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Pure and Port Forwarding (Solved)

  • 28-01-2022 9:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 17

    Newly migrated to Pure, and happy enough so far. F2000 box received, and not really to my liking. Was able to setup a port forwarding rule for Plex, and works fine on the F2000. Then tried the same for Wiregaurd, which refused to open. I am going to re-install WG on the RPB3 tomorrow, just in case that was the cause.

    However I have a Protectli box here with pfsense on it. Able to connect fine, and all works well. speeds higher than the f2000. However unable to get any ports to open on the firewall. (This same rule worked fine on my previous broadband provider).

    I called Pure and techical support said they do not block ports, but obviously wont support third party hardware. Anyone else have any experience with this?



    I am an idiot. F2000 has IP .254 and I manually set my gateway to that. But the pfsense has ip .1, and so gateways didnt match up. Once I fixed that, everything worked. Lesson learnt! Pure DOESNT block ports! Yay!

    Post edited by chrisdj_sa on
