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Joe Duffy Show RTE 1 Radio - "Shooting Season" 3rd November

  • 03-11-2022 8:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,351 ✭✭✭J.R.

    This was dreadful to listen to - the rubbish that that anti (ex-shooter / hunter) was coming out with

    Joe Duffy Show RTE 1 Radio - "Shooting Season"


  • As a follower of the Liveline thread, I yawned my way through and did useful things like put in the wash. He sure listed a great number of burds, as well as Bambi and friends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭deeksofdoom

    Seriously….. I only got halfway through it, will try and listen to the rest of it tomorrow 🙄.

    Who are these shooting ‘spokespeople’, do they just take it upon themselves to represent the shooting community?

    Where is the NARGC when this shite is happening, surely they could get someone with a bit of PR training that could actually field a couple of questions from antis rather getting into a tit for tat schoolgirl fight on national radio.

    Theres been about 3 instances of these kind of interviews this year, they’ve been a disgrace, the NARGC should sit down with a pen and paper and take down the questions being asked or the points being made by these antis and make up a few answers of their own.

    Great work being done all over the country by various committees and at local level by RGCs as regards habitat development, firearms safety courses for transition year students, etc… to let it all be ruined by Joe Duffy and a bunch of erratic, eccentric and over-excitable dopes left loose to say what the like on the radio.

    NARGC need to held accountable, I’ll be getting onto the club reps to start bringing this matter up at county level.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,732 ✭✭✭Birdnuts

    Joe Duffy loves those kind of cranks - cos I guess its more entertaining for frustrated housewives in Clontarf then having a sensible discussion on the good work GC's are doing around the country bringing back Grey Partridge, Curlew etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 560 ✭✭✭Asus1

    Zero point anybody representing shooting going on a show like that.Firstly it would be fairly obvious what side the show would take,which clearly would be the anti-hunting side and no amount of facts about habitat restoration or endangered bird protection would change that.

    Secondly as it's a live show one slip of the tongue can bury you no matter how small a slip it is,so unless you have a knack for debates the best bet is to let all the antis have their one day on the radio agreeing with each other which makes awful radio so the segment would run out of steam fierce quick.Then they could all get on with eating their ham or chicken sandwich which is made with meat from animals who quiet happily walked to the slaughter line to die a happy death to feed them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,537 ✭✭✭Vizzy

    I only heard the first 20mins of this live on the radio and the "shooting guy" was very good I thought.

    Joe was goading him all the way and no matter what he answered Joe was going to get him.

    There is no doubt that Duffy is a complete media whore and will do anything for the story - he couldn't even pronounce the species that were allowed to be shot during the season - "I heard that people were shooting swallows in Spain XYZ" .

    Who gives a s**t !!. - that is illegal in Ireland.

    But at the end of the day, somebody in Foxrock or Montonette does not care one bit about the legality of shooting game during defined seasons, or the amount of conservation that hunters carry out.

    Nothing to see here lads -move on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭JP22

    Heard the show myself today, nothing new here lads, it’s the same old, same old, nothing new here folks, nothing to look at, please move on………….

    On the subject - It’s either a genuine caller expressing their views or it’s the usual “annual media slot fill” like lots of other subjects, the media runs on funding, you have to fill slots, take your pick as they say.

    IMHO It’s like Puca Night just gone by or the Toy Show; it comes around every year without fail, in our case sometimes several times a year, what’s new?

    Being serious though, as a retired rough shooter/hunter/fowler of 40years, IMHO the three lads (club members going about their legal licensed activities) did their best, and fair play to them, not everyone will go on live radio (myself included) to defend their sport/pastime/tradition,……….

    WHY – because we are NOT debaters, we may know our subject end to end 100% and comply with all rules and regulations BUT you need professionally trained media personnel to defend our position against anti-shooting/anti-hunting/anti-fishing/anti-guns/anti this/anti that/anti-anything plus add vegans, crazy’s, looneys, tree-huggers, etc/, etc,… the list goes on…………….

    I would ask?

    Where were the National Organisations?, where was the Nargc today?, (they claim to represent the largest number of rough shooter/hunter/fowlers in Ireland). Yes, Nargc have done some good media slots from time to time in the past, BUT they were planned, not live and “off the cuff” as they say.

    Organisations (who willingly take our subs each year) and purport to support our traditions and pastimes, etc., need to step up to the mark NOW.

    If they don’t they will lose members like a sinking ship, more and more members will simply say I’m better off as an individual shooter/hunter/wildfowler who has his/her own permissions, so why would I pay subs to a defunct organisation.

    Just my tuppence worth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 396 ✭✭useurowname

    Nargc are well advised not to get into calling the likes of liveline. It’s pure trolling. Always the same, they start with fairly reasonable people presenting an argument or discussion, then start letting in the cranks and stirring it. I listened to some of it and I have to say the first guy from the gun club was excellent, he had his research and had answers for everything he really represented GCs well… but thats not what Joe wants, so on came the cranks to rev each other up. When that man came on with the heavy breathing I felt a bit uncomfortable and switched over 😳

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭deeksofdoom

    Have to disagree here, the first guy on the show gave away too much information, it was him that brought up lead shot and then got led down a rabbit hole on the subject. The whole argument around lead shot seems to be a non-runner now again anyway, it seems to have been debunked. Why bring it up at all?

  • Registered Users Posts: 396 ✭✭useurowname

    Im really offended by that. Im calling Joe Duffy this afternoon.

    He didn’t bring up the led, it was brought up by the anti or joe talking about birds of prey eating it. As for giving too much info, is that not what we want, people to be informed about the sports and the benefit it brings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭deeksofdoom

    Its 'lead' not 'led'..... don't bother going on the Joe Duffy show either!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 396 ✭✭useurowname

    How did the led end up in the rabbit hole?

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,355 ✭✭✭✭Mellor

    The Rabbit didn’t eat his carrots and needed the LED to see in the dark

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,351 ✭✭✭J.R.

    Joe may repeat the questions again that he asked yesterday -

    "Would you shoot your own dog?"

    "Would you eat your own dog?"

    What is the point in trying to talk/argue with somebody on that wavelength?......very unprofessional by Joe!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,022 ✭✭✭deeksofdoom

    You were led, and the rabbit must have ingested the lead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    And the answer to that would be "YES! if I and my family were hungry enough,as well as the cat and a rat if need be!What do you think some people are living off in Ukraine at the moment Joe?" Its defeating the "What about the children" argument by saying "Quite frankly I don't care about the children,and in reality neither do you!" "Its a tactical nuke in an argument when someone introduces "the children" into their point." Bet that fat fool Duffy would have been lost for words there...

    Folks,if you ever want to see how you can shut down people very well in debates,I'd suggest watching folks like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson orTucker Carlson or Milo Yanopulis. All on YT, you don't have to agree with their messages or their lifestyles, but their delivery methods are very impressive.Esp Sharpio because as he says "Facts don't care about your feelings!"

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭Rescueme0007

    Joe Duffy has the gall to fancy himself a "journalist" yet he displays a breath taking amount of bias with no shame.

    As for the imbecile carping on about murder and courage in respect of field sports, any rational lister would identify him as a crank!! It's a waste of time attempting a rational discourse with such buffoons.

    Duffy just wants ratings to protect his massively inflated pay check and notions of moral superiority. I avoid his virtual signaling by turning him off as soon as I hear his smug, smarmy voice!

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭coltmaster

    I agree your sentiment above but you literally just picked the 4 worst people in broadcasting as an example. The way they debate is to use a motte-and-bailey fallacy, to speak fast and shout down their opponent. They frequently either break down in tears or storm off the set with even the slightest bit of push back. (See Shapiro vs Andrew Neil for an example). Milo has no shame so he can sit there and take it though. Duffy is very similar to them as he is a charlatan who just goes along with what his audience/ financial backers want. If Brian O'Driscoll and all the so called influencers took up hunting tomorrow, he would be saying it is great and so ethical vs factory farming etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    Have you watched any Irish politicians debate on TV ? It's nothing but a shouting match of singular points whether right or wrong and who can hog the most minutes of precious airtime by being loudest!

    Sharpio was right to cut off Adams as all Adams was doing was picking off gotcha points that even Sharpio admitted was "The dumbest tweets I've ever sent!" list.

    Point being was Sharpio had his facts[whether one agrees with them or not] and a proper counterargument all set up to Adams's points,whatever they were. Ultimate point being its time to change our tactics than rather be used and led thru a hostile interview like Duffy or whomever for a desired outcome to satisfy the interviewers biases. IOW how well do you think Fluffy would have been able to deal with Sharpio or Tucker Carlson,when even Blindboy Boathouse from the Rubber Bandits could put him in his place?

    PS Thanks for the Motte and Bailey reference.Had to look that one up,learned something new there!🙂

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,023 ✭✭✭✭Grizzly 45

    The rare occasion I listen to that fool,[Llike when I have sorted out my shoelace collection and inventoried my toenail clippings]

    I always wonder is he actually some sort of therapist for those under us who live in homes for the bewildered around the country?

    "If you want to keep someone away from your house, Just fire the shotgun through the door."

    Vice President [and former lawyer] Joe Biden Field& Stream Magazine interview Feb 2013 "

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭coltmaster

    Andrew Neil is a hardcore right wing journalist, his resume speaks for itself, Shapiro wrote a book saying they should not be any conflict between the 2 parties. Neil correctly pointed out Shapiro has long sordid history of expanding the divide (it is literally what he is paid to do) and quoted some of his titles of videos on his YouTube page "destroying the libs" etc. Then they talked about abortion etc and how Shapiro wants to bring the country back to the 50's. Shapiro then said Neil was a woke liberal and that this was a hatchet job and ran off, he later said he was wrong and jumped to conclusions. This would happen everytime he is interviewed outside of the States by someone who did their research. Tucker cuts and doesn't air the shows where people push back against him or he just does the manaical laugh or shouts over the guest. Generally the politicians in Ireland are doing the job because no one else would and anyone that wants to do it is likely not the best person for it. They might be good school teachers or accountants but they generally cannot debate or run the country. Look across the Irish sea, not much better there either.

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