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Replanting - Predipped

  • 13-02-2023 10:13pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 326 ✭✭

    Just wondering with regards to replanting a sitka spruce forest...if Predipped or spray saplings is better on preventing pine weeval? Which is more cost effective and effective on prevention?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 319 ✭✭Vittu

    Dipped is better in the first year, you will probably be spraying in second year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 718 ✭✭✭$kilkenny

    Dipped plants are only good for about 8 weeks after planting as the chemic washes off them. So if they are planted too early the dipping is pointless. So around now would be pointless until end of march maybe. It will most likely need spraying in August/September if the weevil are going strong.

    It can be hard or impossible to get dipped trees as coillte are the only ones that produce them and the private nurseries don't have the facilities to as far as I'm aware.

    Best practise would be to buy large plants if possible so they have a higher survival rate against weevil but they still need to be controlled and plant the site as soon as possible after clearfelling. Ideally large dipped trees if they can be got.

    The new weevil is alot better than the older stuff and you can most likely get away with 1 spray a year rather than 2 and hopefully spraying for 1 or 2 years.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I prefer to buy large strong 50c+ dipped trees, plant at latest 2nd week April. Dip stays on kills first round of weevil, and trees stronger and effectively resistant by he second wave. The odd tree to be replaced but infinitely preferably to spraying from a certainty of application to environmental concerns.
