don't want to." (Nick Foster). In court, in 2014, Ian agreed he signed this note. (Irish Times 14 Nov 2014) (Irish Independent 14 Nov 2014)

    From the DPP report: "Jules Thomas makes "reference to Bailey stating that he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. This would have been about 12.45am on 23 December 1996." (The DPP is estimating this time himself).

    In court, in 2003, Bailey "admitted stopping his car on a mountain road which overlooks the area where Sophie was killed on December 22 and having "a feeling.""Yes, I did have a feeling. But it was a feeling rather than a premonition. I think they were trying to make it out to be more than it was," he added." (Irish Independent 12 Dec 2003)

    In court, in 2007, Ian "vehemently denied having told a West Cork friend, Yvonne Ungerer, that he had had a dark premonition as he drove home from Schull on the night of December 22. He denied having said to her: "These premonitions usually come true."" (Irish Independent Feb 16 2007)

    In 2014, Jules denied telling gardai Mr Bailey said to her, when they stopped at Hunt's Hill near Schull sometime earlier that night on their way home, he had a feeling something bad was going to happen. That was "absolute invention", she said. Asked about garda notes recording she had said Mr Bailey asked her at Hunt's Hill was that "Alfie's house" over there, before saying there's a light on, she claimed Mr Bailey had not said that and a note by gardai recording she had said that Mr Bailey had said he was going over there later was "pure invention". She said It was not possible to see the house of Alfie Lyons from Hunt’s Hill as there were no lights and it was dark. (Irish Independent Nov 29 2014)((Irish Examiner Nov 29 2014)

    From Philip Boucher-Hayes' interview with Ian Bailey in 2016 on RTE Radio 1:

    Boucher-Hayes: "On the night of the murder, after leaving the pub, you went to a place called Hunt's Hill and while looking at STDP's house, you expressed a sense of foreboding. Did that happen?"

    Bailey: "No it didn't. We went home over Hunt's Hill where we stopped momentarily to have a look at the lights over the bay..."

    Boucher-Hayes: "And the sense of foreboding?"

    Bailey: "No. I don't know where that came from."

    Boucher-Hayes: "But you didn't have any sense of anything ominous about to happen? You didn't say anything to [Jules] about it?"

    Bailey: "No. I didn't."

    So, basically, Ian and Jules are very clearly lying now. They are claiming the gardai concocted these statements in order to frame Ian, but it is obvious they actually did make these statements.

    Post edited by flopisit on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

    I`ve seen Jules confirm the premonition in a TV interview. I`ve forgotten where now. I think I brought this up before and MoonUnit pinpointed where the interview was. A few here have been recently suggesting that Sophie`s house can`t be seen from Hunts Hill but West Cork Podcast episode 7 deals with this and they say it can be seen from there. About 25 minutes in I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,333 ✭✭✭robwen

    Very interesting Q&A with Ian Bailey to finish off the Big Issue series

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  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    Jules & Ian telling lies..... Shocker.

    Reminds me of the stick / turkey / forehead incident..... Or the October / November / December bonfire.... Or maybe the in bed all night / not in bed incident.... Or the I forget I'd spent that night with friends and not at home stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    In that he claims he went to the kitchen table to work on the article. Mentions talk of leaving the house is nonsense. But...." Now you have told the other Officer that you in fact did get up that night and left Jules’s house.”

    Bailey responded, “yes, I now remember that I did get up and go to my studio to do some work”."

    And won't take a lie detector test even though he's claimed he would for years. 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭OwlsZat

    There's a modern DNA technique called TrueAllele that can work out mixed samples using tiny DNA samples. Wasn't available when the investigation happened. It seems like a lead that should be followed up, but wasn't. It was offered for free in the Madeline McCann case but the offer wasn't taken up. Similarly, they weren't ready for the truth bomb.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Is Jules from the du plantier case rte pbh

    If she repeat something going on its a glitch not me doing on purpose

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    He is all talk of lie detector just like welcome a trial in Ireland cos he knows it won't happen

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The Du Plantier case rte Philip B H clip above

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,248 ✭✭✭nc6000

    I think anyone agreeing to take a lie detector is crazy, I'd be reluctant to take one if I was only going to be asked what I had for breakfast.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I do too but i never claimed i would. And i welcome a prosecution too cos i know it won't happen. Easy to say charge me when he knows they can't

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,342 ✭✭✭dublin49

    For me this speaks to Baileys state of mind the night of the murder when he is so fixated on the crime scene he stops the car and predicts an awful event,then proceeds to leave the bed in the night and then lie about it .

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    Another anomaly is one of Jules' daughters apparently corroborating Bailey's first story that he stayed in bed all night by telling the gardai that they heard him snoring during the night. It's in one of the books, maybe Nick Foster's. That had to be retracted of course once the story changed to him being up all night writing a story.

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    Can anyone shed any light on the trip to studio being now nonsense according to Ian in the Big Issue?

    I was sure he was on record and had repeatedly mentioned he had indeed headed off to the studio?

    25 years on and he can't get his story straight?

  • Registered Users Posts: 521 ✭✭✭DontHitTheDitch

    That's incredible, he seems to corroborate the story that he did cross the garda cordon on the day of the murder, he says he visited Alf Lyons that same day and he had a bandaged hand. Curiouser and curiouser.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭tibruit

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    LOL. That was my first thought too.

    The Q&A is basically Bailey throwing s**t at a wall. It was Daniel! It was Alfie! It was a Dead Gard! It was a Blue Car! It was a Garda Conspiracy!

    It was anyone but Ian Bailey!

    (BTW A lot of people in this forum like to cite a Blue Fiesta or Blue Ford.... but conveniently don't mention the details of the actual sighting: A witness claimed to see a blue car, (no make or model), on EITHER the morning of the 22nd or the 23rd, on a road not near Sophie's house, that was driving fast.)

    And it's ironic how Bailey has been pushing the "Daniel Did It" theory for 25 years now, but at the same time claims he's being unfairly fingered as a suspect. Takes some balls to have such a double standard.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User] clip from The Du Plantier Case Philip B H RTE

    turn on sound top right of screen

    Jules contradicts Ian

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,459 ✭✭✭FishOnABike

    Has anyone been able to identify where this 'Hunt's Hill' is?

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭flopisit

    Thanks. Where does the following soundbite come from? Which interview?

    Interviewer: ...and you stopped the car at a place called Hunt's Hill. Now the arrest warrant says, and I'm quoting, At that moment Ian showed her the house where Sophie lived and said that he had a premonition that something bad would occur there. Did you-?

    Bailey: No No, I mean, that's a total fiction. That's a completely made up statement. We did stop on the way back, briefly. The bit about the premonition and the pointing out of the house is a total and absolute fiction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    Nothing he said isnt true, did DTDP have more motive than anyone else to see her murdered? Yes. Was the investigation into his involvement & any other French citizen halted by the French? Yes it was. Was his behaviour in the days/weeks unusual after she was murdered, yes, he didn't even come with her family to Cork to see the body & speak to the gards.

    Did Alfie Lyons say he was 90% sure he introduced her to STDP, yes, & that is a strange figure by anyone's standards especially when not inebriated or under the influence of drugs. Also, did he not got off very leniently on drug charges as Leo Bolger did? Yes he did also. Did they clearly have a motive in implicating him in the crime. Absolutely.

    Was there evidence of a garda cover up, conspiracy, attempt to frame him, yes, plenty of that too. Numerous witnesses have come forward about their attempts to frame him, changed/altered statements, removal of statements, removal of evidence that didnt back up their theory, pressure on so called witnesses to give statements that werent true because the gards had it in for him obviously

    Did he initially agree to a lie detector test but then at a later date, rescind this offer under advice from his solicitor. Yes, he did as he was correctly informed these test hold no basis in our legal system. I don't know why he would go through with a test like that from a force that have already engaged in corruption against him. He'd only be setting himself up for more trouble.

    So, all in all, he's pretty true to form as he has been since the early stages of this investigation no matter how people like to spin this truth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    What about going to the kitchen table & not the studio?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,690 ✭✭✭chooseusername

    If you've got time to waste you could have a look at this map.

    For instance Alfie's house can be seen from the road at the green pinpoint but crucially Sophie's can't.

    just move the points around and wait a second , if green they're in view, if red they're not.

    Good luck finding Hunts Hill!

    they said they did a detour on the way home from Schull but not many roads will have a view of Sophie's house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    Dont blame him, by this stage, he knew the gards had it in for him & were clearly setting him up. In the grand scheme of things, it doesnt matter a dot though whether he wrote it on the kitchen table or down by the sea, or up on a hill for all anyone cares. Doesnt point to his guilt. There was two other men locally that didnt have alibis that night, a French & a German if I remember correctly. Dont remember them being harassed like Bailey was or even properly investigated for that matter. They knew of STDP as well.

    By your reasoning, anyone who didnt have a 100% alibi that night should be under investigation & had their life ruined over the last 25 years.

    Again, no motive, no DNA evidence, no credible witness statements. So in the absence of those three integral factors in any investigation, all people have is some inconsistencies in statements him & Jules may have given 25 years ago. Clutching at straws especially when Jules refutes many of the statements the gards said she made. On top of this she didnt have anyone accompanying her in the interview, the interview wasnt video recorded, she shouldnt have been arrested in the first place, she was pressured & intimidated, was told lies about Bailey & was interrogated by the very gards who engaged in other forms of corruption against Bailey.

    No wonder Frank Buttimer said he would have a field day with the gards & the evidence they claim to have collected if it ever went to a court of law.

    The DPP actually made a very wise decision because if this ever did go to a court of law, it would be embarrassing for the Gards & state.

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Summitatem

    By my reasoning?

    I'm specifically querying your comment "nothing he said isn't true"... You ignore the bits that aren't true 😂

    My reasoning is lying in a murder investigation is less than helpful. I actually think his lying landed him in it. Men alone are masters of their fate etc etc

    I'm querying why now he claims he wasn't at the studio when he previously had claimed to be.... It's a blatant and obvious contradiction.

    Regarding Buttimer 😂

    He only represents folk who are guilty according to many he's represented 😂

    Is Ian the only one whoms lying doesn't matter? Because folk seem to think AGS lying (allegedly) matters. . Ian gets a pass?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,459 ✭✭✭FishOnABike

    Thanks, if I have some time to fill I might play around with that. The topology in the area is challenging to say the least.

    There can be few, if any, points along a route between Schull and their house which would have afforded an unobstructed view towards Alfie's or Sophie's house.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭jimwallace197

    What do you know about being investigated for a murder you didnt commit & realizing you were being set up for it? No one knows how they would react in that situation. You might lie to not further implicate yourself in something you didnt do by panicking, there's a reason why many people out there dont trust the gards/police, if they think they can build a case against you whether its true or not, they will, promotions will be on horizon for them & thats all they care about at the end of the day. Anyone who doesn't believe that is very naive. Until you are in a similar position, you dont have the first idea about how you would react.

    "Men alone are masters of their own fate" seriously. Time to grow up & come to the real world, your posts sound very immature. People all the time react differently to serious situations.

    Frank Buttimer is a good solicitor that knows his client was set up for a crime he didnt commit by corrupt gards, he has more credibility in his little finger than you do with your attempts at throwing around idle/petty gossip without foundation on an anonymous forum about him. Im sure he'd have you for breakfast if you attempted to go any further with your attempts to slander/defame him or his practice.

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