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Drifting, any drift fans here?

  • 03-06-2021 9:25am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭

    I follow a few championships, FD, DMEC, and RDS.
    Funny I will go see the Irish series but it is sort of a lesser attraction for me as the big named Irish drivers went off to do other things. Also with DMEC coming to Ireland, it makes the usual Irish drift series seem less.
    I had hoped to go to Riga this year as a treat, it should be mega. I'd have loved to watch James in FD, but who knows he might go back there.

    I'd like to respectfully ask this thread is for those who like drifting, not a thread to discuss if it is motorsport or not.
