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Strained Family Relationships

  • 27-12-2022 9:32pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11

    I'm in my mid 30s and for the last few years, my relationship with my mother has become strained.

    I am struggling with how to navigate through it and get it back on track and curious if others have experienced similar trends?

    Our relationship used to be very strong. We were extremely close however I feel as I have gotten older, become more independent and mature, the relationship has become distant.

    I am beginning to therapy soon to try to uncover the core reasons and to attempt to get us back on track although suspect my mother may need to participate in these sessions too.

    Anyone had similar experiences / issues?

    Post edited by HildaOgdenx on


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,866 ✭✭✭✭Jim_Hodge

    Honestly, wait for therapy rather than taking all kinds of advice from random strangers.


    Warning applied - Personal Issues is a space for people to come to ask for advice.

    Post edited by Big Bag of Chips on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 939 ✭✭✭bitofabind

    Why do you feel like you need to be extremely close to your mother?

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 7,301 Mod ✭✭✭✭Hannibal_Smith

    Our relationship used to be very strong. We were extremely close however I feel as I have gotten older, become more independent and mature, the relationship has become distant.

    I would have thought that was fairly normal, as you grow up and gain independence the relationship with your parents naturally changes.

    Is there animosity between you? Or is it the distance that is making it feel strained?

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 7,936 Mod ✭✭✭✭HildaOgdenx

    I am beginning to therapy soon to try to uncover the core reasons and to attempt to get us back on track although suspect my mother may need to participate in these sessions too.

    That would have to be your mother's choice as to whether she participates or not in therapy.

    I suggest go ahead with your own therapy and see what comes from that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,411 ✭✭✭1874

    Not that Im asking what the problems are, but without knowing it's difficult to know why you are deciding to go to therapy?? Unless you know something specific (again, not asking) why are you assuming the problem is your fault or something you can fix alone or simply that its not the other person at fault. Children grow and are entitled to their own opinions and decisions (While that refers to any adult child, I'm specifically referring to older adults, maybe even with their own children), sometimes (grand) parents cant help but still think they can tell their own children what to do, when they are grown adults, advice and telling are two different things. It's great to have advice, but people can also grow apart, including children and parents.

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  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 7,936 Mod ✭✭✭✭HildaOgdenx

    Mod Note - As the thread has been inactive for some time and the OP has not returned to it, I am closing the thread.

    OP if you wish to have it reopened at any time please contact any of the PI mods.


This discussion has been closed.