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Recommendations for someone who could do a network/wiring nixer ?

  • 26-01-2022 6:55pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 216 ✭✭

    My house has cat6 that was put in a few years ago, but the electrican half-did the job, and I tried to finish it off. A few years later, some rooms are only getting 100mbit, and I've no idea if it's damaged cable, bad crimping, or crappy wall-plates. Would love someone who has equipment to test lines to do an audit, and re-punch points if needed.

    Anyone know someone who would do a nixer for me, in Dublin 13 ?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,274 ✭✭✭

    If you could provide more detail of existing net layout (e.g. cables from each room ran into central location? different ?) to your best knowledge.

    What changes you have done?

    Does "...some rooms only getting..." mean you do have 1000Mbps links in other? is 100Mbps in rooms that you wired/crimped/puched or random?

    What equipment is in use (router, switch(s) make and model) - 100Mbps could be also caused by dated hardware, not just bad wiring/crimp
