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Eir IPv6 routing broken (North County Dublin)

  • 17-08-2021 1:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 19


    On last Thursday my Eir ADSL broadband stopped working for around 30 minutes. The problem was with the routing, all packets were dropped on the first gateway on Eir side. Looks like most of North County Dublin was affected.

    It looks like they only fixed IPv4 as IPv6 routing is still broken since then. Below I include traceroute and ping results from my network. I checked with my neighbors and the situation is the same. Router and hosts on the network do get IPv6 addresses, but the packets are dropped on the first router on Eir's side.

    I have already called them and they claim that the Networking Team was notified about the issue, but I have a feeling that it will never be fixed. Do you have any suggestions how to proceed? I am happy to assist in troubleshooting/providing all necessary information.

    PING (2a00:1450:400b:c01::65)) 56 data bytes
    From 2001:bb0:6:a040::1 (2001:bb0:6:a040::1) icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: No route
    From 2001:bb0:6:a040::1 (2001:bb0:6:a040::1) icmp_seq=2 Destination unreachable: No route
    traceroute to (2a00:1450:400b:c01::71), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
     1  2001:bb5:5:1::1 (2001:bb5:5:1::1)  0.224 ms  0.292 ms  0.185 ms
     2  2001:bb0:6:a040::1 (2001:bb0:6:a040::1)  7.965 ms !N  7.742 ms !N  8.413 ms !N

    The 2001:bb5:5:1::1 is my home routers address. The 2001:bb0:6:a040::1 is the first router on the Eir's network outside my house. This router is replying with ICMP No route to every packet.

    Please help me out here, I don't know how to make Eir acknowledge the issue and work on it. I don't want to disable IPv6.


