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Setting up a VPN network

  • 01-02-2022 3:07pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 16,156 ✭✭✭✭

    First off, apologies if this is in wrong section, mods please feel free to move accordingly.

    so I’m not entirely familiar with a VPN concept. Initially I thought it was supposed to be some sort of private network access to your work network. But now realise it appears to basically mask your IP to trick the internet that you are somewhere you are not. Have I got that right? Or is is a bit of both, or is it something else and these are knock on effects?

    I’ve recently set up a new Deco network in my house. I’m not sure if it is a coincidence or a result of the change, but my old sky tv box is not working as it used to (see other thread in tv). BBC iplayer and ITV hub no longer working.

    anyway, I’m wondering, if I sign up to a VPN service (they seem cheap, but are they all the same?) can I create a new network in my house with let’s say a UK access or another with USA access points? I’ve seen something similar in a foreign country with Irish access. I could then link certain machines to relevant networks, seems a tidy way to do things
