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Ukraine (Mod Note & Threadbanned Users in OP)



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,440 ✭✭✭McGiver

    Interesting analysis of "Russian volunteer battalions":

    Red Army running out of manpower (in line with causalty reports) but Putin is afraid of mobilization which would probably cause riots and overthrow him so he's paying €3k per month for mercenaries recruited all over Eurasia.

    This recruitment effort will likely be expensive if it comes close to meeting its targets. It appears that the Russian Ministry of Defense will pay the volunteers’ salaries while the “federal subjects” will pay their enlistment bonuses. Salaries generally start at roughly $3,000 per month per soldier or about $1.2 million per month per 400-man unit. Enlistment bonuses offered by at least some units appear to be roughly a month’s salary. If the effort generates 85 battalions each of 400 men it would bring an additional 34,000 volunteers into the fight at the cost of about $102 million per month in salary alone. Considering that the 30 days of training the volunteers will receive before entering combat will not produce combat-ready soldiers, that price is very high. The volunteers will receive veteran status and benefits if they serve in Ukraine, moreover, in addition to their salaries and bonuses, a commitment that will add to the Russian Federation budget for decades.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,326 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    So remember how some would claim Russia hadn't designs on the rest of Ukraine, only those poor unfortunates Russians of Donbas and Luhansk?

    Yeah. About that.

    Despite that evidence, the Kremlin has maintained that it launched its attack to protect its proxy governments in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

    “Now the geography is different,” Lavrov said, in a change of rhetoric from the Russian government. “It’s not just Donetsk and Luhansk, it’s Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, and a number of other territories. And this is an ongoing process, consistent and insistent

    This was always an invasion. This will not stop at those breakaway regions; Russia must be beaten back to the border. The bullshít some would have had us believe; the nonsense peddled trying to reframe the conquest as anything but the obvious. oh, Kyiv was just a "distraction" tactic, I remember that one. Or that for the sake of "peace" Russia should be given what they wanted; they'd go home them.

    This won't stop, Russia now says this, plainly, publicly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭bobowen

    Pretty sure this is in direct response to the commitment by the US to supply the Ukrainians with missiles with a range of 300 km for the obviously successful Himars system. The Americans previously refused to supply missiles with more than a 50km range so as not to bring us closer to WW3. This is an obvious escalation tactic in response to the slow but successful grinding war of attrition that the Russians are using to deplete the Ukrainian army of its numbers and morale in the Donbass.

    It is a chess move response to an ill thought out dangerous US chess move that gives Russia the PR ammunition they needed to sell the eventual annexation of both Odessa and Kharkiv to their citizens as a defensive necessity.

    There is genuine fear on many of the ear to the ground Russian telegram channels about the much talked about Kherson offensive and the Himars effectiveness in taking out of the bridges and dams around the area that, once destroyed, will allow the Ukrainians to start their offensive since the Russians will find it hard to reinforce their defences. First time I've seen that anxiousness on these channels since the start of the war. Others think its been overhyped and its merely Zelenskys last roll of the dice to maintain western armament support. He needs a big win.

    The Donbass is lost to Ukraine at this stage but the Kherson offensive if it happens will be pivotal to reversing it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,461 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06


    Russia tried to seize Kyiv and were repulsed. But the public need to be sold on capturing Odessa? In the fantasy world of Russian propaganda why do they need to be sold anything?

    Or did they already see through the last set of sales lies about nato nazis budapest and demilitarisation?

    The himars are hitting legit russian military targets. Unlike russias indiscriminate attacks on civilian targets, medical facilities and refuges. At every step it is Russia who has escalated.

    If Russian propaganda is squealing about it you know the US made the right call on it.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 26,683 Mod ✭✭✭✭Podge_irl

    Its only in a fantasy world that Russia has the ability to get near capturing Odessa or Kharkiv anyway.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,473 ✭✭✭beggars_bush

    looting grain and now steel.

    Next it will be Ukraine's gas and oil reserves

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,461 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    That's what they are there for. That has always been the reason. Ukraine to be in Russia's orbit and cannot allowed to be a sovereign state that determines its own future, and looks West. Everything else was just pretext, lies or moves in the long game. You can see they never game a damn about the people in Donbas who identified as Russia, they use the fighters as cannon fodder or have no qualms about killing the citizens as collateral damage with indiscriminate attacks.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭bobowen

    Surely it doesn't make sense for the Russians to waste missiles on targets like schools that are purportedly empty. I have seen countless clips of gym halls loaded with weapons and Ukrainian soldiers inhabiting them. Filmed by themselves no less. You can find them yourselves if you look beyond the dying 20th century filtered propaganda sources that you all seem to mistake for primary sources.

    There is proof that they have been doing this for years however, from a Unicef report on the purposely ignored Donbass war of the previous 8 years. There's the obligatory "the russians are doing it too but" angle, it being a Unicef report, but the fact is its how the Ukrainians wage war. They inhabit hospitals and schools as a rule.

    Do you deny still that the Ukrainians do this?

    Are Unicef liars under the spell of Putin?'s%20Ministry%20of%20Education%20and,the%20UN%20Safe%20Schools%20Declaration.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,526 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    How do you explain the city of Vinnytsia being hit by Russian cruise missiles? A city to the west of Kiev, hundreds of miles from the couldn't possibly have been a legitimate military target or currently contributing anything to Ukraine's war effort in the south or east.

    That was a clear action of a terrorist state, an ISIS style attack.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,461 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    You can dress it up as "obligatory" Russians are doing it too "angle". So the Russians are doing it too? But it is only how the Ukrainians wage war? You can write this but when someone pauses to read it the contradiction in it is obvious.

    If military forces have been using schools, that makes those schools targets. It does not give carte blanche to indiscriminate attacks without foundation.

    Russia using school in occupied town as a base - photo #22

    More evidence of Russian war crimes targeting civilian refuges. They didn't even claim if was used by Ukraine military but that the Ukrainian military blew it up in a false flag!

    School hit. No evidence of its use for military purposes. Was this a wasted missile? Or maybe the Russians think it wasn't wasted if it killed some Ukranians, even if they were civilians.

    It doesn't make sense for Russians to waste cruise missiles? There was no military target here. Were the cruise missiles or did they serve their intended function, as Russia intended, to inflict civilian casualties and terror?

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭bobowen

    My point exactly. Why would the Russians bomb such a western random target unless they had Intel that there was an important meeting of Ukrainian high commanders going on?

    Was it not interesting that it was soon after this that Zelensky attempted his purge of the head of the SBU?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Could be, or it could be that the attack was indiscriminate one from terrorist scumbags.

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭bobowen

    The question stands. Do you deny that the Ukrainian army use schools as military bases in the current conflict?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Look Kremlinite, the Russian invading army are going to get torched out of Ukraine and will end up retreating bringing as many of their dead stacked on clapped-out trucks as they can when they scuttle towards the border at endgame.

    No one gives sh*t about the crap you're throwing up in the air. Russia is despised from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean and far beyond, and you should reconcile yourself to that. You're shouting into the void trying to make a feeble case for fascism. Until they atone as a people and as a state, the name of Russia is dirt everywhere that matters.

    The war has turned and the Russian army is getting incinerated with missiles from the top shelf of Western armies armoury. Russia is reduced to whatever residual Soviet crap they can get their hands on.

    The youth of Russia are paying the price with skulls split by snipers and unidentifiable charred remains for babushkas to weep over. This is the choice Russia has made with their violation of Ukraine.

    We'll all remember your posts, and I for one won't forget to tag you when Victory Ukraine day arrives. It's coming sooner than you think. Don't hit the bottle when the day comes, it's bad for you. And you only need to look to Russia for the consequences of severe alcoholism.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,461 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    I have not denied it. But I deny the implication that only Ukrainian forces have done so.

    I would also note you have not shown Ukranian use of the such sites in unevacuated towns or cities.

    And I deny that this has affected Russias attacks on civilian targets. They have hit schools and residential taegets far from front lines.

    Do you deny that Russia has deliberately and/or indiscriminately targeted civilian refuges and targets - as per the evidence cited above?

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭bobowen

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    He denies everything. He's in thrall to fascism and is trying desparately to achieve some class of false moral equivalancy in the minds of whoever he can as his boys get incinerated by an army defending their nation.

    He's a merchant of doubt, and a peddler falsehoods. He'll throw anything in the air in case he finds a thicko that will allow it to stick to some part of their brain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,547 ✭✭✭amandstu

    This is not a "conflict".It is an invasion by a large country on its smaller neighbour .

    That country can use whatever methods it sees fit to defend itself.

    The Russian army needs to stay home and protect its own citizens rather than allow itself to be the whipping boys of the anti democratic regime that the USSR has morphed into.

    In fact the Russian army might have something to say to those so called political leaders when they are free to turn their attention to their own country.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Not a racist word was typed. (Are Russians a race? Who knew?)

    Your boys are getting toasted, and if they're lucky they'll be crawling back to the border vowing never to set foot on Ukrainian soil again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,526 ✭✭✭✭Strazdas

    The regime claimed they attacked a building called "The House of Officers" in Vinnytsia, but it now turns out that was just a historical name from 100 years ago and these days it was a well known concert hall.

    A photo of Russian precision bombing in the city (and have a look at how built up the surrounding area is) :

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  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,326 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    Thanks to people engaging with an ignored user pointedly trying to intellectualise state terrorism, one reads pearls like

    My point exactly. Why would the Russians bomb such a western random target unless they had Intel that there was an important meeting of Ukrainian high commanders going on?

    Why would a country bomb civilian targets? This is either wilful nativity or tedious contrarianism for its own sake. Mixed with victim blaming of course; the Ukrainians probably deserved it, they can't have just been innocent people. Disgusting.

    Because, and again to reference the actual colleague in Ukraine I work withliving out West, permanently worried, it keeps Ukrainians afraid, and cowed. Grind down their moral. A Blitz, if you will. I refuse to believe any adult user can't comprehend why an army might indiscriminately attack random targets across the country as a means to antagonise and psychologically belittle.

    Shameful that this thread has become hijacked by such a repugnant segue that tries to justify noted, historical strategies by Russia. Or any morally bankrupt armed force that refuses to minimise civilian casualties.

    Shameful. And more fool us for engaging.

    Post edited by pixelburp on

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,461 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Russia hits Odessa port with missiles even though they just signed an agreement allowing it to be used for grain exports.

    This is how the gangster fascist regime of Russia views agreements it signs.

    This tweet sums up Russian modus operandi

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Sink the Black Sea Fleet, and turn it into a NATO lake. They're trying to starve the developing world and freeze European pensioners this winter. F*ck 'em, all bets are off.

    Zero breathing space for enablers and propagandists from here on out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 925 ✭✭✭ilkhanid

    It's hard to know what they think they are. They're certainly an empire, but they seem to think they are a ''race'' or that they have some kind of special status as the premier slav people and that they have some unique 'Kultur' and a special mission to spread it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,812 ✭✭✭✭bear1

    I don't know why NATO aren't moving in on the black sea and simply mooring their ships off of the Romanian coast.

    Lavrov today stating they won't stop until the Kiev government are out. Barbaric.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭fash

    The "8 year war" in Donbas where for the last 7 years an average of 30 civilians died per year killed by any side (including the ever so humanitarian Russians & their ever so careful & well trained proxies) - 50% of whom were accidental kills by landmines - & where the Russians refused to allow the UN in - or try to bring anyone to the Hague or allow in any international media.

    At what point does spouting Kremlin propaganda become a deliberate lie?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,440 ✭✭✭McGiver

    They think they're "a civilization" - russkiy mir - "Russian World"...

    What a civilization!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,440 ✭✭✭McGiver

    Good to see that some realism has descended into the German government quarters

    That's it. Always been.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,440 ✭✭✭McGiver

    Also, Turkey negotiating something as the middleman for Ukraine shouldn't be trusted.

    Turkey are imperialist "little Russia in the South", very similar to Russia. They will only try to gain leverage and regional power. They are no charity or partner to trust.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭fash

    There needs to be consequences to Russia breaking agreements "Russia broke the ports agreement, US will now send 10 300km missile systems to Ukraine - in future, Russia should think of the consequences before giving & breaking its word"- etc
