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Dangerous Dogs Owners



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭mohawk

    Obviously, we don’t know all the facts in this case, but do dog owners have any legal responsibility to ensure that their dog can’t leave the property themselves?

    Lots of my relatives are dog lovers and they have spent a fortune on fencing to make sure the dog can’t get out. Same as my next door neighbour his dog can’t come in to us which is great because we have kids. However, locally there are dogs who aren’t kept in. One particular dog every one on the road is afraid of (even those with big dogs themselves) so no one can walk anywhere near that house. Other people I have known over years have had dogs that run out and growl and snap at any passerby. The dog warden hasn’t done anything when contacted.

    Dog ownership is a big responsibility and should be viewed as such.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    Another good write up why the restricted breeds legislation doesn't work in Ireland. Guy sums it up pretty well in his article.

    We love putting down dogs. Ireland, with 800,000 dogs, slaughters nearly as many pet dogs as the UK which has 8 million dogs (~3000 per year). That’s the Irish solution to all the nasty biting dogs.

    I know article is few years old, but I don't think situation changed much, or improved much. Most likely got much worse. So I would say is still relevant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭The Spider

    This is absolute nonsense, pit bulls are not fit to be pets they should all be put down, they are dangerous animals and have absolutely no place in society, if someone had a pet leopard or a pet tiger, you’d say you shouldn’t have them as pets, the same applies to pit bulls, what kind of person wants a pit bull, can someone explain to me? Why are these animals even legal? Christ almighty

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭saabsaab

    Spot on. I know that Collies or Shepards can bite but they are useful dogs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,342 ✭✭✭Zak Flaps

    No mate, it's actually not.

    Can I ask you, do you think that dogs in general are of no benefit to society?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,342 ✭✭✭Zak Flaps

    Saying that pit bulls are monsters is bullshït. Some pit bulls are, but most aren't. I'm not defending them because I own one, I actually don't.

    But I will say that because of their build, size and strength, an aggressive pit bull is more dangerous than most dogs. Unfortunately, a lot of pit bull owners are absolute assholes, the dregs of society, scumbags, absolute cowards and insecure w*nkers who couldn't care less about anyone else but themselves. Mostly these people will not bother training the dog, will neglect and/or abuse it. Any dog treated like that will lash out. But it's way more dangerous when it's a pit bull type. Others will deliberately train them to be aggressive, as there is still underground dog fighting going on, or they like the idea of having a scary dog.....morons!

    As many have stated previously, bull breeds were bred to bite and hold down bulls etc, and then to fight each other. In most of the bull breeds these days, the aggression is gone, and what's left is almost always towards other dogs, not people.

    The owners are the main problem. Any big dangerous dog that attacks people needs to be pts, but the owners have to be severely punished also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 216 ✭✭REPTILEDAN88

    So you're agreeing to the banning of German Shepherds too then. For the record, APBT's (pitbulls is a catch all name for multiple breeds) are used in all sorts of jobs from service dogs to the blind, epileptic, emotional support etc. The vast majority of people couldn't even id the APBT breed if one walked past them in the street, sure in my experience even the dog wardens here don't know the dogs on the restricted breed list. For one theres no official breed as English Bull Terrier, its just Bull Terrier and Bandog is not a mix of any of the listed breeds its a mix of any Molosser breed basically bull/mastiff type breeds crossed sure that could be anything including crosses of any RB list dogs too. There wasn't as much coverage for the 3 month old killed by an unknown Terrier breed in 2020 or calls for her guardians/dogs owners to be jailed same with the 8 year old boy killed in 2021 by the families Rottweilers. Yeah APBT's (along with other breeds) can be dangerous but banning them or well anything never worked, look at the UK where they along with 3 other breeds were banned, theres more of them there now than ever. As the former owner of a Bull Terrier i've been attacked by off lead dogs from Huskies, Jack Russell x's, Beagles and when I flagged down a garda car the first thing I get asked is he aggressive, same when we would walk him, certain neighbours calling Gardai to report a dog with no muzzle who by law even if it is a technicality of isn't required. My brother and I kept him on a 3ft lead and weren't the types to be hanging around street corners either looking to intimidate people which is often the stereotype people seem to have of young males with these supposed aggressive dogs, if my dog was as dangerous as people portray him by his looks he'd probably have killed that Husky that was attached to his face when it attacked him one night I had to walk on looking for anyone to help while holding my dog on his lead as if I went near the Husky id likely be the one with injuries, the Beagle incident was again an offlead out of control dog that came over 3 times in the space of probably 20mins attacking my dog while he was on the lead under my control the same can't be said for that Beagle, the JR x's were from a house in my estate who would run out of the garden to attack passing dogs, oh and another case was someone in my estates West highland Terrier offlead coming into my garden where my dog was tied up as my brother cut the grass, my dog starts barking and we get comments of oh he should be wearing a muzzle, now consider the fact that he was on my property and someone elses dog who by the laws definition was not under control and we're the ones in the wrong there ?

    For the posters commenting on how many people are killed by pitbulls, yes its alot but remember theres 330million+ people living there and APBT's are much more common in alot of the US. The dog licence fee or tax rather as thats all it really is, doesn't make you a competent pet owner, should be put into training courses for all dog owners or prospective owners with socialisation classes and obedience etc maybe then we'll see a change in how people handle owning and caring for dogs, for social housing have insurance required for any breed, keep restricted breeds banned and actually enforce it, don't like it move out, owning any dog or any pet is a privilege not a right when theres harsher consequences for both animal cruelty and neglect like stopping puppy farms or peoples dogs being the culprit of attacks, dont wait till the horse has bolted as the saying goes because if the case this thread started over is anything to go by it was this dogs 2nd time showing aggression to children and it was a breed banned from being in social housing too so as much as the owner and dog are to blame the authorities have to shoulder some blame here too considering it could have been completely avoided.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,323 ✭✭✭Tilikum17

    We have a 3 legged yorkie had a staffy. I wouldn’t trust the yorkie with any of my nieces/nephews. He’s nipped my nephew already. The staffy on the other hand is incredibly with the kids

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,797 ✭✭✭✭gmisk

    I think the difference is...the Yorkies bite won't do much damage but a staffies could.

    I personally love staffies my others half's father breeds them and there is a reason they are called nanny dogs. But a dog like that with a bad really have no guarantee it won't attack someone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,323 ✭✭✭Tilikum17

    any bite from any dog can do serious damage. This particular time, the yorkie was asleep in his bed. My nephew thought it would be hilarious to sneak down and roar in his face. The yorkie (terrified) bite him just above his eye. Literally an inch lower and his eye would of been gone.

    do you still think they’d do little damage?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,323 ✭✭✭Tilikum17

    I think anyone that owes a banned breed dog. If your dog attacks someone like the child in story. You should be done for it - prison time

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,420 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    I demand the right to keep a pet wolf at my home

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,420 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    The yorkie snapped once. A pit bull would have kept attacking until your nephew didn't have a face anymore

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,784 ✭✭✭Buddy Bubs

    Unless they start cross breeding yorkies with seagulls and they have beaks instead of mouths, your nephew was never losing an eye.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    You should contact your local TD on that matter. Don't think law is in your favour at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    they should all be put down

    Starting post with..This is absolute nonsense..and then proceed to post nonsense.. Christ almighty

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,797 ✭✭✭✭gmisk

    Your are using one very specific example...any dog or indeed animal in the world could have reacted like that...your nephew has learned a lesson...good.

    But a simple fact... a bite from a Yorkie is massively less likely to cause serious damage versus a big dog like an XL bully...

    I am pretty sure there aren't too many Yorkies literally ripping kids apart like that poor kid on Wexford.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,797 ✭✭✭✭gmisk

    Exactly...slight difference.

    You might need to choke or literally break the jaw of a pit bull when it bites down!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,024 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    Your straw man fallacy was asking if people should be banned because of the number of murders committed. Dogs are not people, people are not dogs. We very clearly, and rightly, treat people and dogs differently in every conceivable way - legally, socially, ethically.

    The fact that dogs can have a benefit to society doesn’t make dogs comparable to humans in this way. There’s lots and lots of things that have a benefit to society that aren’t humans, aren’t treated as humans and are regulated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 259 ✭✭pauly58

    I read in Phil Drabble's book "Of Pedigree Unknown" where he says American GI's returning home after the war took with them the original dog pit fighting Stafford Bull Terriers which were the origins of the Pit Bull Terrier.

    I would think a sterilisation programme of them along with the same penalties for allowing them in a public place without a muzzle as that for having a loaded gun in a public place.

    It seems there were failures by the Housing Authority as well as the Gardai, let alone the clown that owned this dog, so very sorry for the lad & his family.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,323 ✭✭✭Tilikum17

    Yeah… clearly know what youre taking about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭The Spider

    Well they should be put down, pit bulls are dangerous as you get, if people kept hyenas as pets there’d be calls for them to be destroyed because they’re dangerous animals, they’re not suitable as pets, or taking the chance that they’ll get out they need to be removed, why on earth would anyone keep these dangerous animals? Answers on a postcard please

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭The Spider

    Why do you want a dangerous dog? It’s not crazy, oh I want a pet leopard but my neighbours are pressuring me not to get one, listen to yourself FFS

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,987 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    I'm amazed people are still pushing this "pit bulls aren't dangerous" line.

    Every single one is a danger and every single owner is a scumbag.

    No exceptions. No, your little Tyson is not harmless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    You are still at it. Take a deep breath and think. Hysterical comments like this one won't do any good to anyone.

    Calling for one breed to be destroyed, because of some idiots deciding to own doggies from that particular breed and make a shīt out of them, will only lead to destroying more breeds, because guess what, those same idiots will move on to another breed and they'll do exactly the same shīt. One of the reasons ( out of many) why your genius approach won't work.

    As I said, take a deep breath and think!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,346 ✭✭✭Jequ0n

    No no, hysteria and over emotive reactions always play out well. Always.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭The Spider

    The reason they can make a **** out of them is because they’re bred for fighting, if not bred out of existence they should be extremely restricted and I mean restricted like ak47s are restricted, all of them should be neutered and sterilised, if you want one you need a special license from the government and proof that you need it for security or whatever, and the cost should r upwards from 10grand and any you buy is neutered.

    If it causes damage then you personally are liable and face prison time for its actions.

    When foot and mouth happened all cattle were euthanised there were mountains of burning cattle here and in the UK, I have absolutely no problem taking a similar approach to pit bulls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭The Spider

    I just don’t think dangerous animals like these are pets, just as I don’t think Hyenas are pets, I’d equate both as the same, pit bulls are the number 1 most dangerous dog in the world.

    The yoke above is not a pet by any stretch of the imagination and shouldn’t be treated as such

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,059 ✭✭✭xhomelezz

    Look, I'll leave you at it. At the end, your thinking is your problem, not mine. There's plenty to read in, think I've posted few links and articles to show its not as simple as " kill'em all ", some posters think it is that simple. I think those posts are of very very limited view of things. So anyone who mention crocodiles, tigers and hyenas and somehow manage to compare them to dogs is just "limited". But keep posting, if you find more pics to suit your narrative, man/woman fire them up here..

    Post edited by xhomelezz on
