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New A2 House Is Freezing!

  • 05-03-2022 7:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 29


    Hope all's well? We moved into our new build in October, and the house was absolutely freezing all winter. The heating comes on and works well, but after about 30 mins it's freezing again. The thermostat is always around 14-18 degrees without the heating on and there's draughts and cold air everywhere.

    We've been back and forth with the developers for over 3 months now and they don't seem to know or care anymore. The house is on a hill, so they've told us we should expect it to be cold. Its suppose to be an A2 house. We've had the the window supplies out to look at windows and ventilation lads in too, and they say all is fine on their end, but they also say something is definitely wrong. 

    We just got a hygrometer in and the Humidity is also 16%. We hear its suppose to be between 40%-60%?

    We've given up on the developer, so looks like we'll need to do it ourselves. Would there be any experts/consultants out there we can contact?


