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"Green" policies are destroying this country



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    What a load of nonsense

    But a good representation of the content this thread has been reduced to

    The Green Party are a small party in government as pointed out many times, they can do nothing without the approval of other parties.

    Plus as shown before their policies are similar to the opposition.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    Who said it doesn't include EV's and wood pellets? of course it does. I guess you are responding to my post, the issue was not the discussion on Wood pellets, the issue was the poster in question had no idea what he/she was talking about and shared total nonsense on the topic.

    If you share incorrect information then yes it should be challenged, it seems a few people on this thread want a echo chamber of them repeating the same incorrect information over & over again.

    How many times now has the same poster repeated the same content about wind turbines?

    Who are the "pro green lobbyists" by the way? if you can point out any on this thread? thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,590 ✭✭✭Pa ElGrande

    Follow the money. The Greens are useful idiots, they have their own crew who believe with mandated consumption patterns every one can be "green" and as long as their neighbourhood is not impacted and the subsidies flow to the eNGOs, they can virtue signal to their hearts content. Their function in government is twofold, allow the Irish establishment keep Sinn Fein out, and soak up the general publics ire, thus shielding Fine Gael from the anger generated by policies endorsed by the head of the European Peoples Party (EPP), Ursula von Der Leyen in her role as EU president. The Irish establishment fears Sinn Fein more than the Greens, plus there are subsidies in green policies, they go along with them, that is why the Green party has outsize leverage in current government, besides they can always "walk away" from government and their failure to grapple with the sh!tshow known as RTE. It's not just FF & FG, the opposition socialist parties believe that environmentalism without class struggle is gardening.

    Most state governments across the EU realise the EUs Green new deal unscientific policy targets are nonsense. These policy aims cannot be achieved, both the increased costs borne by the public and resistance from the public towards such policies are mounting as their wallets get hit, mean continued pursuit of these targets are not politically sustainable. We can live with the weather, however, wrecking energy and food production will impoverish and kill most of us.

    Net Zero means we are paying for the destruction of our economy and society in pursuit of an unachievable and pointless policy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    Still spoofing away here as usual I see with your tiresome antics attempting to avoid answering anything you are asked or even attempting to justify allegations you make.

    On a post of mine (#30617) you accused me of posting incorrect information. When challenged on your accusations all you could provide was some vague muttering on wood pellets, (which I had not even mentioned), and when this was pointed out to you nothing other than your usual ignoring ofinconvenient facts. Yet here you are again casting around the same allegation.

    I really do not mind so much someone who is absolutely clueless on a subject, which you evidently are, but when that person continues to make the same allegations when it has been shown to them how incorrect they are then really all they are doing is wasting peoples time using this forum as their own little echo chamber adding nothing to the discussion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,740 ✭✭✭PommieBast

    It was over six months, not a few days. Much in line with what a volcanic eruption can spew out.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    Tut tut tut.

    Oh what a little disengenious squirmer when challenged to back up repeated accusations or answer questions.

    In a reply to my post (#30617) you accused me of posting incorrect information. When challenged all you could offer as proof was some vague muttering on wood pellets, something which I had not even mentioned in my post. I subsequently pointed that out to you, which as usual with you when it comes to inconvenient facts was ignored, yet again here you are repeating your accusations today.

    You have repeatedly shown how clueless you are on the subjects under discussion in this thread, so either put up or shut up and stop wasting peoples time with your childish antics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,055 ✭✭✭patnor1011

    Try it in reverse as that is how it works. If other parties want to do something they have to bow to green party demands and a lot of horse trading go behind the closed door. As other poster rightly pointed it is all about the money and subsidies that is why other parties jumped on green wagon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    Not really how it works, a small player in government doesn't get to pull all the strings, never has.

    The other parties "jumped on the green wagon" because it is relevant at the moment and people are interested in it. If you want to deny climate change bang ahead but I doubt you will get much support outside the few on here

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    To quote you

    which I had not even mentioned

    I provided the link. I have no interest in back & forth while you make personal comments.

    Bash away on that keyboard but as I said you have been caught multiple times posting incorrect information. So saying someone else is clueless is hilarious.

    "childish antics"

    You should take your own advice

    "You have repeatedly shown how clueless you are on the subjects"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,723 ✭✭✭creedp

    Who is denying climate change? Big issue for debate is the scale of the policy change being railroaded through and thr cost of said policy change. Given that you are so vocal on the matter what are you doing to combat global climate change?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭WishUWereHere

    What waffle is this? Lower case, upper case blah blah.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭WishUWereHere

    You most certainly come across as a green apologist. Your arrogance here in reply to posters whom you disagree with knows no bounds.

    FYI: I’m from Newbridge and loved the aroma of burning turf. Something that’s sadly getting scarcer & scarcer, all thanks to the green agenda.

    I cannot wait for an election and a prospective candidate comes knocking on my door.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    You said "pro green lobbyist", now you are talking about "green apologist"?

    Can you explain both and which you are accusing people of been? Thanks

    FYI both FF and FG wanted to ban turf during last government but left it till post election as they couldn't decide on how quick. The Green party of course took it up and had to bring it forward

    Sinn Fein for instance don't want to stop the banning of turf, they just wanted to delay it. I think you will find similar across all parties.

    So you should have a chat with all of them so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    Read the post, the person claimed "As other poster rightly pointed it is all about the money and subsidies that is why other parties jumped on green wagon."

    So nothing to do with climate change. So saying they are a climate change denier seems correct

    A few weeks back when I mentioned carbon neutral v net zero it caused pure confusion in some of the most vocal posters on here because they hadn't a f**king clue what the difference was.

    This was when I tried to explain the government had released a document on plans for the national grid, that went totally over their heads as well.

    Not much of a debate is it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,723 ✭✭✭creedp

    IMHO there is a seriously tenous link ( and thats being gererous) between someone saying that politicians and entrepreneurs have jumped on the climate change/renewables bandwagon in order to hoover up as much money as they can while the going is good and being labeled a climate change denie

    Not sure what that means anymore tbh. Increasingly it seems it someone doesn't swallow the pulpit bashing that if we dont literally change our way of life tomorrow we'll all burn on a boiling earth next week is conveniently labelled a climate change denier. There seems to be a very simplistic binary way of thinking which basically results in 2 echo chambers at the extreme end of the spectrum of thinking on climate change. All that achieves is disillusionment among the majority who end up not having a bloody clue what needs to be done so increasingly just ignore the squabbling by politicians and experts alike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    I don’t think we will boil tomorrow, I do think we should be environmentally conscious.

    I explained this before on this thread but it seems once you don’t follow the most vocal few you get called a “pro green lobbyist" or "green apologist" or any of the other long list of names they seem on twitter/web.

    I honestly think the way the media have gone about the discussion is wrong and has got peoples back up but reading this thread you see the complete nonsense been spouted by some

    If someone claims the only reason parties have gone the environmental route is taxes then yes to me that would be a clear sign they deny we have a climate issue.

    If the actual poster has a different opinion they are more than welcome to explain the comment.

    Post edited by Clo-Clo on

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    If you didn`t make so much effort doubling down on your on posts and accusations when you have been clearly shown to be incorrect I wpuld almost feel sorry for you seeing you attempting to dig your way out.

    You accused me of posting incorrect information in post #30617. When challenged to show what this supposed incorrecet information was, all you could come up with was some vague utterance on wood pellets. I pointed out to you that I had not even mentioned wood pellets in that post, but as per usual not happy that you had dug yourself in deep enough you ignored that and doubled down making the same allegation again.

    When again challenged off you went on a trawl going back close to 3,000 posts with a link to a post on wood pellets that I had not mentioned in the post that you were accusing me of providing incorrect information in.

    In fairness for sheer ineptitute alone it is one of your more amusing efforts at attempting to dig yourself out of trouble of your own making.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    It’s an example of the first time I seen you providing incorrect information on the threads as I explained, many more times afterwards.

    Yet you claimed to have never mentioned wood pellets. Like all the other incorrect information you shared and got caught out on, same carry on. It’s embarrassing

    Anyway explained enough times, Keep bashing the keyboard 👍 best of luck

    and before you start some other long ranting posting insulting me, don’t bother, no interest in responding, made my point about all the incorrect information you share

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    There is a lot of milage between environmentally conscious and the title of this thread, "Green" policies are destroying this country.

    From your posts you appear to not know what those green policies are to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. If you do then you have gone to great pains to ignore them. They are basically nothing more than policies that would bankrupt the country while taxing the bollox off it`s citizens in doing so.

    Surprising as it may seem to you, the ability to do even the most basic mathematics does not make someone a climate change denier. It makes them a realist rather than a blind follower of an ideologiy

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    You have been caught out here so often spoofing that you should be ashamed more than embarrassed

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,730 ✭✭✭ginger22

    Why do you waste your time replying to that spoofer Clo-Clo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,519 ✭✭✭cgcsb

    €600 million announced for Derry motorway today. In line with spending rules that should surely mean 1.2bn more for public transport, but the enterprise service is only getting 12 million as part of the same package. Hopefully this is challenged.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    Doubt it seeing as it's investment in the north

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,519 ✭✭✭cgcsb

    The 2:1 rule is about transport spending, there's no clause about where it is spent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,105 ✭✭✭✭charlie14

    Other than it being spoofers that are driving this whole green ideology that if followed will bankrupt the country, I don`t believe I owe this particular one a free ride to keep making allegations that I posted incorrect information when I did not.

    Once upon a time on this forum to keep making such allegations with nothing to back them up when challenged would have resulted in at least a threadban. In my ten years here I have seen sitebans for less.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,848 ✭✭✭?Cee?view

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,848 ✭✭✭?Cee?view

    Moderators won’t move against anyone who’s pro “Green” policies or “Active Travel”

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭roosterman71

    Can we dictate to the NI Assembly how the money is to be spent? It reads like we're giving money for various things that was agreed between all parties. It's not just transport money, but the assembly is spending it on roads. I don't know though. Maybe yer right. Even before this money, how are we fixed on the 2:1 rule?

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