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Google photos

  • 18-07-2023 8:03pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,093 ✭✭✭✭

    I have 4 active google mail accounts and last year I got a new phone and set up Gmail on it using GM4.

    The 15 GB limit has been reached so I want to switch the phone to GM1, which has 100 GB paid storage.

    I set about deleting GM4 from the phone and it said that everything would be deleted under this account.

    Is this just off the phone in question or everywhere?

    So if I delete GM4 from the phone, what account will be used for G photos

    Thanks as always

    ps I have the 4 accounts active on the computers as well as on another phone.

    The new phone I use for site photos which I need to keep for 7 years as a BER assessor

    “I can’t pay my staff or mortgage with instagram likes”.

