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Private or public?

  • 18-07-2021 8:22am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,296 ✭✭✭


    We are pregnant again at 16 weeks now. We were previously pregnant last year but unfortunately our baby was born suddenly and prematurely at 32 weeks and did not survive.

    We were attending lourdes hospital in drogheda last year but baby was brought by ambulance to rotunda. We are seeing the same obstetrion consultant as last time but now in rotunda as didn't want to go back to drogheda given our experience.

    We are now questioning should we go private? We have laya health insurance which will cover cost of room. My partner recently had a cervical stitch which I understand makes a c section more likely.

    What are the benefits of going private? If consultant we pay for is not available when we go in for the birth who delivers the baby? How does private v public differ in this situation?


  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 6,915 Mod ✭✭✭✭shesty

    If you are private you are paying for a consultant to see you on each appointment and deliver the baby (or at least be present for the delivery).If they are not available, I think they generally let you know in advance who will be attending you.And then obviously the private room afterwards.You will give birth in the same delivery rooms as every other patient who pass through the Rotunda, with the same midwifery staff in attendance, just to note.

    If you are public, you will be under the care of a "team", you will see whatever doctors and nurses are on for appointments, and then the midwives, and (if needed) the doctor on call will attend the birth.

    I can absolutely understand why you would want to go private.I wents semi-private in the Rotunda on my 3 and managed to give birth with no doctor required, only midwives, for mine.All of the staff were excellent.You may find midwives are in attendance for most of the birth and then your consultant pops in and out and attends for the last couple of hours.I can understand you wanting the extra reassurance however of a single consultant, given your past experience.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Lightspeed so sorry to hear went you went through the 1st time. Its sounds like you are already getting very good care in public system if your being seen by same consultant. Maybe your partner is classed as high risk and if so will be monitored more closely.

    I'm not actually sure if you can change to private if your already public at 16 weeks?

    I went private in Rotunda and main reason for me was reassurance and same consultant each time + the fact that she was then there at birth of my son. Now that's not 100% guaranteed like if they are on leave etc but you will have a consultant which was important for me.

    I had a quicker than expected delivery(relatively speaking!)for first baby and I think the midwifes were caught a bit on hop as the minute my consultant came in she got me straight down to delivery room, while they were going to give me a bath!

    She stayed with me then until my son was born.

    For me it was worth it. I didn't actually get a private room afterwards as your not guaranteed it but didnt bother me, shared with just one other person so still quieter than a ward.

    I really think Rotunda is a brilliant hospitial. I was in and out of a& e and day ward as hyperemesis and makes no difference there if your private or not everyone gets good treatment.

    I hope it all works out for you both.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 52 ✭✭taxdummy

    Sorry to bump an old thread but can i just check something regarding semi-private.

    What does going semi-private get you that you won't get in the public (other than quicker appointments)?

    Also pre/post delivery, are semi-private patients all in semi-private room together, or are they mixed with public patients?

    Finally, is there just Private or semi private rooms - or is there also a "public" room?

    Just trying to understand the benefits of paying 1200 as oppose to just going public.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 62 ✭✭Peppery

    I was a public patient for my first two pregnancies and semi private now. I’m currently pregnant so I can’t comment on the actual birth but so far I think semi private is already worth the money. Shorter queues, proper scan ag every visit (long scans), and same consultant for visits. The difference in standard of care has been huge. It makes such a difference to be listened to by someone as opposed to in and out as quickly as possible.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 938 ✭✭✭Steve012

    Im so so sorry to hear the little one didn't make it last year, prayers and blessing to you guys, Re your question, I know maternity hospitals are great!! Holles st for e.g, Myself and my lady are trying for our first for the past few months, I have the money to go private, I don't see the reason if we go to Holles st or Rutunda , my sisters, my friends etc all nothing but praise for these hospitals. Drogheda always had a bad name.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 938 ✭✭✭Steve012

    Congrats!! always nice to hear good news! really looking forward to our turn to get good news!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,143 ✭✭✭✭Gael23

    Always private if you can afford it
