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Problem with current affairs



  • Registered Users Posts: 14,621 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    I am wondering Francie, what do you hope to achieve here by continuously posting here.

    Do you think your line of questioning is going to re-open the doors to CA?

    Are you just using this opportunity to have a rant at everyone who you think has wronged you?

    Do you think repeating your message again and again will change hearts and minds?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,621 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    "The sky isnt blue, water isn't wet, fire isnt hot.... etc.... "

    Rinse and repeat for a few more days.

    There isn't much more to learn here I think.

    Francie and Brucie outed themselves in coordinating their attack on the mods of CA and despite vigorous protests, no one buys it.

    Life will continue, the sun will rise in the east, and Francie/Brucie will feel hard done by.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,623 ✭✭✭✭osarusan

    What a horrendous shitstorm of a thread.

    Post edited by osarusan on

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Because it's none of your business. This is you asking me to prove a theory by an admin with a chip on his shoulder, who supplied no proof, wrong. How would I go about that? You could claim I omitted the ones made me look guilty etc. etc. I already sent the admin a screen grab of where I told francie about this thread, after the admin posted he believed we created it together. So he was wrong there. He's the one needs to put up or stop embarrassing himself.

    Think about it, a team of internet warriors working in cahoots to nobble posts from you and Blanch? Get over yourselves ffs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,480 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    I'd love to know why the mods are giving you free reign to insult and harrass another poster?

    They are posting here, they can see it, but not a word said.

    It pisses all over the idea of impartial moderation.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭CGI_Livia_Soprano
    Holding tyrants to the fire

    This whole idea that you can comment negatively on some politicians (eg Trump, Sinn Féin TDs) but not others (Biden, Fine Gael TDs), is complete and utter bóllocks.

    People have been given too long a shrift to post their paranoid delusions and now this thread is the culmination of that. Some posters are happy to accuse others of shilling for the government, holding multiple accounts, being Soviet spies or whatever. Meanwhile they themselves are coordinating attacks on admins after racking up, what, hundreds of infractions?

    The shoddy “due process” system on boards doesn’t work for certain posters who not only abuse it but for whom it is actively bad for their mental health to use this site. Paranoid rubbish about admins reading PMs. These people should be banned permanently from the site with a links to a local running club or car boot sales to get them out of the fücking house. Niamh Why the hell are you letting (what I just learned is) an admin volunteer get rounded on by a posse of internet lynchists? Beasty seems to be the only person doing any actual moderation (unpaid!) work on this site and yet none of the actual staff are stepping in to stop bad-faith posters from abusing him. Shame on all of you.

    @Beasty, the word you were looking for earlier was “retroactive,” not “retrospective.” Otherwise keep up the good work and I’m looking forward to seeing you down at the lodge this Friday.

    Kidding, kidding.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    Multiple posters have said on the threads in question that it seemed coordinated. Long before this thread was opened.

    The fact both of you have confirmed that is no surprise.

    Maybe you can share who else is in this little group?

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,846 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    As has been pointed out by many including myself the same thing happens in CA and has been happening for a long time. Some given free rein, others submerged with petty arbitrary warnings not even another mod here could identify what the offence was.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Like you, ha long bay, mike the cop, blanch and mark o daly all having the same opinions, tactics and manner happening to stumble across this thread? Yeah, does look suspicious.

    Prove to me that you aren't involved in the illuminati, post your PM's! see how silly you are?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,621 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    Yes, good parallels here.

    "The election was stolen" v "There is no evidence"

    When both are incorrect. Welcome to the world of 2022

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  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭shirrup

    Saying something is true doesn't mean it is true.

    Reminds me in a theory here about 2 posters pming each other with the intention of challenging moderator decisions. Have you seen that evidence or demanded it of those claiming it? And before you try the same tactic as yesterday, pming a poster to make them aware of a thread is not evidence, because that's not what was claimed.

    But now that I have your attention, what's your own opinion, or for what reason do you think that it is off limits, and all traces of posts detailing Leo Varadkars brush with the law are off limits, but Paul Murphy's is apparently fine?

    It certainly appears that the rules are made up depending on the report button bashing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,846 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    The same 'Multiple posters' responding to the dog whistles here???? 😁😁

    Beasty knew he was talking to you guys, he knew what the response would be.

    He has been posting maliciously since the thread began and playing to the gallery you are in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,621 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    I am not harassing anyone. I am asking legitimate questions. I don't have anything to hide here.

    To be honest the thread should be and will be locked as there is nothing new to learn here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,761 ✭✭✭irelandrover

    My opinion, and I know noone asked for it.

    2 groups are ruining CA with their back and forth bickering on every thread.

    One group racked up massive amounts of warnings yet weren't banned, even tho they probably should have been. They opened a thread in feedback and have now been banned.

    No matter what side you are on that looks bad.

    The other side continue to argue and bicker and bait and appear to do so with far less moderation.

    Beasty is doing a good job by himself on a very busy forum, but clearly needs help.

    This dumpster fire of a thread helped no one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,189 ✭✭✭Brucie Bonus

    Where do you stand on an Admin floating a theory to feed trolls and posting a PM (personal message) he received in his capacity as Admin?

    Do you think one person should be allowed post opinions on other posters in threads they are both the mod and admin for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,483 ✭✭✭Quantum Erasure

    The sky isn't always blue/ the sun doesn't always shine/ it's all right to fall apart, sometimes....

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,621 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    Yeap, we are all going on a jolly on the government jet this weekend, drinking expensive french champagne and smoking Cuban cigars, lit with 50 euro notes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    I stumbled on this thread because it is on the front page for days now.

    Beasty didn't send me a PM too ask me to comment on it.

    You understand the difference? one is coordinated and the other isn't

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,621 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    Beasty knew he was talking to you guys, he knew what the response would be.

    What does this even mean? Are you saying Beasty is working on our behalf?

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,846 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Can I ask a make an allegation about who you were before you registered this account in 2017? You have said you remember Devore and *Echor (*even I don't remember him/her and I'm here more that 10yrs)

    It's just based on an instinct/suspicion I have?

    Would that be ok, if I did that?

    If not, you might understand the issue here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 68,846 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    No, I'm saying he knew he could be sure that you guys would take the allegations as fact and run with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel


    This is what I see when I log onto boards. Guess what is sitting for days now on "Latest Posts"

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭CGI_Livia_Soprano
    Holding tyrants to the fire

    I think it’s totally fine when that admin is the victim of a coordinated bullying campaign from paranoid cross-eyed oddballs.

    All the fake, legalese due process bullshít on here doesn’t actually apply, it’s all made up. Boards is a private enterprise, users don’t actually have a lot of rights.

    Certain posters are abusing the dispute resolution process by racking up 80+ infractions and dragging unpaid volunteers into endless PM debates about Sinn Féin. Like I said they should be fúcked off the site and forgotten about. I admire Beasty’s patience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,846 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    None of the PM debates were about SF, nor where they 'endless'.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭CGI_Livia_Soprano
    Holding tyrants to the fire

    Be quiet you. Go outside and stop wasting everyone’s time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,242 ✭✭✭brokenangel

    It would seem a few people would prefer boards was like Twitter when they can openly abuse other users and run multiple accounts without twitter shutting them down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,914 ✭✭✭skimpydoo

    During the Leo the leak situation, if you dared post something anti Leo it was called out as homophobic or racist or you were a SF voter with no evidence to back it up. That sort of carrying on should not be tolerated and yet it is.

    Mods have a tough job to do but they could make it easier by policing on here on a more fairer basis. Is that too much to ask?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,621 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    I imagine continuously talking about Leo Varadkar and the false allegations that he broke the laws were due to:

    a) It was done to death. There were 12,512 posts written about it over 18 months. I am not sure what else is to be gained by talking about it, yet again

    b) People bring it up to have a dig and to troll, as per Beasty's comments. It adds no value to the discussion at hand. Leo Varadkar had nothing to do with Robert Troy yet people wanted to soapbox about him anyway. Why?

    c) Defmiantion laws. Lots of posters were banned from that thread because they alleged, falsely that Leo Varadkar broke the law. That can get Ltd in a lot of trouble

    d) What value does it add to talk about it now? The man is going to be Taoiseach in a few months, surely you want to talk about his policies or something?

    e) There is no 12,000+ post thread about Paul Murphy that people want to talk about time and time again, so that is a red herring straight off the bat.

    f) Leo Varakdar seems to illicit a special type of hate, especially because of his sexuality. Remember that poster Matt Barrett (he closed his account), who was an obsessed weirdo, posting about Leo Varadkar day and night, without fail? Why did he use his Gay partner's name as a handle? No one called it out either apart from me and Blanch. Is that type of posting with strong homophobic connotations and behaviour something you would stand over?

    g) As per above, lots of posts were deleted and posters were site banned because of overt homophobic comments about him. It was like a honeytrap for the worst type of homophobic scumbags out there on the net. Surely you don't want that type of poster here?

    h) One can still talk about Leo Varadkar in the government thread. His job is that is a minister of the government, so people are free to critique him there for his job, NOT for who is he as a person. So there is no censorship going on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭CGI_Livia_Soprano
    Holding tyrants to the fire

    A small coterie of Sinn Féin supporters actively co-ordinate to disrupt discussions (this has been proven) and yet those same users demand fairness from the mods?

    Pull the other one, mate.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,621 ✭✭✭✭markodaly

    You can ask me in PM Francie, and ill respond.

    Is that fair?

This discussion has been closed.