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How to fill my planter

  • 03-05-2023 10:50am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9

    I have built a sleeper planter. I want to fill it. I have some garden degree such as loral branches. I also have to dig out the rest of my garden to lay fake grass.

    my main question is can I use the turf / scraw grass to bed the bottom of the planter or will that cause issues. Ie can I cut it out in sods grass and all and will it decompose if it’s well covered with proper soil or will it cause issues.

    hope I made my self clear


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 29,343 ✭✭✭✭looksee

    I'd be a bit cautious of putting scutch in that planter, and there is almost certain to be some scutch in your lawn grass. If it digs up without the tell-tale white runners then you might be ok, but scutch will come to the top no problem. Put the sods in a single layer upside down at the bottom. Its really not deep enough to put in a lot of branch-bits. As they rot down the whole level will sink quite dramatically (I have one barely half full raised bed that proves that point!) and you will have to find a way of topping it up. It will drop a bit anyway so make sure it is well filled to the top with soil.
