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Relaxation of Restrictions, Part XII *Read OP For Mod Warnings*



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,346 ✭✭✭✭lawred2

    pretty much any line of thinking that doesn't result in racing down to the vaccine center at the earliest opportunity renders one an anti-vaxer..

  • Registered Users Posts: 436 ✭✭WealthyB

    As those stickers I've seen on lamposts and bus stops say, "Anything that can't be questioned, isn't science"

  • Registered Users Posts: 580 ✭✭✭ddarcy

    It followed vaccine approval and general clinical testing like anything else.

    The only thing skipped was that the trials weren’t put in the back of the queue. Donald Trump ensured that instead of sitting on someone’s desk for a year, they were the first to be looked at. The only thing skipped was the bureaucratic process associated with dealing with government (my experience is this can add 3-5 years alone to an approval process (in the US at least)).. The other major waiting issue is getting participants. Again there were throngs of people queuing up to be part of the trials.

    that doesn’t work for you I know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,170 ✭✭✭Gusser09

    Any idea when we'll be able to get a pint after 8 again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,968 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    I'm fully aware of that fact, are you one of the believers that the vaccines haven't followed one of the proven processes? If so can you name which process wasn't followed... I'll bet you can't haha

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  • Registered Users Posts: 38,259 ✭✭✭✭PTH2009

  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Derkaiser93

    This may be confusing for you but the vaccines went through the same trials and met the same rigorous standards set forth by the likes of FDA, EMA and all national authorities. This was done in record time and efficiency but also with the weight of a decade's worth of mrna research behind it.

    Unprecedented levels of financial support meant they could trial on large numbers of people quickly rather than the usual drip feeding of finances. Covid being so prevalent in the community meant its effectiveness could be tried and tested in real world scenarios , phases of development and safety mechanisms could also overlap one another.

  • Registered Users Posts: 580 ✭✭✭ddarcy

    You mean like Pfizer being fully approved. And don’t do the retard thing and say the fully approved drug is not the same as the EUA drug (they’re exactly the same). That’s like saying h2o isn’t water and shows nothing but desperation

    and if you really want to complain about vaccines and get your point across, you’re missing the bloody obvious one.

    astrazeneca got approved in the Uk and EU with a not fit for purpose clinical trial, the FDA in the US forced them to do a retrial. AZ still hasn’t submitted anything on this trial for any sort of approval. Personally I think it gets declined in the US and severe questions need to be raised in Europe on how they let this through.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,067 ✭✭✭Mister Vain

    We will have to see how things go with "Deltacron" in Cyprus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,512 ✭✭✭brickster69

    Once those 10 million pfizer that are coming this year have been used up. So roughly shortly after boost no. 5

    “The earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.”

    - Camille Paglia

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,196 ✭✭✭✭namloc1980

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    Funny how the trial didnt pick up that the vaccines effectiveness had the shelf life of full fat milk

    Or people taking bangers of heart attacks for completely unrelated reasons

    Or having an odd effect on menstrual cycles

    Still the fact checkers assure us it's all kosher so I rest easy

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,170 ✭✭✭Gusser09

    Tell ye lads had my boost the other day. Felt like crap for two days. A fourth one i wont be getting. Dreadful.

  • Registered Users Posts: 882 ✭✭✭seamusk84

    This is what I want to know too. Aren't these restrictions on hospitality due for a review prior to the end of the month (Three weeks from today)?

    Sure hope they do something sooner....

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,563 ✭✭✭Penfailed

    Gigs '24 - Ben Ottewell and Ian Ball (Gomez), The Jesus & Mary Chain, The Smashing Pumpkins/Weezer, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Stendhal Festival, Forest Fest, Electric Picnic, Ride, PJ Harvey, Pixies, Public Service Broadcasting, Therapy?, IDLES(x2)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,033 ✭✭✭✭Richard Hillman

    The NPHET Government will have seen the poll today and will drive on with restrictions. There will be no change over the next week. They'll probably allow pubs to open until 10 by the next review date.

    6 Nations won't be full attendance. And the inner circle will be told either not to attend or to wear masks throughout the game. They got stung during the last games. IRFU won't move the games out of Ireland, even though they would probably get sold out games in London. They won't want to rock the boat and the players will be rolled out to mention "these worrying times" and some qudos to healthcare workers, all the corporate speak.

    Vaccine passes won't be dropped this year and next year and the one after that. Not unless law and order breaks down around the EU.

  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Derkaiser93

    Shelf life of around 6 months, and still retained a lot of its T cell protection. This was all also before delta came which changed the landscape slightly. It also missed extremely rare side effects as they'd have to be extremely rare not to show up in large human trials. Rare side effects which is common risk in all medicines even harmless painkiller which we all pop like tic tacs for fun when we've a cold.

    Rare side effects that also meant they stopped giving it out to certain age cohorts in an "extreme abundance of caution " once again showing the risk averse and safety first approach to the vaccines and then resuming them once the evidence became clear again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,968 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    All fake news but go on because you're losing the argument

  • Registered Users Posts: 580 ✭✭✭ddarcy

    Obviously you have no clue on clinical trials and how they work (I know shocking!). Once a drug is fully approved it goes into an observational period. This is known as phase IV. Every single drug has had its adverse events updated with this. That paracetamol you take same thing. Drugs get updated based on new drugs as well.

    and the vaccine was trialled on alpha (not any other variant, although it still is working out, but you’ve got your head buried so deep up your ar$e you don’t know the difference between night and day). You can’t extrapolate it to something else, but it fits your agenda to make false comparisons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,889 ✭✭✭Dickie10

    yeah hard to see 6 nations games at capacity in ireland, wouldnt put it past scotland and wales to open up very quickly in the next 3 weeks and have full house for their games. ireland wont of course maybe 10,000 max at games, but prob stay at 5000. pubs might get 10pm if lucky, they wont revisit til after paddys day be shocked if we have pubs open after 10pm paddys weekend. some money lost to tourism etc that week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭User142

    Imagine if they had followed the 5pm advice.

    The restrictions are supposed to be reviewed this week and honestly it should go. Especially if they are going to announce that close contact rules are being basically binned. MM doesnt have a good track record but hopefully he's learned that the gradual phased reopening strategy to prevent closing down again was a hugely wrong mistake he went with last year. And its clear they have taken a let it rip approach this year so what's the purpose of the 8pm closing now.

    But based on his track record of promising us the 22nd October last Summer they will leave it as the end of the month at the earliest. Delayed decision making is the hallmark of this current government. Hopefully I'm wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,346 ✭✭✭✭lawred2

    What sort of eejits would visit Ireland these days?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,979 ✭✭✭Blut2

    The IRFU absolutely won't be playing home games in Dublin with a maximum of 5000 fans in attendance when they can play them in their also IRFU owned stadium in Ravenhill in Belfast with 18,200 (or a bit more if they put in additional temporary seating) in attendance an hour up the road.

    They'll make approx €1mn more per game doing so, its a very easy commercial decision.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,346 ✭✭✭✭lawred2

    You are going to be sorely disappointed if you're hoping for even the slightest change coming from MM.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,033 ✭✭✭✭Richard Hillman

    I think they may go through with a St Patrick's Day parade this year, in an act to say things are back to normal, even though they are not. Mask wearing will be compulsory of course. Totally normal.

    And of course our "period of freedom"* during the summer.

    *terms & conditions apply. Citizens must have had the booster jab within the last 9 months to avail of services. Mask wearing compulsory in retail, hospitality and public transport settings. Table service only in pubs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 933 ✭✭✭darconio

    Precisely, so excuse me if I'd rather catch a cold than risking a heart attack. Unfortunately, however, soon we won't be given the freedom to choose what's best for me/us. Your pass will expire soon, what's holding you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭User142

    Hard to be disappointed at this stage with MM at this stage! Long given up on hoping he would start to lead during this pandemic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,608 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Oh man, the veil has slipped here.

    But anyway:

    Trials were for severe disease and safety, both have held up exceptionally, secondary effect of transmission reduction was noticed and then waning effect of our immune system dropping antibodies (as happens with infection as well).

    Heart attacks? Are you talking about myocarditis risk? Which is orders of magnitude more risky for COVID, the disease? With vaccine induced myocarditis being both milder and easier to treat than that caused by COVID?

    A study on menstrual cycles found nothing abnormal, COVID does impact this significantly (and cause fertility issues).

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,608 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    You would rather catch something that is thousands (or tens of thousands depending on your age) of times riskier to you than a vaccine? That's just a dumb thing to do, there's no simpler way to say it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,563 ✭✭✭Penfailed

    My recovery cert expired yesterday. I'm unclean.

    Gigs '24 - Ben Ottewell and Ian Ball (Gomez), The Jesus & Mary Chain, The Smashing Pumpkins/Weezer, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Stendhal Festival, Forest Fest, Electric Picnic, Ride, PJ Harvey, Pixies, Public Service Broadcasting, Therapy?, IDLES(x2)
