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A global recession is on the horizon - please read OP for mod warning



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,172 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Apologies I forgot to reply to this post.

    For history I was replying to another poster who said "Food shortages will only start to manifest in spring/summer next year. By autumn and winter it will be quite serious." and I wanted to get a more detailed explanation on what he/she meant by food shortages...for context we had another poster a few weeks back that posted "no fertiliser = no food" which was a bit dramatic and I don't like scare mongering.

    I totally accept that reduced fertiliser production levels and increased costs will have a knock-on impact on food production. Without question. Take for example dairy - The commercial dairy farming industry in particular with their intensive paddock rotation will particularly feel the pressure and probably have to reduce numbers and/or produce less output. (The greens and fishermen will be pleased though). As a result, dairy products will go up in price but at the same time I do not see a shortage of dairy products in Ireland (milk, cheese, yogurt, butter etc). Less to export alright.

    I do see that some product lines that we have to import (e.g. fruit) will become more expensive and possibly scarcer due to production costs, transport costs, droughts etc. That said I always found it odd that my Supervalu grapes in winter came from Chile.

    Bottom line, I dont think anyone in Ireland will starve, food prices will go up and the range of food products may reduce alright. It's the poorer nations that will suffer the most.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,377 ✭✭✭✭tom1ie

    The electrons they provide are from the grid.

    The grid isn’t 100% renewable therefore they can’t be providing 100% renewable electricity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,805 ✭✭✭Wolf359f

    Well according to panda's website, they source 100% renewable electricity.

    Point being electricity is being generated (even when gas was at it's peak) at say 30c a unit and companies are charging some customers 75c a unit.

    The entire market is broken.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Essential services such as electricity generation and distribution should never have been left to the private market, essential services should be provided by governments for the benefit of their people. Profit shouldn't come into it.

    But as usual, it's privatise the profits and socialise the losses.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    I asked you how many EU governments will fall over the winter and which ones as you claimed, you kicked for touch because you don't want to look like a muppet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 687 ✭✭✭Subzero3

    How about a list of elections first. Changes are coming. Ireland will change government 100%.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Keep believe it.Ursula believed it too, unfortunately she miscalculated and we all have pay the price.

    For your attention turbines on NS 2 are made in Russia and can't be used on NS 1 .

    Read history what happened with Napoleon army in 1813-1814 and who turned weapons against him after he left Russia.

    Russian economy had fell down in first 3 months of sanctions.Unfortunately people like you which has nothing to do with reality was hoping about and planning that.There is no proper experts left in Brussels,only Muppets as we can see by what happened after them "sanctions".

    And Oh No ! No cap for Gas prices and same gona happen with oil too.All this was quite predictible after EU couldn't say No to gas and oil from Russia.

    China and India will support price caps brought by USA ? They already getting oil cheaper !

    And the next,after republicans will take Congress after November elections in USA many things will start changing. There is No way democrats will win this elections.

    You need follow events not propaganda!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Governments change via election routinely. No need to stop the presses. Chicken Little 1917 is claiming that many EU governments will fall over the winter because of the energy situation.

    I asked him to put his money where his mouth is and tell us how many, and which ones.

    He got shy, and posted a link from some no-name consultancy and ran-off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 687 ✭✭✭Subzero3

    When governments impose harsh taxes or are seen to be at fault for the high inflation, and rising costs of living it always manifests in the incumbents getting booted out. If you can't see thousands are going to be made redundant in the next few months then maybe thats why you don't believe governments will change.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    The claim from Kremlinite 1917: Many EU govenrments will fall this winter

    The reality: Very very few are vulnerable to falling.

    He wont put his money where his mouth is and tell us how many will fall and which ones.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Same as Sinn Fein came to power on North,the same they will do on South soon.Which government will fall ? Draghi and Borris gone already,the next will be Scholz and Macrone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Elections aren't "governments falling this winter"

    Put your money where your mouth is, how many will fall this winter and which ones?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Not that soon the real fun ,in Ireland will start in February of 2023.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    What fun would that be Nostradamus? You're full of vague predictions of doom, but get very shy when you're asked for details.

    Mostly because your nose will be rubbed in it when your wrong just like your performance in the war thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,407 ✭✭✭✭road_high

    Thank god we have that European Green Deal coming along that will be our saviour 🤗

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    And by the way, Scholz and Macron (learn to spell btw) are going absolutely nowhere. If you had the faintest clue about German or French politics you'd be embarassed in posting what you posted.

    I'm going to come back to you in the first buds of spring, and you'll be reminded of your idiotic Kremlinite doom posting. Your boy in Moscow is more likely to be strung up by his ankles in Red Square in springtime than the above two have of leaving the stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,018 ✭✭✭Jonnyc135

    Totally agree Ireland will have enough money to pay for high priced produce and I would also say that once food price goes up it never goes back down so we will have to get used of paying higher prices. I dont see empty shelves I just see reduced selection of goods, but it will come down to money if you've got it you won't see a shortage. If there are people on the breadline already and the SME sector sees unemployment uptick, then these people will not be able to buy as much food as they previously could. These hard pressed people will resort to lower quality tinned processed food.

    100% correct on the poor nations they will get hit the hardest and they will most probably face famines.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Exactly,covered by black smoke of burning coal ! Soon turf will back to every house in Ireland! And kids will have bring coal and fire wood to schools again! Welcome back to Green Nature which been promised by Greta !

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    How many European governments and which ones will fall this winter?

    You made some big predictions, terribly vague though. It wouldn't be that you don't want it referred back to when the winter is over is it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,172 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Jesus Christ Yurt, who is going to refer back to the vast majority of this thread when winter is over? Who cares. This is Boards, not the UN.

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    Already have R-1917's prediction of mass politcal collapse in Europe bookmarked to remind him in spring. Call it a disencentive for posters like that to post thick comments. I'm doing you a favour whether you realise it or not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,172 ✭✭✭Cluedo Monopoly

    Yeah I am sure he will desist.

    His posts don't bother me but I probably read very few these days.

    I am curious how he knew kids brought turf to school in the old days though...

    What are they doing in the Hyacinth House?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    All this I found in Irish media in last month.

    Shortage of labour in Ireland! There is no houses for rent left and prices are rising every day ! People are leaving this country because all they earn they have pay for rent and food and now bills.

    Young people finishing college has to back to parents houses ! They can't take jobs in cities because can't find house for rent and because young people has difficulty live with parents they has to emigrate!

    FDI are falling! Do you know that Microsoft are creating 36 000 jobs in Qatar? What happening in Ireland at the moment ? Hiring in many multinational in Ireland on halt or people already sent home ! Were PayPal moved some jobs from Ireland already? India ? Who next ?

    Due with rising energy prices the trade deficit in Ireland will be rising ! Export will be less profitable What mean less money will come to Ireland and more will leave ! Farmers production and shortage of labour wi do the job.The trade deficit already started in Germany! Germany folks ! The country which was bigger exporter than China at some stage !

    Ireland doesn't have oil,gas, metals and many more ! All this has to be imported ! It's will be second Sri Lanka with 240 billions of debt on table already !

    When Ireland will stop exporting because already lost cheap labour and doesn't have cheap energy supply the 80s will be sweet dream against horror which already started here !

    When people will start losing jobs the banks will start have problems with mortgages from both landlords and people who took mortgages sides.Car loans and more.Banks will be in trouble again.

    I will not surprised if in 2024 government will not have money to pay social welfare.

    Surely houses prices will fall down but I don't think there will be much people who will want buy them and live in Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 493 ✭✭Shauna677

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,899 ✭✭✭Dickie10

    yes thats a huge bit OTT, BUT in fairness most of the points you hit on are correct. we do have a great thing going for us that we are English speaking in the EU, but also English speaking nations/cities across UAE, Qatar and Bahrain. I do see a day in near future where FDI will start to pull out of ireland or at least stop expanding.

    We are in trouble in the way we have no heavy manufacturing industry to speak of. Agriculture and Food production/processing will again be our major export and the only one we really can excel in and are world leaders in. I do really fear FDI will relocate to SE Asia and BRIC countries and Mexico, and some African countires who are begining to make great social and economic strides. Overall I think we may well have seen our golden era as a nation economically and socially to have passed. Id imagine it wont be long until we see more rdical right wing fringe in politics too as a reaction to wokeism, abortion, catholic church negative publicity etc. theres a much bigger conservative population in ireland than some media outlets would like to imagine, this could become a force with constant , woke toppics and green and environment groups constantly down on them. if vast regions of USA can have rustbelts such as Pittsburgh, Detroit etc then no reason the likes of Cork and Limerick wont end up the same maybe even North Eaast Kildare could see a rusting Intel and HP sites and huge unemployment and crime in Liexlip, Celbridge etc.

    what do people think, could this vista ever occur in ireland. Basically America from 20 years ago to today

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    There's a list as long as your arm why high-end FDI Ireland won't migrate to BRICS countries (of all places). Countries with sensitive IP to protect have long ago realised they need to get out of China. I have yet to see an African country I'd open a spoon factory in, never mind plough billions into. There isn't a country on the continent with rule of law, good governance and the type of political or economic stability and a network of painstakingly negotiated taxation treaties that Ireland has that are absolute pre-requisits to be a major FDI player.

    The above is a Chicken Little post. The FDI sky is not falling down, and above all things, Ireland is razor razor sharp when it comes to FDI competitiveness. Along with Singapore and Israel, we are among the very best and most attractive countries in the world in this space. The idea that chronically misgoverned countries like Tanzinia could suddenly attract, develop and sustain a phara cluster like we have here is Hollywood.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    900 houses for rent by daft report in whole Ireland.

    Expensive or shortage of energy.That is the one of main reasons why for example Microsoft choosing Qatar,the country which has own sources and can provide Unlimited amount of energy needed for data centres.

    Qualified work force and developing markets.Europe market reached the limits and there is no more cheap and qualified labour coming from Eastern Europe.

    Taxation.Qatar has huge incomes coming from selling natural resources and can afford keep taxes low.

    That is only about Microsoft and Qatar.

    Look at Ireland now.Falling European economy and market were growth reached the limits.Before EU companies including Ireland were profiting from EU expansion to Eastern Europe.Now this gone.

    Falling economy and high cost of living in Ireland, falling FDI ,trade deficit will force government reduce spending and bring taxes up.You already can see it this in project of budget which will be brought in October.Middle class will be ripped off.

    Farming without fertilizer with shortage of labour also falling demand on external markets.Not much hope.

    Look at jobs on Indeed.The money most employers offering are at 2011-2015 level when rent was 50 per cent lower.This is far way not enough to support consuming supporting economy for collecting taxes to cover rising debt.And there is no work force which can afford take jobs for that kind of money.

    So here we see very sad picture.There is no place to create new jobs and there is no place to create exporting economy.The Austerity is right behind the door same as rising taxes which will force middle class to leave or avoid this country.

    Finita la Commedia.
