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Bitcoin Uses

  • 29-06-2021 2:35pm
    Posts: 0

    Do you use bitcoin to purchase goods or services (if so where do you use it) or is it purely speculative?


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Nobody is using it for any reason other than speculation?

    If that doesn't change it is going to plummet in value at some point.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,446 ✭✭✭topmanamillion

    whatnow! wrote: »
    Nobody is using it for any reason other than speculation?

    If that doesn't change it is going to plummet in value at some point.

    It`s clearly a commodity and not a currency despite what most bitcoiners would like to believe. If it turns into a hedge against inflation then it might retain some value. But it`ll always be very volatile and liable to fluctuate massively depending on the direction Musk farts that morning or the kind of regulations put in place against its use in the likes of China.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It`s clearly a commodity and not a currency despite what most bitcoiners would like to believe. If it turns into a hedge against inflation then it might retain some value. But it`ll always be very volatile and liable to fluctuate massively depending on the direction Musk farts that morning or the kind of regulations put in place against its use in the likes of China.

    Musk suddenly intervenes positively, 'Great backing', price rockets.
    Musk suddenly intervenes negatively, 'manipulating B@stard', price plummets.

    It's 99% gambling. Even calling it a commodity might be stretching it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭KilOit

    whatnow! wrote: »
    Do you use bitcoin to purchase goods or services (if so where do you use it) or is it purely speculative?
    when i spend it i buy gift cards generally but mostly hodl it
