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UPS lost my package and are now looking for Money!!!

  • 13-10-2022 3:34pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2

    I hope you guys can give me some advice.

    I live right on the border of Rep. of Ireland and Northern Ireland and shipped a camera lens worth €900 to the UK for repair work which cost almost €500.

    UPS delivered it back to me but were looking for a custom charge of €162.50.

    The driver told me that the best thing to do would be to return it to the UK and get them to post it to a Northern Ireland address (because it's in the UK).

    This was the last I seen of this lens.

    I was back and forth with UPS and Fixation (the repair guys) for about four months before I just gave up. UPS told me that the package was unretrievable.

    Anyway, about one year has passed and now UPS has got a debt collection agency on to me still looking for the custom charge of €162.50. (really rubbing salt in the wounds).

    Has anyone any advice on what I can do? Do I just pay the money and cut my losses (which already is over €1000) as I'm never going to see this lens again.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,895 ✭✭✭ozmo

    I was looking into this also for myself - thankfully it worked out and I didnt need to go through it all.

    but there is a form on the UPS page to request refund - I know you didnt pay but you could start with that.

    Also on the Gov site about the tax it says you can request a refund of any Tax paid off UPS if you return goods - but you need to get proof from the seller they got it back - that could be tricky.

    Also - you maybe should not have needed to send it back - I got a repair from USA years back - and although they wanted tax - I didnt have to pay it because I had an email trail to show it was a repair not a new purchase - they let it go.

    “Roll it back”
