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Planning for Domestic Garage\Shed

  • 26-05-2021 8:13am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 497 ✭✭


    Looking for some advice on a planning application that has been lodged by my neighbour for the construction of a domestic garage\shed. He already has a shed on the site and the new one is about twice the size of the original one.

    The neighbour and I get on pretty well so I don't want to cause unnecessary ill feeling between us by lodging an objection but I am concerned. The issue is that I know he is either a Mechanic or a panel beater and my concern with the new shed is that his intention would be to setup as an independent mechanic which you would imagine would lead to extra noise pollution.

    My question is if someone applies for planning for a domestic garage\shed and then clearly starts using it as a place of business, would that be in contravention of the planning permission and is there any recourse for me to get it stopped if this happens?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 46,652 ✭✭✭✭muffler

    If planning is granted for domestic use then any other use would be unauthorised and you have the right to notify the local authority who will then investigate and initiate enforcement proceedings if necessary.
