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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Thanks very much, pretty cool alright. We were in action whilst the 800m's, 400m's, 400mH finals took place. The WFD was taken place up at the end where the pole vault was on so we had a prime view as they came around the final bend. The action on track itself isn't too distracting but the crowd reaction and commentary does draw your attention to it. Once we finished up and left the track the first of the 100m finals was due to take place so got to watch those and the 1500m. Great battle with Sophie and Sarah again there, hopefully we'll be seeing that for years to come...certainly seemed to draw the loudest response from the crowd! Indeed I have seen Sarah Lavin interacting with young kids on a few occasions after races. Very inspirational person with what she is doing this season in particular.

    Thanks very much, I enjoyed it now. The National masters took place in Santry 2 years ago so I had competed there before but this was a very different experience. I was delighted to get the pbs for sure, least I knew I had done my best and can't ask for much more on a day.

    It was alright, I thought I'd try add in as much detail as I could...the experience of going into the warmup area and call area was something new to me. Whilst I knew I'd be seeing top athletes out in action on track I hadn't given any consideration to seeing them proper up close in the warmup area but there they were. I saw Sarah Lavin and Molly Scott doing some blocks practice....lightning stuff! Thanks very much, one of the young guys in my club that I coach broke his javelin pb 3 times in one competition recently so he crossed my mind as the competition started so will be thanking him for the inspiration when I meet him in a few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Congrats on your PBs, I was there on Sunday watching but must confess I didn't see any of your competition. I was sitting down near the finish line, and barely even noticed the pole vaulters tbh.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    No worries, track action always draws the attention over field events. I always feel sorry for the long jumpers in the stadium there as they seemed to very removed from the action being on the far side of the stadium to the main stand...see also the hammer and discus throwers who normally compete in the throws area outside the stadium and only those who follow those events get to see them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Well done D, super performance on the day having stepped up to the big event! Takes courage to do that and you certainly delivered. Congrats on the big PBs.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk4

    My log is a gone a bit screwy as my marathon plan has the week starting on a Sunday, having listened to Shona Heaslip on the runner's diary podcast recently I am in good company as that's what she follows usually. Anyways Sunday 30th July covered in the previous entry so...

    Mon 31st Jul

    70 min easy run completed up at my parents place in Laois before heading down home for Kerry. 11.6K in 70mins @ 6:03min/km. Pace a little bit quick on this so something I need to be more conscious of as ever. Shona Heaslip's interview on the Runner's Diary podcast was what I listened to for this run. As a local athlete down here have been tracking her career a number of years so great to see her make her recent comeback

    Tues 1st Aug

    The plan had "Easy 20min Warm-Up, Fartlek Strides: 10x 30sec ‘Fast’, 90sec ‘Easy’, Easy 10min Warm-Down" so that was done after work and before I was going cross country coaching. The route I used for this has a few hills so not ideal and could feel a small bit of soreness in my right calf afterwards.

    Wed 2nd Aug

    Small bit of calf soreness persisting so took a rest day, working the calf muscle with tiger balm and got the thumbs in there...not sure whether that helped or not.

    Thurs 3rd Aug

    Whilst my daughter was at football training, I did the 35min easy run that was planned for yesterday, 5.5K in 35min @ 6:22min/km. I ran out the road for 10mins and stopped to check how things felt and felt okay so said I'd continue with the run, another check after 25mins and felt the same so finished it out.

    Fri 4th Aug

    Plan has 45min easy, 6x12 short hill sprint and 5min easy cool down. Decided that seeing as yesterday's run went well that I'd leave it off as was still feeling my calf slightly, not much but something there. Some throws practice at lunchtime and headed up the country after work again to my parents place as was due to compete in the Templemore Throws festival the next day.

    Sat 5th Aug

    I was considering doing the Templemore parkrun in the morning but figured the day would be long enough at the throws festival and I had noted some brusing finally came up on the calf that had me concerned during the week....I guess it was a minor tear but all seems fine now but said I'd stick to the throwing and back on the plan for next week all going well. On the day my shot putt didn't go great at all, a best throw of 6.4m with the 7.26kg shot....back a bit since the start of the outdoor season but got a few tips so at least something to work on ahead of the National masters next weekend. I am lacking practice at the event as really focused more on the weight for distance in the last number of weeks. On the wfd side of things, I had four throws in my competition...all got above the 4m mark which I was happy with but felt only one of my throws (3rd throw) got out properly with the other ones I had pulled a bit too early. Nicely enough the one I got out well was a new pb of 4.57m (up from 4.5m last weekend at Nationals). Be nice to get another pb next weekend in the event if possible and give myself a chance at the podium at the National masters.

    Weekly total: 25.4K

    Year to date: 591.6K

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Your plan starts on a Sunday!! I think that's an American thing? Either way, why! 😂🙈

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    It does alright and I think the American origins of it is the probably the only explanation for it as can't find a reason for it. I actually quite like it as it means I can check off the long run at the start of the weekly plan and the rest follow that. In non running life, the week starts on a Monday of course.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk5

    Sun 6th Aug

    This phase of the plan introduces some marathon paced sections into the long run and I enjoy doing my long runs that. The plan had 20min easy, 30min marathon tempo pace, 20min easy. This worked out as 3K in 20min @ 6:28min/km, 5.35K in 30min @ 5:36min/km, 3.25K in 20min @ 6:12min/km. Got an absolute soaking during the last 15mins of this run. Back home to Kerry after this run.

    Mon 7th Aug

    Choice of 20min/30min cross training or Rest so with the National Masters coming up at the end of the weekend I worked on some throws training. Wasn't happy with how my shot put went over the weekend so figured to go back to basics (standing throw) and see how that would go.

    Tues 8th Aug

    35min easy running, got this done after work. 5.6K in 35min @ 6:14min/km

    Wed 9th Aug

    Fartlek session,

    Easy 20min Warm-Up, Strides: 5x 60sec ‘Fast’, 120sec ‘Easy’, Easy 10min Warm-Down.

    Back up the country to my parents place in Laois as was going to be working in Dublin for the next few days. So between packing, driving up there it was after 8pm before I got out but enjoyed this run.

    Covered 8K in the run with the fast parts varying between 5:02min/km - 5:29min/km pace.

    Thurs 10th Aug

    Rest on the plan but just did a final throws sessions with my father (who would also be competing in the National Masters at the weekend).

    Fri 11th Aug

    Easy 45min, 6x 12sec Short Hill Sprints (full recovery between each), Easy 5min Jogging Warm-Down on the plan. Home from Dublin after work (and two weeks holidays ahead) so was nearly 8pm before getting out for this. Always a little bit wary of hill sprints so I make sure I have a good warmup and some drills done as part of the 45min run and then trying to maintain form and not overcook on the first few reps. Session went well, 8.6K in total. Picked some blackberries from the bushes for breakfast in the morning.

    Sat 12th Aug

    National Masters in Tullamore

    Final T&F competition this year for me. Always enjoy this day catching up with friends from clubs around the country. You also meet some very inspirational figures at these events when you get chatting to them. This M85 shot putter for example was someone I was talking to about weight lifting (not something I do yet but I bought an Olympic bar and some weights for it this year that I plan to do some work with over the winter) and amazed at what he can lift.

    On the day Shot Put went great for me. I had my best ever indoor season this year but just never clicked with the outdoor season and felt I was going backwards in particular in the last few competitions I did. But going back to basics I found form and hit a great run of throws for me. 6.73, 6.91, 6.29, 6.96 the series I put in. It meant I had broken my pb three times to finish with a new pb of 6.96m with the 7.26kg senior shot. This time last year my pb stood at 5.99m from the same competition so nice to finish on a high! I placed in 5th place of the 5 competitors in my age category of M40. My Da came away with a bronze medal in the shot put in the M70 age cat, he was delighted with it as he first National medal in athletics.

    In the afternoon then the weight for distance competition took place, this proved to be a tough competition as I was in with a chance for a medal throughout here but the throws didn't come good for me. I was a bit worried after pb'ing in the shot put earlier in the day as rarely do I have a good day at both events on the same days. My best throw on the day was 4.3m and after a 4.5m and a 4.57m throws in the last few weekends I was disappointed to come away empty handed. If I'd kept one of those throws from the previous weekends I'd have closed the season with a National medal but still it's been a great season with the weight for distance for me. This time last year I was only just gone over the 3m mark with 3.04m from National Masters but I am looking towards getting to the 5m mark for next season so great to be making progress.

    Home to Kerry after that and finished the day at the Revivial Festival in Listowel with my wife where we caught half of the Pillows Queens set, Damien Dempsey and Bell X1. Long time fan of the latter two, been lucky enough to have seen both quite a few times (10 times for Damien now and 8 times for Bell X1) and they always put on a great show.

    Weekly total: 33.8K

    Year to date: 624.9K

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Great read in that little article, shows you are never too old & he says consistency & hard work is key just like all sports! Well done on the shot put PB & your dad getting a medal, nice.

    That's a great way to finish the day too, a fan of both myself. I remember going to watch Bell X1 when they were known as Juniper with Damien Rice singing, was sad they split up but love Damien Rice as a singer & them as Bell X1.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Yup, impressive stuff from the guy! Thanks very much, yes my Da was very happy...he's always been very competitive in any sports he's done (former hurler) so it's great to still have an outlet for the fire that still burns.

    I never caught Juniper live but I did see Damien Rice live a few times and I've seen Paul Noonan in a few guises. He was playing drums and backing vocals with my favourite singer Gemma Hayes when I first saw her back in 2001. It's a pity Juniper broke up but we ended up getting two great acts out of that with Damien on his own and Bell X1.

    Something else music wise I never mentioned on my log here was that I was very upset with Sinead O'Connor's passing, on the evening it was announced I was just home from a run. just read it on my phone and felt completely deflated. Her death really affected my mood and form for quite a few days after thinking we'd never hear from her again. I read some amazing tributes, both here and elsewhere but I held off chiming in with my own words on the topic. Just to say I think she's the best singer this country has ever produced, a voice of no equal in many ways and the world is all the poorer for her loss.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk6

    Sun 13th Aug

    Plan had 20min easy, 40min marathon tempo pace, 20min easy. We were due to be heading back up the country as as going up the North for a few days but with a pitstop for a night at my parents place in Laois. The previous night had been late enough so took a little lie in so it was almost 10am before starting out. Run brokedown as 3.15K in 20min @ 6:17min/km, 7.1K in 40min @ 5:38min/km, 3.25K in 20min @ 6:08min/km.

    Mon 14th Aug

    Rest day, drove up to Belfast as we'd be staying there for a few nights at the start of the holidays. Highly recommend the Titanic Belfast. Spent around 5 hours there as found it very interesting and well done.

    Tues 15th Aug

    40min easy running, 6.3K in 40min @ 6:34min/km. Got out just after 8am as the city is getting going for the day. First two K was a small loop of the city centre to get my bearings a little (only been in Belfast once before briefly so no clue of it at all) before heading across the river back down the Titanic Quarter. I had noted quite a few people running around that area the previous area so thought it would be a good option and worked out well.

    Hop on/off tour of Belfast in the afternoon and an availed of a visit to the City Hall (free) to see the free exhibition of the city history there. Excellent.

    Wed 16th Aug

    Aerobic Power Intervals,

    20min Warm-Up, 3x 1600m (one mile) @ 105-110% of Goal Marathon Pace w/ 90sec Recovery Jogging Between Each, Easy 10min Warm-Down

    Out again for 8am and with a similar route to yesterday, with the 20min warmup bringing over to the Titanic Quarter again. Used the paths beside the Titanic Studios (where Game of Thrones was filmed) for the first rep and that brought me down to Thompson Graving Dock where Titanic was fitted out when it's hull had been completed. The size of the dock gives a good perspective on the size of the ship. The next two reps I did along the riverwalk going back towards the city centre direction and included a lap of the outside of the Odyssey Arena. 10min jog back to hotel then.

    Session broke down as 2.9K in 20min @ 6:50min/K, 1600m in 8:38@ 5:22min/km, 90 sec walking recovery, 1600m in 9min @ 5:35min/km , 90 sec walking recovery, 1600m in 8:58 @ 5:35min/km, 90 sec walking recovery, 1.5K in 10:38 @ 7:20min/km

    9.5K in total

    Checked out from the hotel around 11 and headed off on the Causeway Coastal Drive an on to Giants Causeway over much of the rest of the day with a few stops enroute. Carrickfergus Castle was one we preplanned and thought it was excellent. Very impressed in general with Antrim as a county, lovely scenery, people very friendly and plenty to see. Walked down to the Giants Causeway from the nearby hotel we stayed in that evening and closed off the day with a Chinese takeaway.

    Thurs 17th Aug

    Rest day but with an early start as we were out to Carrick-a-Rede ropebridge for a 9am booking (my wife meant to book it for 11am). The bridge and the area was lovely but more unnerving going across it than I thought it would. After that we drove over to the Dark Hedges as seen in Game of Thrones. After that we completed the rest of the Causeway Coastal Drive for the next few hours, passing through Portrush and Portstewart and then stopping in Derry for the night. We walked around the city walls in the evening time which was the main thing I wanted to do there.

    Fri 18th Aug

    Easy 45min, 8x 12sec Short Hill Sprints (full recovery between each), Easy 10min Jogging Warm-Down on the plan but was looking to do parkrun in the morning so decided not to take an extra rest day.

    We traveled from Derry to Sligo today, spent a few hours on various stops in Letterkenny, Ballybofey and Bundoran enroute. My parents tell me I was in Donegal as a child but have no memory of it but we plan to go up there another time for sure as.

    Sat 19th Aug

    Sligo parkrun, 24:58.

    First parkrun since early June and it felt pretty horrible thoughout. 1K warmup with a few drills and figured I'd try run it around 25mins. The first K was fast but seemed manageable I thought so stuck with it. After 2K I really wasn't enjoying it that much and with a second lap of the park to do I was regretting doing the parkrun at all and should have taken a lie in. I always like to try get in new ones wherever I can and been looking forward to it. Effort wise for running around 5min/km it just felt too much, heart rate was fine enough but between all the going of the week was feeling fairly tired so I just stopped for a walk break for a minute around 2.8K into the run. Once I got going again then I felt better and finished strong enough with my last K in 4:44 pace.

    Just half a K cooldown taking in a small loop back to the car. Was under small bit of pressure to get back to the hotel and get breakfast before checking out and continuing our journey through Galway for the day.

    Weekly total: 35.8K

    Year to date: 660.7K

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk7

    Sun 20th Aug

    On the plan was 20min easy, 50min @ 95-100% of goal marathon tempo pace, 15-20min easy. Back home in Kerry today, and left my run until evening time so had got unpacking out of the way and the first few loads of washing done. Run brokedown as 3.33K in 20min @ 6min/km, 9.07K in 50min @ 5:31min/km, 3.7K in 22:25min @ 6:03min/km.

    Mon 21st Aug

    Rest day

    Tues 22nd Aug

    45min easy running, 7.1K in 45:37min @ 6:26min/km. Simple out and back run from home in the morning. At home/off for the week so just catching up on a few jobs around home.

    Wed 23rd Aug

    Lactic Resistance Intervals,

    20min Warm-Up, 6x 800m @ Yasso 800m Pace w/ 90sec Recovery Jogging Between Each, Easy 10min Warm-Down

    Took a lie in the this morning as was a bit tired after some monumental grass cutting yesterday that took over 3 hours. Heading out for my run at lunchtime and drove over to the line road in Causeway for a good flat stretch where I could do the 800s without getting disruputed by traffic. Warmup went fine, my plan for the 800s was to run them in 4mins but found them very hard to pace right. The splits for the 800s were as follows, 3:40, 3:46, 3:43, 3:49. I was starting to feel a small bit of tightness in my right calf during the 4th interval so instead of pushing on for a 5th and 6th rep I left it at 4. 5 min cooldown jog back to the car then. 8K in total for the session.

    Thurs 24th Aug

    Rest day, no ill effects from the run yesterday thankfully.

    Fri 25th Aug

    Easy 45min, 8x 12sec Short Hill Sprints (full recovery between each), Easy 10min Jogging Warm-Down on the plan, again taking in parkrun in the morning so took an extra rest day.

    Sat 26th Aug

    Tralee parkrun, 24:33.

    Much better than last week's effort in Sligo. It was pacer week this week in Tralee, my parents down visting for the weekend so myself and my Da headed in for parkrun. Got there around 9:15 so just time for a 1K warmup before the briefing. Nice to catch up with a few people who I haven't seen for a while. Lined up a few rows back at the start, pretty quickly the 24min pacer went past me, left him go and then the next pacer came past which was 25mins so I slotted in behind her. Around half way into the 2nd lap I pushed on past the pacer as did another guy, Keeping the pace up going onto the 3rd lap I was feeling it tough but a manageable effort...good push in the last half a K as wanted to be quicker than last week. Strava segments for each of the 3 laps were 8:29, 8:11, 7:55. 1K warmup before and a 1K cooldown afterwards.

    Weekly total: 38.2K

    Year to date: 699.6K

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk8

    Sun 27th Aug

    80min easy on the plan for today, my daughter was attending a music & drama class in Tralee so I got a lift in with my wife and ran a bit of a made up loop to meet them 80mins later in Dunnes carpark. I ran down to the canal that leads out towards Blennerville then out to the Cockleshell Road and on towards Spa. When the greenway type surface ended it was onto trails and through fields over to Spa. Strava's heatmap tells it's a reasonably well used route but I'd expect by walkers than runners going by the underfoot surface but there is talks to put a proper path in place sometime. Once in Spa I had to figure a way to get onto the new greenway, it wasn't too easy as had to climb over a wall near one of the old stone roadbridges that cross the greenway and shimmy down a bank onto the greenway itself....from there it was just back towards Tralee. Enjoyable run with a bit of exploring.

    Mon 28th Aug

    Rest day

    Tues 29th Aug

    45min easy running on the plan but was awake coughing and spluttering much of the night so no running.

    Wed 30th Aug

    Fartlek session for today but wasn't feeling great at all and after a second night keeping myself awake coughing I called in sick to work and got a GP visit in the morning. Thankfully only a head cold (had done a covid test) but chest sore from coughing. Back home then and tried up on sleep for the afternoon.

    Thurs 31st Aug

    Feeling better today and with the Dingle Half marathon supposed to be on the cards for Saturday I decided to get a short run in. 6.6K in 40min @ 6:03min/km. Run felt fine and figured should be even better for Saturday.

    Fri 1st Sept

    Easy 45min, 6x 12sec Short Hill Sprints (full recovery between each), Easy 10min Jogging Warm-Down on the plan. Took a rest day here ahead of the race in the morning.

    Sun 2nd Sept

    Dingle Half marathon, 2:14:46.

    Not sure how much I want to write on this but here goes, arrived to Dingle for 8am on the morning. Time enough to avail to use local knowledge to avail of parking a few hundred meters from the startline. The half and full start both at the marina in Dingle and then you head off around the Slea Head. The half marathon finishes at Dunquin where you are bused back to the startline with the full marathon coming all the way back to the start at the marina in Dingle. This race gets around 2000 runners each year so the town is very busy! It's an expensive race as races go for a half marathon with the entry fee costing 73 euro but it sells out almost as soon as it goes on sale, typically 10/11 months in advance. It's a very enjoyable race and one I've done every year since 2015 so back again for 2023 edition. I've ran various times on the course with my best time of 1:46:48 set back in 2017 and last year I ran it in 1:54. This year I was planning for a marathon paced run and aiming to do it under 2 hours...5:35-5:40min/km approx.

    Dropped my bag off around 8:15 to the drop van that would bring it to Dunquin, back to my car then and then a 1K warm up in 6:34min.

    Met a few club mates then around the start area and got into position with them around 8:50 with a 9am start. It was pretty warm already at that stage, I think I noted 16 degrees in the car before I started...not my kind of weather for running. Anyways back to the start I ended up being positioned around 8-10 rows back from the front so pretty much right at the front (maybe 50 people in front of us). I planned to pace the race myself so didn't mind being ahead of the pace groups.

    Once the race started I was holding myself back for the first KM (5:21). First climb comes in the 2nd K (5:28) with a fastest section immediately afterwards so try to keep the pace where it should be. Then steady climbing over the next 4-5K (5:39, 5:35, 5:32, 5:31, 5:19) to Ventry. Things were feeling pretty good here for the most part, little bit strange as always seemed to be someone going passed me, every so often I'd see a pace group for either the full or the half as they motored by. I can recall 1:30, 1:45 hm pace groups going by me before Ventry. Over the K, the 8th K (5:37) I started not feeling to great, couldn't put my finger on it but I decided to ease back in the 9K (5:55) as I figured I'd like to just get this to feel a bit more comfortable. Just going by the next water station outside Ventry I stopped to walk as I took on some water. I could feel my left hamstring a bit here, like the start of a cramp or something but took a minute and got going again. Not happy at all here now and quickly stopped to walk again before the 10K marker (6:33 for the 10th K). I knew I was in trouble here but just kept walking.....

    The 2hr pace group went past me here then so that was that for that sort of time, now it was figuring out could I finish the race or not and if not how do you get back to the start or (Dunquin) so just kept moving. 11th K (8:15), 12th K (9:56), somewhere along here I ran my wife for a chat as was not happy at all with the thoughts of how far I had to go to get to finish. She was telling me she was concerned with me doing it after having been sick during the week and sure here I was a bit fecked...I was just feeling sorry for myself and saying maybe I am not able for this sort of stuff anymore. I walked and jogged a little for much of the next two K splits of 13th K (7:30), 14th K (7:08). Into the 15th K (5:53) I managed to run much of this but then back to walking in the 16th K (6:49). I really like this section of the course as it's simply stunning as it was on a clear (albeit way too warm day) and managed to get back running again, 17th K (5:42) and 18th K (5:39). I was thinking I'm back in business now and my leg felt the same walking or running so will try keep it going over the last few K. But with the toughest climb of the HM course in the 19th K I was back to walking for much of it (8:09). Last two K and the sounds of the finish line in the distance, couldn't wait for the race to be done. Meet a Kerry runner here who I was chatting with a recent juvenile training session, she was having a bad day as well so said we'd just finish it out together. 20th K (6:09), into the last K now and my colleague said she was stopping to walk and beckoned me to keep going, a few hundred meters and I stopped to walk as well myself, such a bloody slog and with just 500m to go and needing another walk, feck sake. Anyways going now and looking at the watch I could see I was going to get in under 2hr 15mins. 21st K (5:34). Race over and met a few running mates to compare notes with on their experiences of the day, all found it very warm and were a bit slower than they hoped. I changed out of my running gear completely and got the bus back to Dingle watching all the full runners we passed on the second half of the course, I was keeping an eye out for one runner I know who would be around 4 hours and when we passed here she had less than 2K to go and looked very strong. Her finishing time was 3:52 which was a great time on that course.

    Once I got back to Dingle I didn't head down to the finish area of the full marathon as usually would do. I just headed for my car and hit the road for home with many thoughts of what used to be and what is now in relation to my running ability, what can I do about it in the short term and long term wise how can I get back to fitness I used to have....and what can I do about the Dublin marathon to avoid a repeat performance of today.

    Weekly total: 41.95K

    Year to date: 741.55K

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    I think you're being way too hard on yourself D, it's been extremely humid this past week (as well as the heat!) you were unwell and while you've been training consistently for the last 7/8 weeks, you had a few injury breaks before that to contend with. I heard a few reports that Dingle was tough this year and having cycled that course, it is far from easy. You always seem to be so busy too, I often wonder where you get your energy from! Recover this week and give your body a chance to get some rest and back to training on plan from next week. What is your goal for Dublin?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Thanks AM, for sure there are a few external factors that wouldn't have helped but there's a few things I need to work on myself. Suppose naively I figured with some training I could just get back on the long distance running train where I got off. In regards being busy, it feels like that alright at times as not much downtime really.

    Originally I was hoping and training towards the 4 hour mark in Dublin but that is surely a bridge too far and possibly need to be look more at 4hr 30mins. It's been 5 years ago since I last ran the marathon at my own race pace and did 3:51 back in 2018 but my times then across the other race distances from 5K up were a lot faster than they are at the moment.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    I'm really sorry that you had such a sh*tty race experience, it's a horrible feeling. Regarding Dublin it's a tough one to call as Dingle doesn't seem like a true reflection of your fitness and I assume you have no more races between now and then to guage current fitness? I can identify with you quite a bit with having had similar times to you in the past which one part of my brains knows i can't do now but another part (the louder part) thinks I should be able to just pick up where I once was! It's frustrating but accepting where we are now is half the battle and then working with that. You still have a good 6 weeks training for Dublin, that's quite a chunk so don't panic yet! Don't let Dingle knock your confidence, you know you're not a 2:15 HM guy (not that there'd be anything wrong with that) but on a better week and less lumpy course it'd be a different story. See how the next 6 weeks go before making a pace plan for Dublin, I bet things will look different then. Recover well ☺️

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,677 ✭✭✭DeepBlue

    I'd agree with what's already been said. You're definitely being extremely hard on yourself considering you did a half marathon after being sick from a respiratory infection just a few days earlier. It's not really possible to draw conclusions from that race in the circumstances especially since it's basically an uphill half marathon. I guess it's part of this game - having good days and bad days and the bad days always seem worse at the time but are an essential part of making the good days feel so good.

    Rest, recover and go again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    I have to agree with everyone else here, I too think you are being too hard on yourself! Days after being sick you ran a very difficult course (from what I've heard!) I'd park it now (like I have done with my own😉) & move forward with your training, make these last few weeks count then make a decision!

    I'll leave you with this quote...

    "The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Thanks E, the funny thing with it is that I have done very few races this year as it has worked out. I missed my club's 8K race in Jan due to injury, missed a duathlon earlier in April due to injury and was away for another local HM I had signed up for so was looking forward to it and that probably compounded my feelings of disappointment really instead where in a regular year I'd have a good few races done and a be a bit more hardened to it all! At the moment I don't have anymore races between now and Dublin, I did consider Charleville this weekend but I feel it's too soon and I still have a touch of that cold hanging around so not sure the point. There are a few 10Ks on that might be an option to work into a long run but would like to get back up on the horse to boost the confidence a bit even if the time is not what I'd like that I can manage the race better.

    Thanks D, I probably should have just have taken that more into consideration and been more conservative at the start and forgot about times, worked my way into the race and then if things were well got down to marathon pace over the second half of the race. I look forward to racing again and hopefully a good day!

    Thanks E, indeed I have put it behind me now and being honest I haven't actually thought much about the race after my post on Sunday evening so feel like I have at least got it out of my system. Nice quote that, I do wonder when he came up with those if he could predict how much many of his quotes would resonate through time and applicable to many things and simply help people!

    Thanks for the comments all, I really do appreciate them all and helped my form post race to get back to a more regular disposition than moping about too much about it. For sure I might just have to reset some goals but I can recall last year at one stage when trying to make the start line and talking about race times one of the coaches in my his delightfully frank way (English is his second language) and said to me "David, you are not going to win the race". This wasn't meant an insult but more to relax about things and do what you can.

    Also I thought Sonia was outstanding on the Irishman Running Abroad podcast this week in relation to marathon training and the time between now and then where sometimes you just may have to readjust your training and goal and simply do the work you can to meet the goal you have set....and as above I know I won't win the Dublin marathon this year! I have to say I was a big fan of Sonia as an athlete through her career but another brilliant achievement of her's is what she has done in the last number of years in regards how accessible she is and particularly through the podcast we get to hear from her every week. Jarlath has created something very special there giving a platform to Sonia to share with the public her thoughts, opinions and experiences through her pro career and recreational career for me only elevates her greatness and I always enjoy her wit too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Aw I love Sonia's wit, but I love the banter between her & Jarlath, as you say they have made running so accessible for all by creating the pod cast community!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk9

    Sun 3rd Sept

    Rest day, no long run this training plan week after the Dingle Half yesterday so would mean a drop in mileage.

    Mon 4th Sept

    Working in Dublin on Tues and Wed so up to my parents place in Laois after work as was too warm to run in Kerry. Just did a 5K loop around my homeplace of Borris in Ossory. 5K in 32:11 @ 6:26min/km. The hamstring niggle I felt on Saturday during the race in Dingle was barely noticeable but still a little bit there.

    Tues 5th Sept

    Accomodation can be a bit tricky to source in Dublin when I'm up there, usually stay in the city centre but not always the case. Prices can vary a lot and I try to get something under 100 if I can, this time I was going to be out in Ballsbridge so out the for a few K before running in the last 3K or so of what is the marathon route right down to Merrion Square and then looped back around to where I was staying near Lansdowne Dart Station. 7.2K in 45:42 @ 6:21min/km.

    Wed 6th Sept

    Rest day, out for a few hours after work before hopping on the Luas around 7pm to collect my car at the Red Cow and then drove back down to Kerry. Home just before 11pm.

    Thurs 7th Sept

    Decided to keep the week reasonable easy for me and dropped the speed session for the week. Went to the beach for a bit after work with my wife and daughter, it's not great weather for running at the moment but good for other stuff. Back home then and just out for a 40min easy run with 4x strides to fit in something before the Ireland football match vs France. Another disappointing result.

    Fri 8th Sept

    Rest day

    Sat 9th Sept

    Tralee parkrun in 25:39

    No time for a warmup unfortunately as it was full attendance from my house. I didn't really look at my watch for this run and just checked it after each lap and figured I'd be around 27mins for the run, if I don't get a run done on a Friday I'm planning to run parkrun at something akin to marathon effort to get some fatigue into the system before long runs on a Sunday.

    1.6K cooldown in 15:27 @ 9:02min/km, as my daughter was doing her last lap I jogged/walked around with her.

    Weekly total: 25.1K

    Year to date: 766.8K

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk10

    Sun 10th Sept

    The plan had (GMP Tempo)- Easy 20min, Marathon Pace Tempo Run (70min @ 95-100% of Goal Marathon Pace, or GMP), Easy 20min Warm-Down. Having used this plan previously I like it but also like a bit more mileage so I add onto the easy parts of these runs, extra 10-15mins usually just to bulk it up a bit.

    Early start so I was out on the road for 7:45 (early for a weekend run for me) and ran over to Ballyheigue to meet up with a group there who were planning to run 10K. The run over took me 38min, 6K @ 6:20min/km. Then following a 10K flat out and back route and a stop to chat for a few mins after that before I continued on at pace for another few mins, 12.1K in 70min @ 5:34min/km. Easy 25min run home then, 4.2K @ 5:59min/km. 22.3K in total for the morning.

    Nice to catch up with the group as has been a while and might be a useful way to work in some of my mp tempo runs. I carried a 250ml collapsible flask in my pocket during the run but wasn't enough and was parched by the time I got home...drank pretty much a pint of orange juice which was lovely when I got in the door. Took 1 Maurten gel enroute, using last years supply that never got used. Expiry date of May 2023 and seem fine but will buy a fresh batch for the marathon itself soon. Did this run in my Nike Tempo Next % which are one of the candidates for the race itself but the slapping nose can be annoying at times.

    Mon 11th Sept

    50min easy run for today, 7.8K @ 6:26min/km. Just an out and back run from home, headed down a laneway from the village that always intrigued me as didn't appear to be a farmer's lane or a lane to a house so might be okay for public use. Anyways turned out to be longer lane than I thought it would be and very overgrown in the last few hundred meters but got to the bottom almost bang on half way through the entire run. Think I found the water supply facility (or whatever it's name is) for the area so I think it's a public owned lane so possibly okay to run on...always nice to have another road to run on when looking to mix up a run.

    Tues 12th Sept

    60min easy on the plan for today, I am planning to stick with 4 days running for the majority of this plan and after running 3 days in a row decided a rest day was in order.

    Wed 13th Sept

    On the plan was (Lactic Resistance Intervals)- Easy 20min Warm-Up, 14-16 x 400m @ 110-115% of GMP w/ 90sec Recovery Jogs, Easy 15min Warm-Down. Unfortunately with my club hosting a primary schools cross country event that evening I wasn't going to be able to get this one done today. Horribly wet day and due to be off work the next day, figured I could just do it the next morning so another rest day.

    Thurs 14th Sept

    Off work today as was driving up to Dublin to go see the Second Captains 10 year anniversary show in the Olympia. Always been a big fan of the lads from back in the OTB days when I worked late shifts the Football Show between 9-10pm was great company. Ken in particular always makes me laugh as I enjoy his humour. Great show with special guests of Paul Kimmage (always a great read or listen) and Graeme Souness. Very entertaining show and here's to another 10 more years of Second Captains.

    Anyways before hitting the road in the car I had some road race training to do. After dropping my daughter to school, I parked up in our local village of Causeway. The plan was 20min warm up, 14-16 x 400m @ 110-115% Goal Marathon pace with 90sec recoveries and easy 15min warm down.

    The run broke down as 3.1K in 20min @ 6:25min/km. Included in this as some dynamic stretches. Then it was into the 400s, my planned marathon pace of what I think will likely be 5:40min-6min K on race gave me a range of 2mins to 2:08mins for each 400m.

    Unsurprisingly the first one was a little bit fast and I aimed to ease off a bit for the second. But then when the 3rd was 1:55 as well I just said feck it, that's the pace I'm doing that's what I will try stick to doing.

    1:53, 1:55, 1:55, 1:53, 1:55, 1:53, 1:52, 1:54, 1:55, 1:52, 1:56, 1:53, 1:54, 1:56, 1:55, 1:55

    I did brisk walk the recoveries rather than jog them just to ensure I was actually recovering proper. Found the last few intervals tough but manageable tough.

    Cooldown back to the car then was 2.4K in 15:20 @ 6:20min/km

    14K in total for the session in just under 90mins. Was very happy with this one as had been a little bit anxious about it.

    Fri 15th Sept

    45min easy, 8x12 sec hill sprints, easy 5min cool down. After the speed session the previous day and planning to do parkrun in the morning this one was canned. Rest day and drove home to Kerry after work.

    Sat 16th Sept

    Tralee parkrun in 25:27

    Felt a lot better than last week and if anything holding myself back and just thinking of the next run. Small piece of advice I got off someone recently was that when doing a run or planning a run always think of the next run to follow. It's a small thing but good to bear in mind for me at least. I wore the adidas Boston 11s that I picked up in Kildare Village on Thursday for the bargain price of 72 euro. I had Boston 8s before that I loved but these are very different and whilst not the most comfortable shoe for walking around in (I had that issue previously with a pair of Nike Zoomflys a number of years back) they feel good on the run. Another marathon contending shoe, planning to do next week's speed session in them and will be rejigging my long run next weekend, instead of doing it as plan on Sunday I will be doing a 10K road race on Saturday so thinking of doing a 10K warmup, the road race at marathon pace, then another 5K afterwards maybe.

    Back to parkrun, 1K warmup plus dynamic stretching in 6:51 & 1.4K cooldown in 8:12 @ 5:50min/km, just a cooldown shortened lap with a running mate.

    Weekly total: 51.5K

    Year to date: 818.3K

    Post edited by diego_b on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk11

    Sun 17th Sept

    The plan had (GMP Tempo)- Easy 20min, Marathon Pace Tempo Run (70min @ 95-100% of Goal Marathon Pace, or GMP), Easy 20min Warm-Down. Bulked the mileage a little by increasing both easy pace sections by 10mins.

    Took a bit of a lie in this morning so didn't start my long run until 9:30am. After feeling awful thirsty on last weeks run I was better prepared this week and carried 2x250ml collapsible bottles of High 5 zero in my pockets. Also carried 2 gels but only planned to use one. I need to practice taking a few more of the Maurten's on a run as I think I've never taken more than two. I find them grand though and easy on the stomach.

    Today's route would have some rolling hills which was nice to change it up things. As I started the marathon pace section I had a decent downhill for around 500m but in running what goes down must come up. Pace a little bit fast on the marathon section so need to watch that pacing. Loop worked out great as the finished about 200m from home. Spent the day watching sports of various codes thereafter really!

    4.83K in 30min @ 6:13min/km, 12.73K in 70min @ 5:31min/km, 5.04K in 30min @ 6:02min/km

    Wore my pair of Puma Deviante Nitro 2s for this run, it's probably between these and the Boston 11s for the race itself so alternating them through speed sessions and long runs over the coming weeks to see which is most comfortable.

    Mon 18th Sept

    Rest day

    Tues 19th Sept

    50min easy on the plan for today, 8K in 50min @ 6:15min/km. Evening run after work and first time I could definitely say the evenings are closing in as was pretty dull when I was finishing up around 7.

    Wed 20th Sept

    This week's speed session was Aerobic Power Intervals, so that would be Easy 20min Warm-Up, 5x 1600m (one mile) @ 105-110% of Goal Marathon Pace w/90sec Recoveries, Easy 10-15min cool down.

    For what I planned to be a calm down, started work early with the plan to finish work at 4pm....get the speed session done then and head off the juvenile coaching with my ac. Lots of disruption to best laid plans meant things were a bit hectic in a few ways so didn't get out running till 4:40pm. Annoying when I knew I'd be running for around 80-85mins, and had about 5-10mins when I got back to head for training but it worked out fine. The session went great, used a different section of road near where I live but doesn't have much traffic as off a side road. Pace wise I was aiming for 5:20/5:30min/km pace. Each interval was up/down the same interval of road so with a small pull and a headwind the 2nd and 4th intervals were the toughest. Easy pace jog home, change and out the door for training. Great crowd of athletes at training was great to see ahead of the first county championships race on Sunday.

    3.3K in 20min @ 6:09min/km, 1600m in 8:21 @ 5:13min/km, 1600m in 8:38 @ 5:24min/km, 1600m in 8:33 @ 5:20min/km, 1600m in 8:48 @ 5:30min/km, 1600m in 8:25 @ 5:15min/km, 1.9K in 12min @ 6:15min/km

    Thurs 21st Sept


    Fri 22nd Sept


    Sat 23rd Sept

    Decided to bring forward my long run by a day as would be heading to Killarney on Sunday for the first day of the juvenile cross country championships. The plan had Easy 20min, Marathon Pace Tempo Run (80min @ 95-100% of Goal Marathon Pace, or GMP), Easy 20min Warm-Down. I had an entry for a 10K race in Tralee that morning that was due to start at 9am. So my plan was to drive into Tralee for around 7:30am and do 10K before the race, do the race at marathon pace and then do another 5K or after the race. On the drive in parkrun crossed my mind as the finish line of the 10K race was around 400m from the start of the parkrun so thought maybe 2 birds with one stone and hench a plan was hatched. Started off the 10K easy just before 7:40am and headed out the canal and following the coastal pathway around for a 10K out and back route. Change of t-shirt, took a gel and a quick use of the local facilities before lining up for the 10K race which started in the townpark.

    10K easy in 61 @ 6:04min/km

    For the race I was planning to run it around 55/56mins and unsurprisingly it was a bit quicker so finished in 54:23. I don't have too much to say about the race only that it felt nice and controlled. It was on a route I haven't run for a while but one I really like, when I first moved down to this part of the country it was a route I ran on a good few times with a running group I ran with for a while. It's also incorporated part of a loop that I ran as part of a 2x20mile relay race in a 40mile ultra a few years back so good memories. Over the last K I was thinking I am going to do parkrun or not and I said sure why not but try keep the effort up. Crossed the line, collected my medal...quick change off t-shirt at my car and then started parkrun at 9:56. Happy with my 90 second transition. Tralee 10K in 54:23 @ 5:24min/km

    And finally parkrun, from previous starting parkrun late experience I knew that if I could start around 9:55/10am I had a good chance to get it done before the tailwalkers who usually take around 55/60mins. About 400m on the first lap I passed the tailwalkers who had just started into their second lap so maths/time wise I would be all good. I kept up the effort but about halfway through the run I was starting to tire, certainly by the time I hit the 3rd lap my enthusiam had wained and fatigue was definitely in the legs. Certainly the last lap was my slowest but all done and 2 races (one not a race) for the price of one. Tralee parkrun in 50:59 (GPS time 28:13 @ 5:47min/km). 25K in total for the morning.

    For the weeks ahead I may rejig the training plan to bring everything forward by a day and do the long runs on Saturday mornings so can take Sundays as a rest day with the various cross country events to come.

    Weekly total: 69.4K

    Year to date: 879.9K

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Interesting way to break up the long run there D! Did you skip the 20 mins cool down? Hope the legs are feeling ok after the 2 for the price of 1 events 😀

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    I did because I was looking at the time on your feet aspect to this too and given I did 10K/60mins before the marathon pace phase I had enough done really. Legs are grand but lots of general fatigue this week, sleep wasn't great last weekend unfortunately so catches up a bit.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Duplicate post, boards acting up a bit

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Duplicate post, boards acting up a bit

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk12

    Sun 24th Sept

    Rest day, running across a field in Killarney supporting my club's juvenile athletes in the first day of the county cross championships. We managed to get 3 teams entered and all 3 teams medalled which was great. Only two individual medals but hopefully more to come on the next day next Sunday in Killorglin.

    Mon 25th Sept

    8.1K in 50min @ 6:11min/km, out and back run from home after work.

    Tues 26th Sept

    (Lactic Resistance Intervals) - Easy 20min Warm-Up, 8x 800m @ Yasso Pace w/ 90sec Recoveries, Easy 20min cool down.

    Went back to the same spot as I had done the 1600m intervals the week before as it worked well to avoid disruption from traffic and dogs!

    Warm up (incl some drills) 3.3K in 20min @ 6:07min/km

    8x 800m intervals (target was 4mins for 800m here) 3:46, 3:58, 3:54, 3:59, 3:52, 3:59, 3:55, 3:55. First one was too fast but settled down then. Certainly could feel the fatigue the last two reps

    3.2K in 20min @ 6:17min/km on the way home

    Wed 27th Sept

    Rest day, supposed to have coaching this evening and looked like we'd a window to do it as Storm Agnes wasn't too bad but the orange weather warning was extended until 7pm so had to postpone until the next evening.

    Thurs 28th Sept

    Easy 45min, 6x 12sec Short Hill Sprints (90 secs recoveries between each), Easy 10min cool down.

    Finished work just after 4pm but didn't get out until just after 4:30pm so would be a quick enough turnaround before heading off for coaching. My watch died just after 6k into the run but I was using a loop I know well and it's 10.5K so least I knew I would know my mileage that way. 10.5K in 66mins. For the part I had the GPS for it was 6.3K @ 6:01min/km. For the hill sprints instead of doing a spring and walking back down the hill to sprint up the same section again I just stayed walking forwards...the section of the road I was using has a pretty long hill that's over a mile long with a respite in the middle so 5 of the 6 sprints were up the hill with one on the flat. Home then and over to Ardfert for coaching for an hour.

    Fri 29th Sept

    Rest, small bit of foot pain today in my left foot which worried me a little bit in case it was going to be a reoccurrence of the injury that kept me away from the marathon last year. It's the same foot and a similar area but feels lower down and more towards the metatarsals than last year. Not overly concerned I but I did send a message to a podiatrist to see could I get an appointment, never been to one before and would be interested to get their opinion. It could be something as simple as using the new runners in the last week as much as anything so would plan something different for the long run and use a pair I've had for a few months now and used for longer and faster runs also. Also watching the camber on roads is one I'd plan to focus more.

    Sat 30th Sept

    To finish off the week in line with what happening the rest of the week I was bringing forward the planned run for Sunday. Easy 30min, Marathon Pace Tempo Run (90min @ 95-100% of Goal Marathon Pace), Easy 20min Warm-Down.

    Bad start to the day with a yellow weather warning for rain and plenty of it on the scene when I got up at 7:30. I was originally planning to have my breakfast at this time and then maybe drive into parkrun and then continue on with the rest of my run. But I decided that with the weather as bad as it was I'd rather get a likely drenching nearer to home and be at home when I finished my run than have to drive 25mins in the car each way. Also I was feeling lazy so I just watched some tele for an hour and then went back to bed for a bit so when I finally got the motivation and what I thought might be a gap in the weather I headed out the door at 10:49. I used a variation of a loop I did a few weeks back but added a bit to the easterly side of the loop...working it out as I ran I thought this would get me close enough back to home when I finished and it did.

    4.9K in 30min @ 6:10min/km, raining throughout most of this, little bit miserable weather but not as bad as I expected.

    16K in 90mins @ 5:38min/km, this went well up till around 10K into it....I was feeling a small bit in my right calf so stopped for a minute to stretch so had a little bit of concern but it passed. I hate stopping when running can be hard to get the inertia going again but it was worth it this time. My wife happened to drive by at this stage and stopped so told her I was struggling a bit...she asked had I far to go...I just said just a run home really (10K) but I'd give her a ring if I needed to stop. I took advantage of the situation to dispatch my running jacket here as I'd been running with it around my waist for the last half an hour.

    5.1K in 32:34min @ 6:25min/km, I won't lie but quite tired during this section....I could probably could have eased it back a bit more but with the weather closing in again I just wanted to get it done so it wasn't as easy as it should have felt in effort.

    I ran in my Puma Nitro 2 Deviate today, good to have another shoe I think I'd be happy to run in DCM day. I took 3 Maurten's on the run just to see how I'd manage with them. Feels like a waste as the last one was taken during the final 30mins but just checking for stomach upset but no issues. Carried the 2x 250ml bottles of High 5 zero again...good to offset the taste of gels anyways. No foot issues during the run or afterwards.

    Took it handy for the rest of the day then (sure the day was half gone at this stage) and just caught up on a few things at home.

    Weekly total: 58.6K

    Year to date: 928.4K

    Post edited by diego_b on

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,379 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Dublin Marathon - Running Shoe Guru Wk13

    Sun 1st Oct

    Rest day, over to Killorglin for the uneven ages cross country so plenty of running and haring around a field after juveniles. I worn compression sleeves on my calves after yesterday's run as was feeling it a bit.

    Mon 2nd Oct

    8K in 50min @ 6:16min/km, brought forward from a day earlier and just and out and back run after work. Run felt fine but definitely tired this week, not helped but not sleeping well the night before so aiming to get to bed earlier for the next while.

    Tue 3rd Oct

    Rest day, checking the recovery status on Polar it said I would still be in a strained status so figure the risk of injury was high so instead of bringing forward my mid week speed session again this week I decided to take a rest day here. With a day off work on Wednesday I'd do speed session then..the rest of the week will sort itself out in time.

    Wed 4th Oct

    (Aerobic Power Intervals)- Easy 20min Warm-Up, 6x 1600m (one-mile)@ 105-110% of GMP w/ 90sec Recoveries, Easy 15min Warm-Down

    Having taken a day off work it meant I could do my speed session at a sociable hour of just after 9am, dropped my daughter to school and then parked my car up in the village starting it. Pace wise I was going to be around 5:20min/km for the intervals here but

    3.3K in 20:16 @ 6:08min/km, warmup with a few half assed drills.

    1600m in 8:18 @ 5:11min/km, had the benefit of a tailwind here which was nice to start with.

    1600m in 8:20 @ 5:12min/km, turnaround then and running back into headwind, not so nice.

    1600m in 8:16 @ 5:09min/km, to try negate some of the wind effects I took a right turn at a cross roads about half way through this interval so a tailwind became a sidewind....would use this dogleg for the remainder of the session so only half an interval would either be with or against the wind.

    1600m in 8:22 @ 5:13min/km, glad to be over half way through these now as find them tough going....could feel the beginnings of blister off the side of my heel...strange place to get one so not sure the cause.

    1600m in 8:17 @ 5:11min/km, 2nd to last, maintaining the pace for the intervals though so just keep it to the same pace but effort was increased.

    1600m in 8:11 @ 5:07min/km, last one now so pushed this on a little...strong head wind for the second half on the interval was a bit of challenge so the last 300m was a slog.

    2.55K in 16:18 @ 6:24min/km, jog back to the car and with a few stretches job done.

    16K in total for the session

    Comparing this session with a similar session a few weeks back (5x1600m) I was running today's a little bit faster...on avg 10 secs a k pace faster. Not sure if that's down to improving fitness or poor pacing....I think the rest day before the session helped and trying to get some decent sleep for a few nights.

    Weekly total (so far): 24K

    Year to date: 952.4K

    Post edited by diego_b on
