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Finding Specific WW1 Medals

  • 03-07-2021 9:33pm

    Hi all.

    Is there any way to go about finding the World War 1 medals for a specific person? I'm pretty sure they are in private collections.

    Are there any collectors forums or associations that I could contact? Although I'm pretty sure it will be like finding a needle in a haystack.

    Thanks for any suggestions


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,425 ✭✭✭corner of hells

    There are a couple of facebook groups and also there are specialised auctions sites who regularly put up medals for sale and also allow you request if the medals you are looking for or ever appear for sale.

    Do you mind me asking what you're looking for ?

  • Hi Corner OH.

    just seen your post. Long enough story, but in short I acquired an WW1 ID tag for a person with no connection to me.

    When I researched the person I found out that a family member in England was trying to locate his medals; so I sent the ID tag to them. The family asked me if I could help find his WW1 medals

    His medals were sold off in a house clearance in the 50’s, so as they weren’t posthumously awarded I then realised there is virtually no chance of ever finding them.

    So the search is now over. But the family were thrilled with the ID tag.
