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Kim Garth - Former Irish Cricketer Declares For Australia

  • 23-11-2022 11:33am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,454 ✭✭✭✭

    Headed off to Australia to live and for work but now on the cusp of playing internationally for them....

    I know ireland benefitted from having international players declare for us but I dont think you need to be a mensa member to realise that the likes of Trent Johnson wasn't going to be in the minds of Australian selectors.

    Morgan and Joyce opted out of playing for ireland because it suited them.... how many more...? Boyd Rankin the same ,without their success..

    Cricket needs to get its act together and discourage mercenaries.

    Garth can go to Australia... play copious amounts of club / franchise cricket... get very well paid.. no problem at all... free world..I say good luck to her.

    But international sports people should not have the ability to pick and choose what countries they represent...

    Because once that gets a grip, money starts talking and you'll have people just rocking up to whatever shore.. with the promise of serious dollars....

    It's no longer sport... its just £££££££

    It's a shame to see what's happening in cricket.
