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Replacing part of a toilet cistern flush system - possible?

  • 20-02-2023 10:17pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,804 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    The bottom retainer piece of the flush system which the push button screws through the cistern lid into has shattered resulting in nothing happening when the button is pushed down. The rest of the system works fine and with the lid off the cistern the toile can be manually flushed.

    Rather than replace the full flush mechanism which in my case will definitely have to be outsourced to a professional plumber I'm trying to find out if it's possible to just replace the top part of the flush mechanism which connects to the push button and activates the flush.

    The piece inside the pink circle has broken away, see area circled in blue below.

    I guess my question is whether or not the top section circled in green below can be retro fitted to the existing flush mechanism thus removing the need to do a full replacement of the flush system or does the full flush system need to be replaced?

    Appreciate your thoughts and guidance.

