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Sorry if this is insulting - handheld console q?

  • 21-01-2022 4:45pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 757 ✭✭✭

    Sorry in advance if this is an insulting question to gamers but I know zilch about gaming and could really do with some help if anyone can.

    I am looking for a retro type cheap handheld console for someone who loses a lot of things (hence cheapish n cheerful :-) - anyone recommend one or know where I can get one in Europe?

    They had a gameboy type console and loved it but it didn't have Mario and ate batteries and couldn't save a game. I've see a few (8bit?) consoles on adverts but not sure they save any games and google says something about an MX5 7 or something like that but amazon has varying prices and reviews.

