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Eir - Stupidly signed up for broadband at door today. Want to cancel immediately before installation

  • 09-08-2022 11:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 32

    Hi as per title, I signed up to Eir broadband via their door-to-door broadband salesman (stupid I know, fecks sake!).

    I want to cancel immediately.

    It was only done today so no equipment yet sent out, no installation date arranged or even an Eir account made.

    Eir's terms look dodgy at a glance so I'm worried Ill be shafted by ECC (early cease charges).

    Does the cooling off period apply here?

    Best way to cancel this without major hassle?

    Cancellations cool off period info from (see bold text):

    "There are some exceptions when the cooling-off period does not apply. Often this cooling-off period only applies to consumers who enter into a broadband contract online or over the phone.

    If you signed up for a new contract in person, either in a retail shop or by meeting a salesperson, this cooling-off period does not apply if the service is set to begin immediately. This means you waive the right to the cooling-off period."

    From Consumer Association Ireland:

    "Compared to buying goods in a shop, when you make a purchase away from a trader’s premises, including on the doorstep, you have some additional rights with regard to being able to withdraw from a contract. When you buy an item in a shop, you are not entitled to a refund simply because you have changed your mind. However, when you buy off-premises the rules are similar to when you buy goods online and you have a 14-day “cooling-off period” in which you are entitled to change your mind about your purchase and can cancel your order for the goods or service."

