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How did shop know my maiden name from phone number?

  • 26-10-2021 2:14pm
    Registered Users Posts: 12


    I had to book an appointment with a shop yesterday for a mini consultation appointment on what I was looking to buy. I need to check something else with them, so I rang today to book an appointment for next weekend. The lady I spoke with couldn't find my name for yesterday, but when I said what time I was there at, she called me back my maiden name. I don't use it, and 100% absolutely no way would I have said it to them. All I gave them was my married name and phone number. The only place that still uses my maiden name is the government!?!

    I asked the lady where she got it from, she just said that was what was on the system and hurried on saying they will see me next week. It's just a shop! No reason for them to have any of my details, let alone my maiden name. I'm shocked, but more concerned that anyone can access my details from my phone number. How did they do this? I'm assuming they bought a database list that I am on? Do I need to change my phone number?


Best Answer

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,102 ✭✭✭manonboard

    If this is a private shop, there is almost no way for them to get your previous government details. Its far more likely they had your details from previous engagement with them. Did you use them before you were married? or That chain? or that shop was rebranded after another person took it over, maybe bought their customers? (eg: shop switched owner?)

